
Chapter Four

Lilac was in the kitchen when she heard someone was knocking on the gate. Her brow knitted, she hastily wiped her hands on the cloth hanging by the sink. Her best bet was Pia so she hastened her steps. Her footfall was silent as she reached the grassy part of the garden.

"Pia! You came!" Lilac embraced her friend like she had not seen her for a while.

"I came to celebrate with you." Pia giggled as she showed the bottle of red wine. "Hope Grandma Esme doesn't mind. Anyway, I can stay for five minutes only."

"You don't have to bring wine. Just your presence is enough." Lilac laughed happily. "Yes, I'm sure, Grandma Esme wouldn't mind." She led the way to the kitchen.

"You've had your dinner. Good. Now, let's drink to your happiness!" Pia poured wine into two glasses.

"To happiness!" Lilac parroted cheerfully. She drank the wine. "You're driving, Pia!" She reminded her friend.

"Yes, I'll just sip my wine. Anyway, alcohol is not for me for a while. Luane is going to be a big sister soon." Pia blushed a bit.

"Oh! That's good news!" They embraced once again. "What did Matt say?"

"He was shocked and worried at first but when he saw me happy, he grinned and yelled, 'I'm a father again!' Oh, I can still remember his expression!"

They talked non-stop after that but when the five minutes was up, they both stopped. They giggled at each other.

"Look at how red you are, Lilac!"

"How can you tell I'm red? I'm too brown!"

"You're not brown! You're tanned." Pia argued while jiggling the keys in her fingers. "I'll see you when I see you," she said jokingly.

"Yes. Keep safe." Lilac embraced her friend once again.

"Okay. Bye-bye, Lilac." They reached the gate. Pia had parked her car in front.

"Bye, Pia. Give my love to Luane. And regards to Matt."

With a wave, her friend drove away. Lilac stood by the gate until the taillights were gone. When she turned towards the kitchen, she swayed. She was tipsy! The cold wind of the night didn't help.

Instead of getting alarmed, she smiled dreamily. She hummed under her breath while she washed the two glasses they used. She picked up the bottle of red wine and peered at the content. It was still half-full. She brought the bottle with her. She would continue her drinking spree in the servants' quarters.

Lilac began to feel hot when she was inside her room. She removed the wrap girdle with a sigh. Her body began relaxing the moment her breasts can breathe.

Again, she smiled like silly. She opened the bottle of wine and drank straight from the bottle. No need for propriety here. No one can see her. She was half-asleep by the time the bottle was empty. A minute later, she was fast asleep.

There was knocking on the door. She could hear someone was turning the knob in her dreams uselessly. She always locked the door. The knocks were insistent.

"Coming," she groaned, roused from sleep. Still drunk and heavy-eyed, with her grown hair rumpled from bed, she went to the door. She fumbled on the door knob and opened it.

It was Jacob Mendez. He, too, looked rumpled. He was wearing unbuttoned shirt and his hair ruffled as though he had gone to bed already. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Not moving a muscle. Her eyes traced his familiar face dreamily, memorizing the bone structure of his handsome features.

"What the—" Jacob Mendez went immobile when he saw her disheveled state. His eyes trailing the feminine line of her body. Her unfettered breasts with their tips pouted through the fabric of her night shirt. The short skirt exposed her smooth thighs and shapely legs.

She didn't know how beautiful she looked at that moment. With her rosy cheeks and luscious lips, her short hair rumpled, and her big eyes heavy from sleep…

"You're a girl!" he breathed in astonishment.

She continued to stare at him. Thinking this was a continuation of her dream. She was mesmerized by his nearness. His jaw was commanding. His lips were sensually half-opened. His eyes were deep-set and dark and piercing…

Then she slowly awakened...

Jacob Mendez was real. He was staring at her with stunned eyes.

"Ugh!" The wine became heavy in her stomach. Her hand cupped her mouth while she swayed towards the bathroom. She started to throw up. Her intoxicated brain couldn't process fast enough.

What was he doing here?

Lilac went rigid when someone, Jacob's arms, held her from behind to guide her towards the lavatory sink. His hands went to her breasts and small waist deliberately. He groped her mound intentionally.

In her inebriated state, she could still feel heat coursing through her veins. She flinched weakly. No one had touched her there before. She was helplessly retching. All her dinner and wine went pouring out. She trembled, feeling weak.

