
VRMMO: Basic Attack

Raised by an old mysterious martial artist, Jaden grew up in the strictest of environment, hidden from the eye of the flourishing world. From a young age to his teenage years, Jaden's body was constantly pushed to the limits of a human's capabilities, overcoming extremities again and again. His martial arts were honed to the point that killing a human was as easy as breathing for him. But one day, the mysterious old man suddenly disappeared! Following that, a virtual reality game abruptly surfaced, sweeping its predecessors in the industry and shook the world. From that moment on, Jaden's dull and isolated life changed. ____________________ Disclaimer: I do not own the cover! ____________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/VRMMO_BasicAttack Paypal: paypal.me/jgavia2410

Reflex · 游戏
30 Chs

Strained Family

Alpha, New Era City.

In one of the most expensive districts within the city, mansions and villas could be seen, their designs spanning from modern to classical. Just from their incredibly large territory alone already suggested the people that lived in such homes had illustrious backgrounds.

Elites. Nobles. Higher Circle. There were numerous names that were given to them by the citizens of New Era City.

At this moment, a mansion that seemed to be inspired by Victorian-era constructs stood proudly as a large fountain could be seen, built before the mansion.

The stone walls that wrapped around the area and the black-gold coloured iron gates, alongside the guards standing by the entrance, suggested that the territory was heavily secure.

Right now, inside the Victorian-style mansion, two people could be seen inside a study, looking at each other. One was a young man and the other in his mid-50s.

The two people had strikingly similar features, it looked as if they were nearly the same person, with only the contrasting age as the difference.

Lee, the young man, had his head lowered as he stood before his father, Ryu Seung-Woo. 1

Father Ryu stared at Lee, his facial expression stoic. He said nothing and merely glared at his son, whose head was lowered as if a kid who did something naughty and was caught.

The atmosphere within the study turned suffocating as neither of them said anything for a few minutes.

While Lee's body posture seemed meek, his eyes that stared at the floor was that of utter calmness, completely different from his usual bubbly attitude around Jaden.

'What's it gonna be now?' he thought as he held his breath and awaited his punishment.

A short while later, a deep voice was heard. "Look at me," said Father Ryu.

Lee raised his head and an instant later—


The resounding sound of a slap was heard as his face was welcomed by his father's swinging palm.

Lee staggered backwards a few steps, the right side of his face turning red. 

"Whooooh." sighing, his expression remained the same, that of calmness, as he regained his footing and stared at his father.

"Go back to Korea." Father Ryu emotionlessly said, his tone that of an order instead of a request. He seemed to not feel any remorse for slapping his own son. "Go back and live with your grandfather. There, you can do whatever the hell you want. I will not interfere with your life any longer, you have my word."

Lee's heart sunk as he felt his stomach churn. However, while he felt upset, he didn't show any emotion as he shook his head. "I cannot do that, Father. I've said it, countless times already, I won't go back there."

The attitude in his words, while uttered indifferently, contained firmness, firmness on his decision regarding his feeling towards his family back in Korea.

Father Ryu's face remained aloof as he stared at his son. He didn't care about the latter's stance and said. "This is my house. As long as you are standing in this house, you will obey, refusal is not an option."

"Father, please forgive your unfilial son, but I can't and I won't go back."

"Okay," said Father Ryu, surprising Lee for a moment. However, his next words caused him to laugh bitterly. "Maid! Butler! Who's out there?! Come here!"

From outside the study, an answer was heard. "Yes." Following that, a man in his 30s, wearing a black suit and tie, came inside and saluted at Lee's father. "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Go to his room, pack up his clothes in a suitcase, and give it to him." Father Ryu said as he pointed at Lee. "Also, cancel all his bank accounts and all financial support."

The butler was shocked for a second and glanced at Lee, who had a complicated expression, however, he nonetheless complied. Nodding his head, he left the study, closing the door on his way out.

Father Ryu then glanced at his son before walking towards his desk, towards the chair behind it. "Since you refuse and wish to do whatever you want, then there's only one solution. Leave the house."

Picking up one of the documents on the ebony escritoire, he sat down and started reading it, ignoring Lee who stood frozen, staring at him.

Lee opened his mouth, seeming to want to say something but didn't in the end. An exhausted sigh escaped his lips as he turned around and walked towards the door.

Opening it, a creaking sound was heard. "Reputation and power... they're more important than your own son I guess." after saying that, he left and slammed the door close.

The study became silent once again, however, one could be able to feel the tense and heavy atmosphere.

* * * * *

"Oh? You're back?." Behind the dojo, Jaden sat up on his hammock when he heard footsteps. Looking at Lee, who had a silly smile plastered on his face, his expression turned suspicious. "What's with the luggage and suitcase, going somewhere again? Also, I didn't hear the revving of your car when you pulled up, did you leave it at home?"

