

The sacred stone gigaroth of the beginning was fragmented by the god of heresy El Sof, in his fight against the original gods, the fragmentation of gigaroth was the precursor of the advent of the end it was the pillar of the world without it the world is now in an unstable state, when humanity was about to sink, all the people of the world decided to bring together all the most powerful warriors in the world and invite them to a tournament the winner will be the one who will have to defeat El Sof and put down the project of the original gods, in addition to give him the strength to fight he will then have all the power in the world to make him the ultimate being "god". Fact : I am the strongest, I am God, I will go beyond unification, praise the name that has been bestowed upon me beyond the worlds, my original name cannot be pronounced, he who aspires to be above, who am I? Act 1 : The tournament of unification will now begin, the kings of humans, all the lands of Pangea must prepare the greatest warriors that the earth has ever carried, the ambitious, the nobles, the commoners among all these people one will become the being by which everything will end and everything will be reborn, the time has come to determine the being who will be the pillar of unification, conspiracy, love, betrayal, combat will be at the appointments in the quest for salvation

omegadraw1 · 奇幻
7 Chs


[ Awakening Dungeon Third Floor ]

-Um, although I have a map of the third floor I can't seem to locate where the device leading to the tenth floor is.

The third floor was similar to the second one, a large area of spaced trees and some ruins to make the difference.

We couldn't determine the shape of the structures that were there with these remains that looked more like debris than anything else.

I should have taken more information beforehand, this floor is vast it could take a whole hour if I have to search meticulously this device.

I was now walking around the third floor looking for the way to reach the tenth floor.

Farther ahead of me there were noises, probably adventurers in battle.

After getting close enough to not be perceived it was indeed the case, a team of adventurers was facing the bosses of this floor unlike the floors below from the third floor some bosses are walking freely in the floor.

But not that there were also slime warriors, and a kind of giant snakes.

-What the hell is going on in the third floor today?

The one who was complaining was a warrior with heavy armor and a big axe, now that I saw more closely it seemed that I had come across this team at the entrance of the dungeon.

He had just blocked the boss's attack with an axe and was keeping the pressure on so that the boss would concentrate on him.

I just decided to observe the course of the fight that could be the opportunity to learn more about magic and fighting styles, I am sure that I would win a fight against this group of adventurers but it is not enough I need something more and observe is the best way to learn.

So I perched on a pillar that I could find to observe everything from above, it was the best way to enjoy the show the best seat for someone of my status.

The boss was none other than a Bjorn, a monstrosity with sharp claws, a face similar to that of a rat, he was twice as big as a human, the hard skin of a caiman with a tail like a snake.

-Indeed this strange one was sent directly to the third floor but it is different than usual, the number of bosses is abnormally high for such a low floor and their powers.

I understand if you count the Bjorn, the giant snake as floor bosses and the slime warriors indeed it's not supposed to be on the third floor a team of new adventurers will certainly have trouble.

but for them it's a formality, I know it.

-It doesn't change the fact that we have to defeat them, well now that Terrence is launched I will use my magic.

"Armor Reinforcement"

"Increased velocity"

The magician had launched two successive magics on their front guard, reinforcement of armor improves the defense or rather the robustness of an equipment in this case their armor, as for increased velocity it improves the speed and dexterity despite wearing armor.

The movements of the other two have become much more fluid.

While the light warrior took care of the slime warriors, the one with the heavy armor took care of Bjorn.

The priest had cast an aura of antibodies, a magic that rejects foreign bodies and depending on the mastery of each one could determine the elements to reject in this case mainly poison.

Now the vanguard did not have to weaken.

This was all their initiatives until the end of the fight, they surely thought that it was not necessary to do more and therefore save their energy for the lower floors.

I was now observing the fight of the two warriors, the supporting spell casters didn't seem to do anything anymore but they were still on their guard.

The warrior with the light armor seemed excited, in front of him there were four slime warriors compared to the one I fought, those seemed stronger although they were still not at the maximum level they could reach.

-I'm going!

The warrior with the light armor had dashed towards the slime warriors to place himself directly in the middle of them, the four slimes had directly retaliated with a sword strike towards the center but their rusty equipment clashed with three swords and a staff.

The staff was broken and the swords were chipped more than before.

The warrior with the light armor had bent down which allowed him to escape this blow but it was a deliberate move on his part with a sweep of his left foot he made the slime warriors lose all their balance and fall at the same time.

-Isn't he showing off a little too much?

The remark came from the magician.

-given the weakness of his opponents, he may want to prolong the pleasure with monsters from the lower floors, a second of inattention would be the death.

-It's going to play tricks on him and maybe we won't be able to go any lower anyway, I'm tired of this day, everything is so strange.

-Let's not exaggerate the magicians should not talk about misfortune.

-Yes, but we can't spend our lives here and Terrence is holding back Bjorn.

The warrior with the light armor scratched his cheek with his finger embarrassed by the remark of his team.

-Don't worry about me, I'm having a blast with this kid.

An answer from the warrior with the heavy armor, Terrence.

Terrence who seemed to be having fun was blocking the multiple strikes of Bjorn despite his heavy armor, multiple sharp claw strikes that Terrence was blocking by retaliating with his axe but because of that he had no space to place a critical strike.

-but we can't drag Shab through the slimes so we can move on.

Shab, who was surrounded by slime warriors, was immediately engulfed in slime.

-and he got caught!

-This klutz, you see what I mean Lum?

Although the magician was complaining to her fellow magic caster, there was no trace of concern for Shab.

He got caught in slime that was extremely corrosive.

Inside this gelatinous body Shab made several sword movements which had the effect of piercing the bubble and dispersed the slime bubble, but it was not enough to defeat the slime warriors who got up after the bubble formed by the extension of their body was pierced by Shab.

-their nucleus eh!?

"piercing vision"

After casting this magic Shab sliced through the slimes with a series of ultra fast strokes leaving some places untouched, the place where the core was.

After he finished he picked up the four cores and brought them back to Lum and the magician.

It was good to abuse my magic, the anti-poison aura?

-ha ha I had forgotten how painful slime warriors are since these ones were particularly weak so I lowered my guard unintentionally after I didn't take any damage and even without your magic I would have gotten away unscathed.

What a show-off, it makes me feel like the guy from earlier but anyway, shouldn't you go and help Terrence to finish his fight?

-If he changed his fighting strategy he could have finished this masochist I swear.

-You're just as much of a masochist as he is!

While Terrence continued his exchange of ultra fast blows with Bjorn, as if he wanted to test Bjorn's endurance limit, Shab was running towards them and had taken support on Terrence's back.


Terrence had shouted in surprise, because of the imbalance he had just missed being torn off his helmet by the claw of the Bjorn while Shab was rising in the air then the force of attraction had drawn him down and with a powerful blow he had cut the body of the Bjorn in two, all that had lasted only a small moment.

Shab was standing over Bjorn's dead body as Terrence approached and held him by the collar.

-you wanted me dead or something you bastard!

-You're not dead after all, and it would be funny to tell the whole guild that the great Terrence died on the third level.

Shab laughed.

-Not only the guild, but the people in that environment too, no imagine it would be funny.

-I'll make it up to you but for now we'll take the core and Bjorn and we'll have to report back when we get back the dungeon looks weird I wonder what it's going to be like further down.

Terrence had let go.

Although they had harsh words there was no animosity between them as the magician and Lum approached the other two.

-Well, now that you're done messing around, let's get going, but first...

The magician had turned her gaze in my direction.

-Little coward, it's not good to watch people in secret, even if the monsters were unusual for this floor, there's nothing to fear anymore.

Me hiding?