"Oh!" Lilac couldn't look at him. There were tears in her eyes. Her nose became runny. She splashed cold water on her face.

Jacob Mendez didn't say a thing. He removed his hands from her body when she squirmed. His touch burned her.

"P-please... I n-need to shower," she requested shakily. Her teeth were chattering. Shock. Or fright. She didn't know what will happen now that her cover was blown.

Jacob Mendez would ask her to leave here immediately. That's for sure. No questions asked.

Or, with questions such as, why did you deceive my grandmother? And she would answer like, because I want to finish my studies?

No one would believe her. With a houseful of antiques which were under her care…

She began trembling once again. She abandoned soaping herself after brushing her teeth. She just stood under the shower for a few minutes. Trying to rack her brain for the best solution. She wrapped her naked body with the large white towel and went in the bedroom. She could see the big man from the corner of her eye but she wouldn't look at him. He was reclining on her bed. His arms folded behind his head while his eyes followed her movements.

She went back to the bathroom. She donned her shirt and jeans with shaking limbs. She didn't bother with underwear. All she wanted was to get out of here.

"What are you doing?" He only spoke when she began putting her clothes in the knapsack.

"I'm g-getting my t-things. This will only take a m-moment. There isn't many…" Lilac was babbling. She had never felt so humiliated in her life. She should not let her dire need for money to lead her on cheating. She wanted to cry but her eyes were dry as Sahara Desert. She continued packing her clothes.

Jacob Mendez moved silently for a large man. Suddenly, he was beside her. His hand cupped her chin and made her look up. Their eyes spoke with each other silently. His eyes magnetized hers. His body heat enveloped her with his expensive scent. Banishing the cold that shock brought.

"What's your real name?" he whispered, as though he didn't want to destroy the magic that surrounded them.

"L-lilac," she whispered back.

"Lilac…" He rolled her name in his tongue, as if tasting it, savoring her…

"I-I'll finish my packing..."

"No--I… need you."

The word 'need' struck something inside her. No one needed her before. She felt like water to a dying plant.


"You… n-need… me?" she stammered faintly.

Jacob Mendez suddenly let go of her chin. He combed his fingers through his hair. He walked away from her then faced her.

"You're drunk--we'll continue this conversation in the morning." He walked back to where she stood unmoving. His hand came up and cupped her face. His thumb traced her plump bottom lip.

Lilac waited breathlessly. Even if she could think straight, she knew she couldn't move. All she could do was stare at him in wonder.

"A woman..." he whispered huskily, as though he couldn't believe the truth. His fingers were once again touching her chin.

She opened her mouth to apologize once again but she couldn't find her voice.

He stared at her mouth. His head slowly coming closer.

He is going to kiss me...? she thought in disbelief. She felt his breath fan against her cheek.

"I thought something's wrong with me..." He kissed the corner of her lips. His voice was muffled as though he was drunk, too.

Her eyelids became leaded. Her vision became limited. She could see the pores on his skin. Her nostrils flared. She could smell the clean, masculine scent. She swayed unsteadily. Her hands crept up to his wide chest. Her face turned towards his, like a flower seeking the sun.

Her desire for him unfurled uncontrollably. She was like a thirsty bee for nectar, tasting her first kiss...

Sensing her submission, his arms went around her body. His hand guided her chin gently when their lips met. His mouth moved lightly, grazing her lips. His tongue took a swipe on her closed lips. He sipped her bottom lip patiently. Sampling its softness. Nibbling its suppleness.

Until she couldn't take anymore... She opened her mouth and let his tongue have its way. Suddenly, the gentleness was gone. He gathered her closely and kissed her deeply.

She stood on tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his strong neck. She kissed him back. Their tongues met, twitched and lashed. The intimate kiss was overwhelming but the passion-filled moments were highly arousing.

She felt the hard wall on her back while his hands trailed down her body. His hot palms stroked her hips and cupped her bottom to lift her up. Her legs separated to embrace him. They were closer now. Only their clothes were between their skin. She could feel the hard, pulsing evidence of his desire against her abdomen. There was an answering ardor inside her body, wanting what he was offering. Their desire knew no bounds. She felt the wanton craving for his heat.

Her inexperience was overshadowed by her enthusiastic response. She trembled when his fingers molded the side of her breast. His thumb rubbed her nipple until it turned turgid and sensitive, causing her body to arch helplessly. She wriggled and writhed when his other hand kneaded her firm butt and caressed the center of her womanhood against her jeans.

