
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · 奇幻
33 Chs

Chapter 27

(1 hour later Josefu finishes practicing)

Josefu: (breathing heavily) seems my physical and stamina has gotten better, I should head to the nearest town.

(Josefu deeper into the forest heading north, suddenly a knife is thrown at Josefu)

Josefu: !?

(Josefu dodges the knife jumping back)

bandit: hahaha your lucky I almost had you

Josefu: ....

(10 bandits appear from behind)

Bandit Boss: give us all your belongings

(The boss points his sword at Josefu)

Josefu: I'll give you all one chance to leave I am not in the mood for bandits..MOVE ASIDE!

(Josefu releases killing Intent at the Bandits, some of them are shocked and scared)

Bandit Boss: Who do you think you are, Get him!

(4 bandits rush Josefu)

Josefu: (sighing)

(Josefu grabs one of the bandits by the neck)

Josefu: I gave you one chance and you didn't take it..

(Josefu summons lightning vaporizing the bandit he was holding)

Josefu: Raijin's Domain!!

(striking down lightning hits the other 3 bandits near Josefu, screaming for a brief moment the fall over and die)

Bandit: woah boss he's strong!

Bandit Boss: Why are you scared, I'll handle him useless

(The boss bandit charges Josefu)

Josefu: Condense Red Hell!!

(all of a sudden the bandit boss is stunned, Josefu in one movement draws his sword cutting the bandits boss head off)

Bandit: Boss!!

(the remaining bandits overwhelmed by Josefu they begin to run away from Josefu screaming) and

Josefu: annoying..Raijin's Domain!

(Raining lightning down Josefu kills the rest of the bandits trying to flee, then continues traveling in north)

Josefu: now it's quite

(over to Lucy and the others laying low)

Snake: do you think Josefu is alright?

Lucy: I don't know he wasn't mentally stable all I can do is hope

Shinya: I still can't believe we left him there

Lucy: it was nothing we could do, staying there would have resulted in all of us getting killed or captured we were just spectating their fight anyway

Shinya: I know but...

(Shinya get a little upset)

Snake: it's been 2 days and Josefu hasn't tried to come find us

Lucy: that doesn't matter we are the rebellion forces with or without Josefu, Snake I know you pledged yourselves to humble but right now we need your help

Eva: she is right Josefu chose to stay and fight

Shinya: ....

Lucy: he will come find us when he wants

(A year passes and Josefu is currently sleeping in Drake valley, in a cave deep in the valley Josefu wakes up)

Josefu: (yawning) what should I do today

(Josefu begins think to himself out loud)

Josefu: mhmm what am I in the mood for today bear meat or a Wolf, I'll go will a boar today

(Josefu leaves his cave going out to hunt a boar to eat, moments later dashing Josefu jumping from tree to in tree he finally arrive to the boars gathering place)

Josefu: let's wrap this up..Thunder God King Strike!

(Josefu instantly stab a hole right through a boar killing it, the other boars run away. Josefu walks over to the boar grabbing it dragging it back to his cave)

Josefu: haha breakfast is served now just got to get back

(minutes later back at Josefu's cave, as he arrives Josefu sees a unfamiliar person standing there in front of the entrance)

Josefu: Who are you?

Xegren: Its good to see you Josefu, we have been looking for you

Josefu: Who is we...look here I don't know who your are but you better leave

Xegren: of course, but before I do I have a message from my leader..I am from the Eternals a groups of high level being that work in the shadows and you have something that we want.

Josefu: the Eternals...I have something your leader wants?

Xegren: yes, it has been hidden for a very long time..

Josefu: (Thinks to himself) is it Diablo's powers that they are after

Xegren: Just know..WE WILL HUNT YOU!!

(Xegren releases killing intent)

Josefu: tsk

(Josefu response releases killing Intent also, they glare at each other intensely)

Xegren: hahaha

(Xegren stops his killing intent while laughing)

Xegren: that was your gift to you, keep you guard up we will meet again

(Xegren vanishes from the front of the cave)

Josefu: (Angry) what the heck was that, he just ruined my morning...The Eternals huh

(Josefu brings the dead boar inside and put is it over the fire cooking it while he sits thinking to himself)

Josefu: (Thinks to himself) this Eternals group must be connected to the King somehow

(about 30 minutes later Josefu eat the the boar meat)

Josefu: (chewing) I guess it's time to move

(at the New Rebellion stronghold)

Lucy: How is the current battle with the emy forces going?