Lee smiled brightly and raised his suitcase. "Master, I've decided to become a more filial disciple. So, I decided to live with you from now on." Bowing his head, he said. "Please take care of me..."

"Live? Live what? With me?" pointing at himself, Jaden asked incredulously and Lee nodded in response.

Jaden rubbed his chin and thought for a few seconds. 'Live here eh? Doesn't that mean he's gonna be paying rent?' when he thought so, a smile surfaced on his face. "Good, good disciple, filial disciple, master is so happy."

"So you agree? Thank you, master!"

"Of course, since the dojo's expenses are a lot, you're gonna have to pitch in and pay your—"

"Expenses? Master, what expenses are you talking about?" Lee laughed at Jaden's words. "Other than your gaming capsule, you rarely use electricity. You don't even turn on the lights at night or use hot water, right? So your electricity bill should be very low."


Jaden was surprised when his lie was seen through. The colour of his face turned red for a moment as he coughed. "I-is that right? Then what about the food that you'll—"

"Master, food? Of course, I'll be getting my own food, you don't have to worry about that." Lee sighed as he said. "Master, although I've no money anymore, you don't have to worry so much about me."

"?! What? What do you mean you don't have money anymore?" Jaden shouted. Then, glancing at the luggage and the suitcase once again, he stared at his disciple. "... did you do something bad and got kicked out of the house? So you lied when you said that you decided to live here because you wanted to become a better disciple?"

"Eh?" Lee was taken aback and scratched his head. Not knowing what to say, he could only nod his head in response. However, torn at his master's last question, he immediately shook his head in denial.

Seeing his uncomfortable expression, Jaden didn't ask any further questions regarding why he was kicked out and simply shook his head in dismay.

'Damn it, I should've asked for his training fee when he showed up at my doorstep.'

Remembering the time when Lee suddenly showed up and asked to be taken as a disciple, Jaden regretted not asking for money right then.

"I must've been out of my mind, becoming so excited that I forgot to ask for the training fees then..." he murmured under his breath, shaking his head in regret.

"Eh, master, did you say something?"

"Nothing, *cough*, so you lied

Jaden's face turned dark but he couldn't bring himself to say that he didn't even have enough money to pay the dojo's monthly rent, and the deadline was about to come too!

'Ah, I can't be as shameless as the old master. How can I ask rent money from my disciple?'

"Heh, since you're back, then you can proceed with your training. 1,000 push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups a day. Also, 50 kilometres of running during every sunrise, wearing the weights that I'll be giving you." After saying that, he shook his head and went inside the dojo, back towards his room, back towards Everlasting World.

Lee was left alone, frozen in place, the number '1,000' echoing in his head.

* * * * *

Tower of Trials, Training Hall.

Logging in at the location where he logged out the last time, Sky appeared at the training hall, right beside the stone staircase that led to the upper floors.

"Shame, such a shame..." he muttered as his avatar materialized.

However, at that moment, the discussion of the surrounding players immediately took his attention.

"Hey, hey, did you hear about Destiny Group's announcement this morning?" asked a random player.

"Of course I did, I was watching Revelation TV when the breaking news came in!" answered another passerby.

"I can't believe that Destiny Group actually partnered with nearly all the top international banks, on a global scale at that!"

"I know right? I can't believe that they're gonna open an auction platform! Selling equipment for instant cash, converting gold coins into instant cash, hohoho, I really can't fathom how powerful the Destiny Group is to be able to do this."

"Damn... with how popular Everlasting World suddenly became, won't those tycoon corporations and leading enterprises be entering the game to advertise themselves? Sponsoring players, won't they be able to take over the game simply by throwing money in? Who knew this game would become Pay-to-win too..."

"Idiot! Destiny Group already put a limit on that! How can the group let those companies break the game? Don't forget how powerful the group is, even those tycoons can't afford to anger the group!"

"Right! Due to Destiny Group's technology, which no other can compare to, they have connections in the political, military, industry and business fields. If someone dares provoke them, with how powerful the group is, they would just be digging their own graves."

Hearing the heated discussion, Sky perked up his ears when he heard them talking about money.

"Hehe, selling items and equipment for instant cash, I'll be rich in no time."

"Kek, you? Dream on! I don't even see a single Rare-rated equipment on you. Do you think those trash equipment of yours will be able to sell?"

"Forget items and equipment, you can directly convert gold into instant cash! Damn it, I wonder what the conversion rate is?"

Surprised, Sky's heartbeat sped up. 'Selling equipment for real-life money? Convert gold coins into instant cash?'

Sorry for the late chapter guys. I couldn't write anything since it's Christmas time, I've been busy. I just finished writing this chapter now and I released it asap, so I apologize if you see any spelling errors or grammar mistakes. Please do comment them if you see them so I can edit and fix them.

Addressing the gold to cash conversion, the players will 'sell' their gold coins to Destiny Group through the platform, which the group will then sell to the 'tycoons' intending to enter the game.


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