
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · 奇幻
33 Chs

Chapter 26

Josefu: Thunder God King Strike!

(Without warning Josefu releases a power attack destroying a few more houses)

King: !? Now that was dangerous

(The King continues on to Josefu)

King: Savage Charge!

(Channeling Lightning in front of him Josefu make a shield of lightning to block the attack, the king in his demon beast form slams into Josefu.)

Josefu: (spits blood out his mouth) ugh...Raijin's Domain!!

(Red lightning storms down hitting the king's large body)

King: you think that's going to take me down!!

(The king opens his mouth and gathers energy)

Snake: we have to move!

Lucy: yeah he's gathering a abundant of energy

(Snake and the other move a safe distance from the king and Josefu)

Shinya: Josefu Move out the way!

King: True Kings Spear!!!

(The King shoots a gold beam out at Josefu, as the beam approaches Josefu he closes his eyes. suddenly a wave of energy deflecting the beam, appearing on Josefu sword of the bass of the blade a runic word engraves itself there)

King: !?

(the sword leaves Josefu hands and floats in front of him, shooting the the runic letters, energy flows into Josefu's left eye begins glowing)

Josefu: Ahhhh!

king: what's going on!?

(To Lucy and the others)

Lucy: I can't believe he stopped that

Snake: what's going on with his sword

Eva: it's hard to believe that Josefu is this strong

Shinya: yeah

(over to Josefu again the energy from the sword begins to engrave a seal on his left shoulder, the runic seal for Lightning. suddenly the surging energy disperses and red lightning sparks from Josefu left eye)

Josefu: Take this...Thunder God King Strike!!

(Josefu vanish then re-emerges above the King slicing one of his horns off)

King: Urgh damn brat!

(The king turns back to his normal form, having a deep cut of his head above his eyebrow)

King: Its seems you have powered up but my demon beast form was your only handicap...Noble Blade!

(The king forms a sword out of golden energy)

Josefu: Condense Red Hell!!

King: not this time

(deflecting the storm of lightning with his energy sword the king then zips over to Josefu)

King: DIE!!!

Josefu: AHHHH!!!

(Josefu and the king begin clashing vanishing a reappearing as time pass Josefu's energy starts to run out)

King: hahaha you getting tired already, that this...True King Spear!!

(Suddenly shooting a beam from his finger, Josefu barely able to react makes a lightning shield and he is knock back into rubble)

Josefu: (breathing hard)

(To Lucy and the others)

Lucy: Josefu is out of energy

Snake: let's go

Shinya: yeah

Eva: ok

(They run over to Josefu and are shocked by what they see)

Lucy: Josefu are you alright?

Josefu: (breathing heavy)

Lucy: josefu your still in this form

Snake: yeah, I feel no energy coming from you

(Josefu looks at himself)

Josefu: (thinking to himself) how am I still in this form, is it because what the sword did earlier?

(Josefu gets up staring at the king intensely)

King: (Breathing hard) Bahahaha what growth

(pushing the others away Josefu blinded by rage walk over to the king)

Josefu: Bastard

(Lucy tries to stop Josefu again)

Lucy: STOP! josefu we have destroyed most of the capital we need to go!

(Lucy looks at everyone)

King: (breathing heavy) Come on boy, if you want my life you have to get it!

(The king slowly make his energy sword pointing it at Josefu)

Josefu: I WILL!

Lucy: stop josefu!

(Lucy stops Josefu but he releases killing intent)


(Lucy shocked steps out the way)

Lucy: Josefu...(sighing) I cant believe reinforcement's will be getting here soon and I will leave here with or without you Josefu

Josefu: then leave

(Josefu turns and continues heading to the king)

Lucy: are you guys staying or coming with me?

Eva: I'm coming with you

(Shinya looks at Josefu)

Shinya: I'm coming too

Snake: Lucy is right, we can all die here if we don't leave we've caused a scene here we have to go

(Lucy and the other escape leaving Josefu in the capital with the king)

King: now its just you and me

Josefu: no...its just me and a dead man

(Josefu out of energy grips his sword and charges the King, right before he get close the general's appears surrounding them)

Delos: MY KING!

