
All You Need Is Kill

Vados was soon finished with training Adam for today, it was currently 3pm. Because Vados had become much weaker after being summoned, she was currently sweating, something she hadn't done in a long time.

Adam eyes were glued to her figure now that her clothes were stuck to her body. He saw every perfect curve and sweat drop. Vados knew she was being stared at with lewd intentions but she didn't do anything to hide her body. If anything, she puffed out her chest in pride.

Vados lived with a lazy and annoying god of destruction for many thousands of years, many times Champa would tease her about being single and being unattractive and such. She always responded with beating the life out of the god but that didn't discourage him from taunting her throughout the years.

Being stared at with desire was something that she thoroughly enjoyed.


Vados' Affection Increased!

Interested ---> Developing Feelings


The system pinged and Adam snapped out of his daze. Adam and Vados took a bath together. Both were staring at each other but neither acted on their desires.

The bath ended with both of them aroused. They got dressed and went their respective ways, Vados to go and relieve herself of lust and Adam to get ready for the rating game.

Mamako and Raikou did their best in finding the best clothes for Adam. This proved more difficult than they thought however. There was no set of clothes that stood out more than the other, the perfect human made every article of clothing work. They soon decided on a simply suit and tie. He could only bring a small group.

His small group consisted of 4 girls. Eve, Grayfia, Mamako and the representative of the yandere group; Yuno. Eve and Mamako were dressed in green silky dresses, while Grayfia changed into her normal maid uniform. When Adam asked why she wears a maid uniform, she simply replied that it was her fighting clothes. Yuno changed into casual clothes but didn't really care how she looked, what she did care about is how many weapons she could fit in her clothes.

A red circle appeared to the side of the dining room, unlike last time, instead of a letter, Grayfia popped out. She didn't bring Srizechs.

"Hello, everyone. I am here to-" She paused when her eyes locked onto the other Grayfia. She could tell that it looked like a much younger version of her current self. The 'clone' Grayfia also froze as she looked at her older self, obviously more depressed and broken. The two edged closer to each other and threw themselves into a hug. Seeing two beautiful big-breasted ladies hugging would usually be a turn-on for Adam but today all he felt was happiness.

The two cried into each other's arms, they both knew of each other's hardships. At this time, Adam spoke up.

"I have a proposal. I'll kill Sirzechs if original Grayfia helps us with maintaining the house." It was a great deal. It was basically what she was always doing but this time she was out of the torturous hell-hole which was the Gremory Household. Both Grayfia's violently nodded.

"In the meantime, My Grayfia will remain named Grayfia. However, the older one from now on will be named Gray." Adam said. He did this so she hopefully would no longer be tied down to her previous name of 'Grayfia Gremory' which she obviously was disgusted by. Gray wasn't at all worried about Adam's strength. She had been observing the boy and reporting to Sirzechs after all, she knew that Adam's capabilities far outpaced Sirzechs.

Gray quickly explained her situation to Adam.

"In the past 100years, Sirzechs has gotten worse. He began experimenting his destruction magic onto me." After saying this she lowered some of her clothes to show hundreds of unhealed scars, some recent.

"As long as you can take me in and care for me to some degree then I'll agree to help you in any way I can." This was a plea for help. Gray wasn't entirely sure about how Adam would react, she made sure to show Adam that he could use her as a sex slave if he wanted to, as long as she wasn't treated as badly as back with Sirzech's. She was worried about Adam's mediocre reaction, she thought that maybe he didn't like how her scars looked?

"Although I have a child, it was through the use of a ritual. He simply injected magic into me and when it was time, the child was teleported out of me. I'm still unused." She added. Although she couldn't do much to make herself more attractive because of her scars Gray was sure that men preferred virgins.

Everyone now understood that she was pleading rather than offering her services. Her monotone voice couldn't hide the desperate undertone. Adam pulled her into a tight hug in which Grayfia also participated in.

"Don't worry. I'll sort it out, there's no reason you need to beg for anything here." Adam knew he wasn't great at comforting women, in fact most men had this trait. However, he felt Gray's gratitude although he couldn't see her face. She soon composed herself and broke from the hug.

"Thank you." She bowed. Gray set up the magic circle and got ready to activate it. She was teleporting them right into the lion's den, Sirzech's viewing room. He was sitting there to watch the one person he cared for; his sister.

Adam, Gray, Eve, Yuno, Grayfia and Mamako were teleported right behind Sirzechs. Without mercy, Adam used Raven's ability to create a telepathic rope tied around his throat. Yuno followed up with dozens of knives being plunged into his flesh, Mamako stabbed multiple times with her two swords and the two Grayfia's used as much ice magic as they could all at once.

After the steam blew off, there was nothing left. The only thing left on the ground where Sirzechs was standing is the armor that was supposed to protect him.

'That was easy.' Adam raised a death flag. Nothing came of it however, his cliché words couldn't raise the dead after all. This reminded Adam of a quote, "All of the tyrannical kings in the world were always killed by the one closest to them.". No matter how strong you are, nothing can save you from being betrayed in the end.

Adam saw the rating game's conclusion on the screen. Riser won and Rias was now his possession. Gray nodded at the conclusion, she had expected this. She created another magic circle and took Adam and his group to his house. Both Grayfia's couldn't stop bowing and thanking Adam. They both knew what a despicable man Sirzechs was, although one more than the other.


Grayfia's Affection Increased!

Interested ---> Developing Feelings



Gray's Affection Increased!

Neutral---> Developing Feelings


(A.N. Sorry if I got this wrong, I'm going off of memory and my memory isn't good.)

After they all settled in at home, another magic circle appeared in the middle of the room. However, this time it was purple, not red. It read:


Dear Adam,

You are the only person I can ask you of this, I'm aware that we don't know each other well but I'd like to ask a massive favor.

Please kill Riser and become Rias' lover.

We all know that if Rias becomes Riser's than he'll use that position to do the same to us.

Please save us.



Adam pulled out his note pad. He added something at the bottom, just below the Winged-Dragon Family.

-Riser (Effective Tonight)