
Chapter 2:Spin the wheel for cool prizes!!

"Couldn't I just use that compensation to see them one last time, that's what would truly make me happy. " I asked as I took a sip from the bottomless teacup. I'd be more than satisfied with just that.

"Sadly I can't bring them back here, so even if you meet them they wouldn't know who you are. Don't fret too much though, they are happy it's the least I could do after meeting such a thoughtful family. "The man regretfully informed.

"It's okay, I'm glad they are all happy." I said softly.

"Anyway let's get this show on the road, you're going to spin 5 wheels as I've told you, since I didn't want to bring imbalance to the world by granting wishes and you wished for something like omni-abilities. So you'll choose from the omniverse which abilities you will have and also you race and world of reincarnation." The man informed me.

"It's okay with me, let's get to spinning then." I said with some excitement, I've read enough fanfics and anime with my grandson to know what kind of situation I was in and what it entails. If this ROB as he was referred to was telling the truth I still had a chance to get an op power.

"Okay let's begin with the first wheel." ROB snapped and a wheel suddenly appeared before my vision, it had all sorts of worlds to pick from. I think I even saw cartoons like adventure time, there was also some movies in the mix. I guess I didn't only have anime to choose from. The wheel had a big blinking button in the middle which was kinda telling me to reach for and push it, so I did.

The wheel spun rapidly for a good thirty seconds before stopping on a world, my eyes almost fell out of their sockets when I looked at the world I was being sent to. It was a world where factions collided in millennium old wars only stopping after all sides suffered losses too extreme to bear but with the right set of abilities and some work I could live a decent life.

"Now then, let's choose your race." Rob brought me out of my daze and the contents of the wheel changed.

"Can't I just substitute my race for a talent? I'd like to remain human if that's possible." I asked, I knew that this decision seemed stupid since I could literally end up with a useless talent, but I didn't dare trade my humanity for anything.

"Hmm…how about this? I'll tweak it so you remain half human. Your base form will also remain human." ROB compromised, from his face I could tell this was the best he could offer so I accepted.

I pushed the button again and started silently praying, of the multitudes of races out there, some were just too broken, saiyans, Naruto's celestials and whichever other broken species was out there. All I knew was if I got to reincarnate as a strong race the world I'm going to wouldn't be as dangerous.

The wheel stopped spinning and stopped on a rather interesting race, my cup fell onto the floor as I gaped at what I was seeing. It dawned on me just what a terrifying lifestyle I'd have to lead.

"Y-you're kidding right, it can't be right. No matter how cool their race is it definitely isn't something I want to become." I looked at ROB with pleading eyes. This second chance was turning out to be more of a nightmare.

"S-sorry, This is out of my control." ROB spoke and wiped away the sweat on his forehead.

"Please, you can't leave me like this. How will I lead a happy life if I need to feed on humans to live, can't you bend the rules a little? Otherwise I'd rather just rest in peace." I pleaded as I looked at what was supposed to be my new race. A fucking ghoul from Tokyo ghoul, no matter how baddass Kaneki looked on screen eating human flesh was just too much of a turn off for me.

"I'm sorry, the wheel has decided your fate. But fear not, I will make it so you can evolve past the need for human or any other race's flesh , that will surely come in handy when the time comes so don't worry about it too much. Let's move on to your abilities instead." ROB spoke and his strangely soothing voice stopped my panicked breathing and calmed me down significantly.

Another wheel appeared before me, with much less enthusiasm than I started with, I spun the wheel and stared with dim eyes as it landed on a bunch of nonsense, seriously I couldn't read whatever was written on there. When I looked on to ROB for clarification I saw him gaping wide eyed at the ability as if it wasn't even supposed to be on there in the first place.

"Hello, hey ROB what's with this ability I can't even read it." I sulked as I waved my hand in front of ROB's shocked face.

"I- uhm Ahem!I honestly didn't imagine you'd be this lucky, although it does not have the most raw power but the sheer potential uses and scope of this ability is endless. Heck you're one lucky soul. This is actually a custom made ability, granted it's more of an upgrade of an existing ability it's still very much a huge upgrade son, you'll grow into a powerful figure in no time! Although you might not like the condition to house this power but...hahah" ROB started speaking with a voice full of pride as he laughed and patted his own back.

"Hey! what do you mean I might not like the condition to house this power, tell me the truth." I asked with watery eyes, ROB reeled back in shock and fear as he watched a man well over 50 trying to act like a wronged child; yep it was not a good scene at all.

"Hehe it's a surprise, but don't worry too much. To compensate I'll allow to alter your next spins." ROB consoled with a dry chuchkle.

"Okay then, I guess this is a decent trade off." I sighed in defeat, how come my situation was worsening so quickly. Maybe I used all my luck to cure cancer and now al I was left with was a streak of terrible luck.

"The next spins will give you items with various abilities, sadly it will be a random item, it might be a roll of toilet paper or the sword Excalibur. It all depends on your luck." ROB pacified me and started sipping his tea.

"F-fine, it's not like I can really do anything against you." I said with some sadness, he didn't really have any obligation to follow human logic and grant me my right to know. I started liking my situation less and less.

"Good, now spin the wheel!." ROB said with some excitement and showed me another wheel.

I spun the wheel that had too many words, too small to even read due to the sheer amount and this was saying something since even the first three spins I could still somewhat read the words.


Chapter 2!! Only 13 more chapters till we reach the minimum word count. Leave behind a review when the time comes!! If you're interested read a few more chapters while I prepare my patreon account and go read advanced chapters there for cheap prices!!