(Delos, Ryris, and the others general's stand looking at the king and the city, even though he is surrounded Josefu continues walking to the king)

Josefu: (menacing look) If this is the end, I listen well...YOU WILL DIE BEFORE I DO!

(Josefu releasees a overwhelming killing intent with a very menacing face, the generals get nervous from this sudden wave of killing intent.)

Delos: !?

King: what determination he passed out

(Josefu passes out standing while looking in the king direction, one of the generals goes to kill Josefu but the king stop them)

Delos: my lord are we not killing him?

King: no he has showed me something very interesting today so ill let him live, but their won't be a next time I will find his friends and kill them in front of him just like the trash there.

Delos: as you wish my king

(hours later Josefu wakes up and finds himself in the forest, getting up Josefu turns and sees the capital seeing parts still on fire. looking at his body josefu notices that he hasn't changed back)

Josefu: am I stuck with this look now? (thinks to himself) Makiru body is still there but I cant go back, I don't even remember getting here.

(Josefu enraged by the thought of leaving Makiru's body Josefu stares sinisterly at the capital as he turns away and walks into deeper into the forest)


(Josefu sets off deeper into the forest, 2 days later in the capital now rebuilding the damage the king holds a meeting with his general's)

King: about the incident that happened 2 days ago, I know that some of you are upset or confused on why I told you to leave him in the forest?

(The king looks around the room)

King: Well, I did that because when I was fighting him that brats sword has some type transformation. I show a runic word appeared on his sword, do you know what it said..it was Diablo

Delos: Diablo!?

King: yes, the same one your are thinking of Diablo Zunthor the one who fought the king of the Dark Realm from a long time ago, I didn't know that that sword was his and now that brat can use from what I can tell that he is pretty much fused with it.

(Everyone shocked, flashback 100 years ago in the dark realm)


Diablo: (Breathing hard)

(Looking around Diablo sees all of his comrades dying while fighting)

Diablo: This can't be...how are we losing?

(a explosion goes off near Diablo)

Troz`golleth: Diablo!!! this is the end for you all

(Troz`golleth appears killing Diablo friends as he approaches Diablo)

Diablo: Troz!!! you traitor!!

Troz`golleth: It doesn't matter you will die here, I will rule over the underworld not you!!!

(suddenly appearing Troz'golleth allies surround Diablo)

Diablo: to kill us all you really are scum

Troz`golleth: You don't know but I'll tell you before you die, There is a item in this realm called the Pandora's crystal.

Diablo: Pandora's crystal?

Troz`golleth: Bawahahaha just know that you are stopping me from getting it, that's all you need to know...kill him

(Diablo's fight's against Troz'golleth allies by himself, a hour later after struggling to escape from them Diablo is exhausted)

Diablo: (breathing hard)

Troz'golleth: Die Diablo!

(Charging at Diablo Troz'golleth make multiple energy swords appear a shoots them into Diablo's body)

Diablo: (vomiting up blood) I..will get...my revenge!!

Troz'golleth: ahahaha

(Troz'golleth goes up to Diablo and materializes one of his energy swords)

Troz'golleth: I'll give you a date worst than death, I will seal you into this sword no one will miss you Diablo..I pray for your eternal suffering (chanting spell)

Troz'golleth: Demonic rift

(Troz'golleth claws open a rift into the lower realm tossing it through the rift into the lower realm)

(Back to the king in present time)

King: To think that the demon Diablo was in the sword that brat stole from me

(To Josefu)

Josefu: it's been 2 days and I haven't turn back, I guess this is my body now. let's test what this body can do

(Josefu begins test the physical limitations of his new permanent form)

Josefu: ok let's see what to try (thinks to himself) I should do thing the don't require energy

(Josefu stretches his legs then jumps, shooting pass the trees line)

Josefu: Woah!!

(landing creating a small crater Josefu is surprise from the height he jumped)

Josefu: lets test my stamina now

(Josefu draws his sword and begins swings his sword practicing)