
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · 奇幻
33 Chs

Chapter 30

Xegren: Half of you go back to HQ and the rest of you keep looking for Josefu with me

Forsaken soldiers: yes sir!

(To Josefu the cave)

Josefu: (Breathing heavily) I need to gather energy to recover...I have to hurry

(Josefu sits then begins gather energy from outside the cave, after sometime passes Josefu hear footsteps approaching the cave)

Josefu: !? (Thinking to himself) Is that them!? dammit I'm not fully recovered yet...

(The footsteps get closer and louder as the splash in the puddles while it rains)

Josefu: (Thinking to himself) looks like I ha e to fight my way out...

(Closing his eye Josefu starts channeling his energy preparing himself to rush off)

Josefu: Thunder God King Strike!!!

(Josefu dashes out lounging towards a shadow figure outside the cave trying to pierce them, but suddenly Josefu comes to a complete stop)

Josefu: !?

Axezeal: mhm huh who are you?

(Josefu looks at his sword a bit couldn't even pierce through his skin)

Josefu: (Thinking to himself) how is that possible!

Axezeal: Why are you in my cave are you with them?

Josefu: ?

(in a flash Josefu's head slams into the ground knocking him out, hours later Josefu wakes up from the smell of meat being cook)

Josefu: ...huh!?

(Josefu instantly tries to move but can't because his is bound by rope, he looks around and sees a figure sitting by the fire)

Axezeal: Oh your awake, I didn't mean to knock you out I didn't know you were so weak

Josefu: (Angry) Who are you?

Axezeal: Who am I? I should be asking you that, I was coming home and you attacked me out of nowhere.

Josefu: ….

(Axezeal releases killing intent towards Josefu, suddenly forced to the ground as he walks to Josefu)

Josefu: !? (thinking to himself) what id this pressure I am feeling...this guy is crazy strong, just who is he?

(Axezeal Crouching in front of Josefu)

Axezeal: not going to talk?

Josefu: (sighing) I didn't know this was your cave, I thought you were the ones chasing me

Axezeal: mmhmm

(Axezeal stops his killing intent)

Axezeal: alright, I'll let you live then I can tell your telling me the truth

Josefu: (gulps)

Axezeal: you are lucky I didn't kill you and only knocked you out

(Axezeal goes back to the fire getting ready to eat the meat)

Josefu: are you going to unite me?

Axezeal: haha no, I don't trust you quite yet

Josefu: Tsk

(Axezeal process to eat in front of Josefu, mad Josefu continues to gather energy)

Axezeal: Hey what are you doing brat!

Josefu: (angry) my name is Josefu not brat and I'm just recovering my injuries

Axezeal: ....alright continue (Thinking to himself) does he not know?

(Axezeal gets up and stand over Josefu)

Axezeal: you know you're doing that the wrong way

Josefu: huh, what do you mean?

Axezeal: the way you're gathering energy is wrong, I can tell you get powers from that sword.

(Josefu is shocked that Axezeal found out the secret to his sword already)

Josefu: ho..how did you know?

Axezeal: For one I'm pretty strong, when you suddenly attacked me I felt a strong power coming from it. it seems

Josefu: well your wrong there isn't a demon in this sword and this power is my own

Axezeal: (Thinking to himself) his own? does that mean they already became one (out loud) that means either he didn't teach you properly how to manage your energy

Josefu: what do you mean he? what do you know?

Axezeal: I am also similar to you a contract holder, but as I was saying that power was not your originally so you have to use it how they would, that's why I said your demon must not have told you everything.

(Josefu looks confused)

Axezeal: you're quite fortunate to run into me I can do you a favor and teach you a better method to use.

Josefu: better method?

Axezeal: yes, their are many contract holder but not many in this realm. each holder has a unique gathering method meant for their.... !? looks like we have quest

Josefu: !? it must be them, let me go!

Axezeal: no don't worry I will handle this

(Axezeal leaves doesn't in the cave walking out, to Xegren outside)

Xegren: What is this?

(Xegren stares at the cave and notices something off about it)

Xegren: (Thinking to himself) what is this, I can see why the soldiers didn't find him last time, there is a barrier...Josefu shouldn't be able to make one...!?

(Xegren jumps back nervously)

Xegren: what is this feeling?

