


My mom lets out a long breath before striding to her car. I follow along and get in the passenger seat, my heart racing like never before. I can't believe I told her.

The entire drive she's mumbling about drugs. Thankfully Vivianne's house isn't far, so I don't have to wait for long until I get to show her the truth. There are things on this earth that we believed to be myths, but they aren't. These things have been right in front of us our whole lives.

She parks abruptly and gets out, shuttling the door swiftly behind her. I shrug on my damp jacket and hurry to keep up as she heads for the front door. The bell is rung four times. The door opens and I'm met with Vivianne's face.

/"Where's your mother?/" My mom asks sternly.

Vivianne looks to me as if the grim reaper is hunched before her and not us. /"Wrenley, you didn't,/" she breathes.

/"Tali!/" I mom calls into the house.