

As we entered the city (could this even be called a city?) of mondestat, I receive multiple stares. I'm not surprised, seeing I'm walking around with a broken arm with one of the knights of favonius. As I blindly follow amber, I think back onto when I was falling, and the tesseract that I manifested. What was that? And how did it stop me from splattering on the ground, but broke my arm instead? I could still feel it's presence within my body, and it felt like a cold warmth, if I attempted to describe it. I could focus on it later, seeing as we have arrived infront of the church.

"And this here is the church of mondestat! The anemo archon, Barbatos is paid tribute to here, and the deaconess has the ability to heal others. The reason why I took you here is to get your broken arm fixed!"

I seem to have missed Amber's tour guide while I was lost in my thoughts. That's a bad habit I should stop sooner rather than later. We entered the church, and walked down to the altar. While amber was talking to Rosaria, who looked like a purple skinned Gothic nun, Barbara entered.

"Hey Barbara, can you please heal this guy's arm? He's a wanderer and got attacked by some treasure hoarders. Can you also check to see if he's suffered any head trauma? He seems to zone out quite a bit."

"Sure Amber. Sir, can you please move closer, and sit down? It'll be easier for the both of us if you do."

As I move to sit down, I ask myself how does healing work? Is it accelerating time so that you heal the injury naturally, but just faster? Or is it something more simple, like taking the person getting healed's stamina? As Barbra conjures an orb of water, and submerged my arm in it, it is quickly proven to be the latter. I feel like I've gone 3 all-nighters in a row, and struggle to keep my eyes open.

"I'm surprised that you're still awake! Most people when getting healed for broken limbs fall asleep quite quickly. Although I couldn't fully heal the arm, it should be able to be moved around without pain. I recommend 3 days without moving it too much before you continue using it.

I attempt to say thank you, but it comes out slurred due to how tired I am. "Tshank yew"

"You're welcome." She promptly states.

As me and amber walk out the church, she asks me "What's your plan now? Are you planning to stay in mondestat for a while?"

I rub my palms against my eyes, and attempt to sober myself before saying "yeah. I plan to stay for a while."

"Then here."

She hands me a pouch filled with golden coins.

"There's enough mora in that pouch for 3 days at an inn. You can sign up for the adventures guild, or get a job here to gain some more mora. Have a good stay in mondestat!"

She promptly leaves, leaving me to my thoughts. I see a random man on the street, and ask him "Where can I find an inn?"

He responds "5 houses down from the adventurers guild, there's an inn that's pretty decent to sober up at."

Did he just assume I was a drunkard? I'm not shocked, due to the epidemic of wine in mondestat. I promptly thanked him, and entered the inn. "3 nights please" I told the inn keeper. She gave me my key, and I promptly went to sleep.

I woke up feeling cold, even though I was covered in a blanket. I got out of bed, and try to summon the tesseract. I didn't try it with amber around, but here alone in my room, I'm free to experiment. It appears in my hand, and I begin to notice a slight drain on my stamina. I try waving it around, but it seems like it won't leave my hand unless I try to consciously move it out. I try putting it away and resummouning it, but not much changes. I begin to try to mold it into something, like a sword. It'd be nice if I could make a weapon out of this. It remains unyielding, but I begin to notice that it has a slight gravitational pull, when the sleeves of my shirt are lifted towards it. I try to enhance the gravity, and promptly have my shirt ripped off. "Woah, that's new." I stop increasing the gravity, and pick up my shirt. I try dropping it into the tesseract, and it just gets destroyed once it enters the tesseract. I being to think of what I can use this power for, when I come to the realization that I have no shirt on, and I'm hungry. Come to think of it, i haven't eaten anything for a day. I'm flat broke, and I'm pretty sure the inn doesn't come with food, so I decide to leave the city gates and gather some sunsettias to eat. I leave the inn, shirtless. And leave the city gates in search of something to test my capabilities on, and something to eat.