Snake: mhm good so far, Eva has taken her platoon she sent a messenger saying the mission is going well

Lucy: alright keep me informed, Arulich I need you to go find someone for me

Arulich: as you wish

(back to Josefu in drake valley)

Josefu: I haven't been outside of this valley for a year..I'll keep heading north I haven't been fully through drake valley

(After a few days Josefu leaves Drake valley and finds a town)

Josefu: Finally a town!

(Looking from a distance Josefu sees a town, going close he enters the town and is overcome with a uneasy feeling)

Josefu: this doesn't make sense, how can this town be abandoned...I don't feel a single soul here

(walking through the town Josefu finds dead bodies of the townspeople's all throughput the town, Josefu goes near the town square)

Josefu: who did this? this is beyond cruel to kill random people

(suddenly filling the air a black fog, a eerie voice speaks to Josefu)

Lich: Bahahaha...How unlucky for you to come here while I'm feeding

(Appearing through the fog a Lich, in a robe floating in the air above Josefu)

Josefu: a Lich? so you killed everyone

Lich: Demon boy you will join these people as nutrients for me to get stronger...Undead Festival!

(black energy flows into the bodies and they begin to rise becoming undead surrounding Josefu)

Josefu: do you think dead people can kill me?

Lich: I'm not done yet...Death Wave!

(The Lich releases energy sending it to the undead)

Josefu: (thinking) What's this energy he gave them isn't something I can laugh at some of them are mid B and A rank now, the problem is the numbers.

Lich: Bahahaha you scared now your soul smells great you will taste good!

Josefu: damn...Raijin's Flow, I will use you to test what I've been training

(Josefu skin turns blue and red lightning appears over his body)

Lich: GET HIM!!

(The Horde of Undead rush Josefu, drawing his sword spinning striking the undead with lightning)

Josefu: come get me (thinking while fighting) Raijin's Flow doesn't last very long since I haven't its protects me its similar to Lucy's body hardening, I have to hurry its harder to use than I expected in battle.

(a few minute's later Josefu kills about half of the undead the lich summoned)

Lich: Looks like your was right mere undead can't kill you...Dark Knight!!

(multiple undead drop to the ground and the lich's energy leaves them flowing into the ground then its begins to rumble)

Josefu: what now!?

(bursting from the ground large death Knight appear crawling there way out the ground, when they get from in the ground they draw their swords and charge Josefu)

Lich: it's time I got serous...Undead Flame!!

(The Lich shoots a Blue flame at Josefu)

Josefu: Thunder God King Strike!!

(Josefu swings his sword cutting the flame in half dispersing the flame)

Josefu: try harder

(stomping towards Josefu the death knights)

Josefu: ha!

(Swinging down onto one of the death knights shield it's blocks his attack)

Lich: Hold him!!

(The death knight drops it's shield lunging forward grabbing Josefu)

Josefu: !?

Lich: Now!!

(Appearing hurling it's sword, a death knight hits Josefu's shoulder and bounces off after hitting him leaving a creak on his shoulder)

Josefu: (thinking to himself) glad I'm using Raijin's flow or that would have cut into me

(Releasing a small Lightning Charge knocking the death knights off of him then jumps onto a roof)

Josefu: (thinking to himself)I shouldn't keep going, I don't know how strong this lich is and it's already killed everyone in this town

(Josefu dashes away through the town leaving)


(The undead horde chases after Josefu, successfully escaping from the lich and it's horde making back into the forest)

Josefu: (sighing) crazy for a lich to take over a town but it's nothing I can do..!?

(Josefu hear a twig break near him)

Josefu: Who is it!!

(Josefu slices through a tree cutting it down and there a person stands there Josefu points his sword at him)

Arulich: Woah hold on. not a enemy!

Josefu: who are you?

Arulich: I am Arulich a captain from the rebellion stronghold

Sorry for not posting the past few days, there has been a death in the family and its has been a little hard on me. I am currently making a new map for W.O.T.N.A, I will put it in discord. please rate my book or add it to your libary

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