
Void Horizon

Ares is a young man from the ruins of the third city. The world he lives in is still recovering from the Demon war which has left its mark throughout the continent. A chance encounter with a round sphere plunges him into a world of magic and adventure. He will delve into the mysteries of magic whilst also exploring his own unknown beginning. In doing so perhaps he will discover the secret of his black eyes. The story may be a bit of a slow start but from chapter 6 in its magic and spells, please be patient with it.

Lost_void · 奇幻
57 Chs


After shouting to run Ares and the other two began to move quickly in the direction of the stairs. Despite the pitch black they fled as fast as they could. In the background an ominous sound of chewing could be heard.

Despite the stairs being close Ares felt that the faster they run the less progress they made. It felt like several minutes elapsed and they still hadn't reached the stairs yet. It was almost like the darkness was holding them stationary.

"There's a binding spell keeping us here." Jason said explaining why they were stuck.

"We need to speed up that thing sounds like its getting closer." Sky said from behind. Ares was happy to hear Sky despite the circumstance; at least he knew he was still following.

"Do either of you have any ideas?" Ares asked.

"I have one idea; but it's a bad one." Jason said.

"Tell us quick." Ares said.

"Since we are stuck where we are and we are heading down; how about I use rupture." Jason said more in a question then a statement.

"Rupture would use your entire mana reserves and some; best case scenario you end in a coma. Not to mention it would still probably kill us all." Sky said shouting.

"What the hell is Rupture?" Ares asked.

"It's a high level earth spell which will cause the ground to literally rupture; since we are heading down it would likely mean the floor would collapse." Sky said explaining hurriedly.

"if you have a better plan tell me now." Jason screamed back.

The sound of chewing had now stopped and all three felt a rush of cold air as something was approaching at a deadly speed.

"Screw this; see you all next life." Jason said.

Ares felt his hand drop from his back as he heard Sky scream loudly as the spell was cast.

"You better survive you moron." Sky screamed.

"RUPTURE." Jason cast.

There was an instantly large shaking as the tunnel began to crumble. Even in the darkness Ares could sense the entire tunnel begin to crumble. As they tried to stay stable the feeling of ground beneath them disappeared.

Ares, Jason and Sky fell into the darkness.

Back in the cavern Caesar was now eyeing the entrance carefully. Luckily the entrance whilst open appeared to still have magic stopping the faceless monsters from exiting.

The experience had shocked him but now he was back in the safety he felt unbridled anger rising within him. He had been told by the light guild about the layout of the facility. He had also been given a secret spell which helped them all transfer to the same location. Despite his clear advantages he felt that this Julian, Sky and Jason had played him for a fool. He was the chosen one in his mind. The grandson of Shiva the arch-mage.

After eyeing the entrance for a couple of minutes there was a slight change. The entrance almost seemed to flicker. He had a moment of realisation as he screamed.

"Get back!" The many surviving light mages gathered around the entrance to the tunnel instantly started backing away but they were already too late.

A long arm reached out from the tunnel followed by a faceless monster.

"RUN" Caesar screamed running for the nearest tunnel to him; at this point he didn't care about the traps.

The remaining light mages which still amounted to hundreds of people scattered. Whilst the people who hadn't entered the tunnel had no idea of the horror; the panicked look on Caesars face was enough to get them running.

One after another faceless monster clawed their way out of the tunnel and began to commence the massacre. Bodies were shorn in two and screaming light mages ran in every direction. Despite the occasional spells which lanced through the monsters only white scorch marks were left on their bodies; not a drop of blood dropped from their gangly forms.

It was a matter of minutes before the cavern was empty of living mages; body parts lay scattered around the cavern and blood dripped from the walls and ceilings. Despite them running less than half of the light mages had managed to get into a tunnel and their fate from then was unknown. One of the luckier survivors Caesar was now staggering down a tunnel his white robe covered in dirt.

"If I ever see them again I swear I will kill them all." He muttered as he limped down into the distance.

Ares found himself waking up in a pile of rubble; the area was slightly illuminated with a few glowing rocks surrounding him. His ribs were now agonising as was the rest of his body; he felt that he must have numerous broken bones as he was barely able to feel his lower half.

"Ares, are you there." A weak sound was heard from a pile nearby.

Ares managed to use his hands to pry a couple of rocks off his body and drag himself towards the sound, his legs were not responding to him. A few meters away a head was half submerged in rocks. Ares quickly pulled the rocks away from the head and exposed it to the light.

Sky was buried up to his head in rock; blood was dripping from his mouth and his eyes looked glassy. It was clear that he had been hit by far more rock then Ares had.

"You're alright buddy, I'll get you out." Ares said quickly using his hands to dig rock beneath.

"Don't worry about me, worry about Jason." Sky said breathing heavily. As he spoke more blood dripped out of his mouth.

"I don't see him." Ares said after taking a cursory glance around him.

"I tried to cushion the drop for him." Sky began before stopping to cough loudly. Blood splattered onto Ares face. Ares was getting more and more concerned for Sky.

"I cast rock armour on him as he fell; he should be around there." Sky said nodding towards his left.

Ares started pulling rocks off in the area that Sky intimated; as he dug he felt the rocks easily come away a pale body was soon esposed as he managed to uncover Jason.

"I have him buddy." Ares said to let Sky know. There was no response as he dug Jason out.

"Hes still breathing but he's passed out; I think its mana exhaustion." Ares said again explaining to Sky.

There was again no response behind him.

Ares turned to check on sky and realised his head was slumped forward.

"Sky!" Ares screamed as he dragged himself over to him.

He dug as quickly as he could using the void spell to disappear large amounts of rock as he did. The more of Sky he exposed the more his heart sank.

Skys body was crushed. How he had managed to continue to speak was beyond Ares understanding; the pain Sky was in as he led Ares to Jason would have been beyond comprehension. Every bone was crushed and his limbs were snapped in every angle. His blood had soaked into the rocks around him.

"Why didn't you cast the armour on yourself you fool." Ares said as he looked at Sky.

It couldn't help now. Sky was dead.