"Oh!" She whimpered when he let go of her mouth.

"You're skin's so soft..." He nibbled at her neck and shoulder, nudging the neckline of her shirt. His mouth reached the softness of her breast. His teeth nipped at the tip and sucked soothingly.

Lilac bucked violently. She didn't expect the jolt that his sucking created. Her hands pushed at him weakly. Her upper body arched away from him but he just had more space to move to the other delicious treasure. His arm supported her back while he teased her nipples with his tongue.

Pleasure began shooting at the center of her body as he continued caressing her breasts. The warm feeling spread through her veins, relaxing her. Her fingers clutched his hair and held his head against her chest. She closed her eyes to savor the sensation.

"Open your eyes, Lilac," he commanded in a whisper. His fingers traced her lips and the contour of her face.

She obeyed with difficulty. She fluttered her eyelids slowly. She looked at him dreamily. She saw the face of the man of her dreams...

"Lilac, I want you," he told her huskily. He kissed her on the lips lingeringly.

He laid her pliant body on the single bed carefully. Her arms were rested beside her head innocently. Her trust in him so complete.

"But I don't want to make love to you when you're drunk."

She heard him but she didn't understand what he was saying. She just stared at him with heavy eyes.

"I'll come back tomorrow. Tomorrow, we will talk," he promised decisively before he was gone.

Gone like a dream...

She wilted like a puppet when left alone. She turned on her side and reached for the pillow. When she smelled his expensive scent on the pillow, she held it against her face. While inhaling, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. This time, it was a dreamless sleep.

When Lilac opened her eyes again, it was seven o'clock in the morning. She was always up at five but her head pulsed and ached. She moaned as she swayed towards the bathroom. After a cold shower, she felt more human. Her hangover was fading...

Then she remembered what happened last night with Jacob Mendez!

"Oh, God!" Her hands covered her face. She felt hot all over because everything surged like a tidal wave.

She couldn't believe how wanton she had acted last night. What must Jacob Mendez think? she asked herself. She could tell herself she got the nerve from the wine she consumed but she knew it was not true. Her desire for him strayed the moment he kissed her. She had no control to her secret longing.

What would she do? She couldn't tell Pia the shocking news. Her friend was pregnant.

Her eyes saw the half-packed knapsack on the far side of the bed. There was no reason for her to stay here anymore.

She finished packing the few clothes and the toiletries she had. She wore a jacket over her polo and her legs clad in jeans. She had don her old rubber shoes. Her old red slippers were in the plastic bag. She made sure that the room she had occupied was spotlessly clean.

Lilac opened the door. The sun was already up. She walked hesitantly. She was ashamed of the way she behaved last night but she had to say a formal leave-taking. She would send a letter of explanation and apology to Grandma Esme.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jacob Mendez was lounging at the opened kitchen door.

She jumped with a start. She was not expecting him to be up at this time of the morning.

"I--I came to return these keys..." She stammered while she rummaged the keys inside the pocket of her jacket. She resisted looking at his face. Her eyes stared at the neckline of the blue t-shirt he wore.

She swallowed surreptitiously. Her throat went tight when she saw how the shirt stretched over his muscled arms and wide chest. His abdomen was flat. There was no visible fat in his tall body.

"Look at me, Lilac." His voice sounded gravelly.

Startled to hear her name from his lips, she gazed at him. He was taller than her. She reached his clean-shaven chin. Up close, his eyes were mesmerizing. They were color brown at the inner circle and ringed with black. His jaw and cheekbones were strong. His nose was long and thin, with grooves beside it.

Lilac couldn't help herself but stare at his mouth. Its shape was firm. The lower lip was sensual. She blushed as the memory of his kiss flashed in her mind. Her whole body grew hot. She felt uncomfortable.

"I-I'll write to Mrs. Mendez..." she mumbled breathlessly. She was gasping as though she ran a mile. Her hand was still holding the keys. Her arm still out-stretched.

Jacob Mendez was unsmiling when he reached for her hand. He pulled her at the wrist then tug her through the kitchen. He closed the door with a thud.

"W-what--?" She gasped her surprise. Suddenly, he was leaning on her with the hard door at her back.

Jake can't resist her... now that he discovered Lilo is really Lilac!

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