
Volcano in Chat group

A man reincarnated in Rwby and suddenly gets invited to a chat group.

Ghidorah · 漫画同人
3 Chs


In the void a sole man was floating he had been there so long he couldn't even remember how long it had been. A light beams and sucks the man in.

"Hello it seems you have been in the void for a long time." A God said.

"I have." The man answered

"Hmmm I will give you an option you can be reincarnated or you can go back to the void." The giant man said.

"I chose reincarnation " The man said without hesitation.

"Very well spin these wheels to decide what powers you'll get, where you will go, and a system." His voice boomed.

The man saw three wheels drop from above and landed right in front of him.

"Wait instead of a system could I get a Chat group." The soul asked.

"Let's discuss that after first spin these two wheels." The god said.

Giving the other two wheels a spin he waited for them to stop.

"Let's see you will be going to the world of Rwby."

The god said.

"Not bad lower level and a bunch of sexy girls that are ripe and in their prime." The soul said.

"Your powers will be…becoming a Volcano Human." The god said.


"Basically you are a living, talking, and walking Volcano. You have Magma, Volc Rock, and smoke Manipulation and you will be immune to Fire, heat, Ice, poison, water, or lava attacks."

"Ok what about magma rock manipulation." The soul asked pretty satisfied with his power.

"Volc Rock is a type of rock from Planet 7367. It is incredibly strong like harder than Diamond strong and is what makes up Volcanos on that planet. Volc rock looks Volcanic rock but Black so basically Obsidian but way better and sharper too. Before you ask Smoke Manipulation is the ash smoke from Volcanos when they erupt." The god finished

"Now time to discuss your earlier statement. You wanted a chat group and to be honest with you a recently reincarnated soul was given a chat group and they aren't easy to make so I will added you to it and cover your identity as just another character from Rwby. Have fun with that you can do whatever you want now." The god said and a light blasted him into Rwby.

[Rwby somewhere in Vale]

A man was looking into the mirror this was the soul that had just been reincarnated. He was tall around 6'3 with a pale complexion. His face was handsome and sharp that went well with his Spiky red hair and amber eyes. He was confused to be in a nice looking suit but to be honest it looked good on him.(Mikoto Suoh/Book Cover)

"Washington." That will be my new name.

Looking around he seemed to be in a hotel and a nice one at that a nice large king size bed which he was more than happy to sleep on. On the table were a couple things they were a scroll, wallet, and a cigar.

The scroll was red with black outlines Washington picked it up and begun looking through it he found a picture of himself in the top right and clicked on it.

Name: Washington

Age: 17

From: Vacuo

Height: 6'3

Weight: 220

Semblance: Eruption

Aura: Red and Immensely Large

Balance: 20,000 (10 L is $1)

Other information: Orphan, Trouble maker, Anger issues.

Now that he knows his information he grabbed the wallet and picked up the cigar. The cigar had a note on it reading Washington lit it and smoked while reading the note.

'From God: This cigar is an infinite cigar that will never go away and if it's too far will return to you. It also holds your weapon it is your favorite flavor of Cigar from your past life and act as a regular cigar until you need your weapon. Think of something then flick the cigar but think carefully after this time whatever you thought of will be the weapon it will become every time.'

Washington thought for a while then blow out smoke and pinched the cigar then flicked it forward. The cigar bursted into flames and Washington reaches into the flame and pulled out a a Trident that looked like it was covered in black rocks with lava flowing through it. The three tips could also open up and blast powerful lava shotgun slugs.

The reason he had a trident was because of pure irony and that it was a actual good weapon if you knew how to use it and with its material no one could wield it but him unless they wanted to get 4th degree burns.

After twirling his trident around a bit and getting a handle on it he willed it back into a cigar and put it back in his mouth.

"I guess I should get a look around Vale before I go to Beacon." Washington said he saw on his scroll that he already got his transcripts for attending the Beacon initiation.

Wash pocketed his wallet and scroll then left to go adventure in the city.

[With Ozpin]

"We have a lot of good recruits this year." Glynda said looking over the papers.

"Yes many news pieces to help with the war." Ozpin put his mug down.

"Tell me Glynda which ones have caught your eye." Ozpin asked.

"Pyrrha Nikos first she would be a great asset her fighting skills are probably the best in this class. Two more are the Schnee and Belladonna which would make for an odd pair on a team." Glynda said.

"Yes but the one I'm most curious about is him." Ozpin tapped on a paper.

"Washington no last name." Glynda grabbed his paper and looked over it.

"An orphan that fought in Underground fighting pits to survive. His semblance is remarkable as well." Ozpin said.

"It says his semblance is Eruption." Glynda said thinking of what it could be.

"Yes I heard that he can shot magma from his hands. Check out these photos this is what happens to someone when their aura can't hold the lava any longer." Ozpin showed Glynda a multiple picture of 4 the degree burns.

"He did this." Glynda said staring in shock at the damage.

"Yes this is the first time I have seen a semblance like his on that scale." Ozpin sipped some coffee.

"Should I go talk with him." Glynda asked.

"No we can question him when he comes to Beacon."

[With Washington]

"Achoo someone must be talking about me." Washington sneezed some magma sparks.