(Walking menacingly Axezeal sets out the cave)

Axezeal: I have unwanted guest!

(Axezeal releases killing intent and Xegren's soldiers rushes him surrounding Axezeal quick, then Axezeal raises his arms)

Axezeal: Hells Spike!

forsaken soldiers: !?

(In a flash the tattoo on his body expands from his bodying shooting spike out, piercing their bodies killing them)

Xegren: WHO ARE YOU!!!! How dare you goes against the Eternals!

Axezeal: Eternals!?

(Axezeal let's out an overwhelming killing intent at Xegren)

Xegren: (Nervous) !?

Axezeal: So you are part of the Eternals...you know I really don't like them

Xegren: !? Eternal Force!!

(Xegren instantly powers up charging a attack)

Axezeal: oh let's see what you got

Xegren: infernal kick!!

(Xegren rushes swinging his foot at Axezeal's face with fire bursting from it)

Axezeal: .....

(Axezeal Tanks the kick to the face standing there)

Xegren: !? (thinking) he just took the attack

Axezeal: Shadow Quack

(Axezeal's tattoo covers his whole body and the ground starts to rumble, Axezeal sets his hand on Xegren's chest pausing for a moment then emerging bursting through Xegren shadow spike piece him)

Xegren: (Coughing up blood) you...bastard

Axezeal: your group is really annoying

(Axezeal pullis the shadow spike out of Xegren then he falls over onto the ground)

Axezeal: tsk now my food is cold

(Axezeal looks down at Xegren)

Xegren: (Coughing) Phoenix...Rebirth

Axezeal: !?

(Suddenly a flash of light appears healing Xegren wound the strong light also blinds Axezeal sight as xegren runs off)

Axezeal: damn! the rat is gone (Sighs)

(Axezeal goes back into the cave,Josefu surprised to see that he returned and is nervous)

Axezeal: ha you scared now, now that they are gone lets get back to business

(Axezeal finally unties Josefu letting him get up and stretch)

Josefu: finally!!

Axezeal: come on let's eat

(Axezeal heats the meat back up and eats with Josefu)

Josefu: (Munching)

Axezeal: So the Eternals we're after you?

Josefu: (swallowing his food) yeah, they used my as a test subject killing him and now they want me

Axezeal: ....

Josefu: so what is this method to use my powers correctly

Axezeal: If I teach you, you will have to completely learn a whole new why of controlling your energy. it will not be easy, how u been fight is how you been fighting since before you formed the contract. get some rest we will start training tomorrow.

Josefu: alright

(Axezeal and Josefu finish eating then sleeps, the next morning Axezeal wakes up)

Axezeal: WAKE UP!

(Axezeal kicks Josefu in the stomach knocking him into the cave wall)

Josefu: Ugh!! (Coughing)

Axezeal: get up training begins now

Josefu: (Grunting Angry) Did you have to do that!

Axezeal: you have to always be on guard, you have people after you what if I was a assassin.

Josefu: .....

Axezeal: first before we start, show me your sword style in advance before I teach you this method.

Josefu: okay

(Josefu draws his sword then preform his sword techniques in front of Axezeal, after a few moments)

Axezeal: alright stop, after seeing you perform I will now be teaching you Origins Control

Josefu: Origins Control?

Axezeal: lets me give you a summary of how energy works in the underworld, Everyone has access to energy but if different based on the elements they use. the common way to gather energy is towards the core, but that is still wrong and most people don't know that. Fire element user gather energy to their hearts, Water user is the only one that gathers to their core, Wind is to their lungs and dark is to the veins. what I will be teaching you is a external method for your lightning element.

Josefu: slow down this is a lot of information

Axezeal: (Sighs) just sit down and listen external methods are extremely dangerous for the body but unfortunately for you this is your only option.

Josefu: I thought we were training but it seem I'm getting lectured

Axezeal: (Angry) SHUT UP!

(Axezeal hits Josefu on the head)

Axezeal: I will show you how Origins Control works

(Axezeal sits down then starts to gather Shadow energy)

Josefu: Woah!

(The shadows from all around begin surging towards Axezeal,Shocked Josefu thinks to himself)

Josefu: (Thinking) he is gathering all the shadow energy around us...This is crazy

(Axezeal stops gathering energy getting back up)

Axezeal: just so you know the way to get stronger is increasing the proficiency with your element.