
VRMMO: Tales of Nomadic Ranger

Miles Greysteed, the favoured son of heaven. Born to one of the richest families in the world, never in his life he had to ask for anything. There was always someone to solve his problems. However, heavens must have been too jealous of him that they have taken something very important away from him. Now, Miles journeying in the world of Rappelz. Can he find what he lost in there?

Kasaix · 游戏
2 Chs

Character Creation

"Greetings, Master Miles. I am your Decorative Pet. Can you please give me a name?" said a fuzzy little grey cat in butler uniform. It was standing on its hind legs and making a cute little salute with its paws.

"Decorative Pet?" Miles asked in confusion.

"Yes, since you were suffering from disabilities I am assigned to help you with adjusting to your condition in here but you don't have to worry. I am invisible to a normal player's eyes. Only people similar to your conditions can see. We thought if you interacted with each other that would be beneficial for both parties. So a name please," said the little grey cat again.

"I am not good with naming stuff though... Okay! I got it. From now on your name will be Harper because it sounds like helper" said Miles in a streak of genius.However, the little cat didn't seem that amused by his naming sense. Well, at least it didn't get named helper directly so that was sort of a win.

"Thank you for bestowing me with such a name master. Now let me give you a little background information about the world you are going to step into" said the little cat before jumping onto a desk. A top the desk there was a world globe.

"This world was created by a pantheon of gods. They created the Gaia race, which is basically humans, but then they saw that the Gaia were not able to survive on their own. They needed guidance. That was why the pantheon assigned this job to two young gods, Asura and Deva. They helped Gaia go into the right direction but eventually they had decided this was too much work so they each created a race of their own and named them after themselves. The new Asura and Deva race helped Gaia. They shared the knowledge they gained from their creators. Their culture developed quickly and after generations, the three races started to have disputes. The Asura Race believed in strength, The Deva into the kindness and faith while Gaia worshipped nature. They were at odds with each other. Eventually, the world was ravaged in war with all the races fighting against each other for supremacy of their beliefs. The result? The ancient continent shattered into pieces. All three races claimed one of the biggest three continents and decided to not bother with each other. Since they couldn't reconcile why should they bother with the others? To this day they are still at war but recently they have been trying to make peace after a certain incident. You will learn more about that when you start the game" said the little cat.

Miles was not really impressed with the background of the world. It just sounded so generic. Anyway, that was really not important for him. He just wanted to create his character and get on with it. His parents should be waiting for him and he wanted to meet them as soon as possible. Harper also seemed to caught into this fact so he cut his explanation short.

"Anyway, after choosing your race, your starting point will be here the Trainee Island. All three of the races start from this island and then when they become strong enough they leave for their own continent. Do you have any questions?"

"No," said Miles impatiently.

"Great! In this game, the classes you can choose is based on your race. All the races have 4 simple job templates, namely; Warrior, Hunter, Spellcaster or Summoner but each of them differs in their speciality. Asura's warrior class might be likened to assassin class from the other games while a Deva's warrior class is like a paladin"

Miles did not know those game terms. He knew what an assassin was but he had never played a game before in his life so all these terms were foreign to him.

"Can you change your class if you are dissatisfied with your current one?"

"No, but master doesn't need to worry. You don't have to choose your first class until you are level 10. For now, you only need to choose your race which will decide what kind of path you will be able to walk"

"That... recommend me which race do you think suits me the best," said Miles. Harper was here to help him so he might as well as him that.

"Okay, I can recommend one for master but what kind of game do you want to play? Do you want to become the strongest in the world or do you want to kill someone without them even seeing the sight of you or maybe you want to become a druid that can communicate with nature"

"I don't know, I just want to travel the world and see as many places as I could I suppose" replied Miles with some doubt. He really did not know what he wanted to do in this game.

"Travel the world huh?" said the cat. It was stroking its moustache with his paw like a wise old man.

"Let me change my question. Master do you prefer to play the game alone or with others?"

"What kind of a question is that? Isn't this a game played together with others?"

"Not exactly master. In essence, all the players of the game compete against each other to be the best. That's why there are some classes that promote solo play but as you said playing with others is the essence of the game so there are also classes work well with others"

"Isn't there a class that can do both?"

"Well, Gaia race can offer both options but they are not the best in either. If you want to play alone Asura is the best while Deva is the best in team play"

"Okay then the race I choose is Gaia"

"Master are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure. It's not like it matters that much anyway" said Miles.He only wanted to travel around so why should he tire his brain thinking of what race to choose? He didn't want to be the best in the game or anything. So it really didn't matter to him.

"Okay, then master do you want to change your appearance?"

"Change my appearance? Can you do that?"

"Yes, in order to protect their real-life identities during the character creation tab players are allowed to change their looks. For example, you can change your hair colour. Every race has a dominant hair colour, Asuras usually have black hair, Devas blond while Gaias are usually ginger"

"I don't want to change my appearance," said Miles. He really wasn't worried if people would recognize him. He wasn't famous anyway. Due to his condition he had never been exposed to press and what was the chance that he would meet his classmates here?

"Okay, lastly what's the name you want to use master?"


"Yes your character's name"

"Can't I just use my own name?"

"No master you can't! I mean technically you can but I highly recommend that you don't. People can't choose their names when they were born but it's not the same for their in-game names. This is the only chance you get in the world where you can rebrand yourself. Something that can describe you. So think carefully master!"

"I am not good at naming stuff though... okay Harper! Recommend me some names"

"I have the function of randomly generating names but master what should they be about. In a way, the name should be describing you"

"That I don't know... You figure it out"

"Master you are putting me in a really weird spot here. Let me run my program to see if there is any name that suits you. I got it! How about Ainul?"

"Ainul? It kinda sounds like my mother's name Ailsa. Great I like it! My name from now on will be Ainul! What does it mean anyway?"

"It has three meanings that fit master. The first one means someone who is soothing to eyes or pleasant to look at, master is handsome so I thought it was fitting. The second one is a bad boy and lastly, it means eyes"



"*Breathes in* What part of me is a bad boy exactly?" said Miles as he pinched the little cat's cheeks.

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