
Virtual Reality: Lord of Hell!

I do not own the front cover, the author can contact me if they wish it to be removed This is my first novel as i got bored of reading and decided to attempt to create my own novel so do not take it seriously and more of a light read If support is seen then I shall take this novel seriously and chapters will be longer, more arcs will be seen and more care will be put into this piece of work Furthermore, I hope you enjoy ...... In a not-so-distant future where full-dive virtual reality games have become the norm, Alex, a young man seeking an escape from the mundane realities of life, stumbles upon a mysterious and unheard-of game called "Lord of Hell." Its zero-star reviews and complete obscurity do little to deter his curiosity. With his girlfriend Emma busy working and supporting their modest life, Alex dives headfirst into this enigmatic game, expecting nothing more than a brief diversion. Little does he know that his decision will catapult him into an unexpected adventure!

Demonic_Immortal · 奇幻
24 Chs

Hell points!

The knights approached the second ruined village with heavy hearts, their senses assaulted by the acrid scent of charred wood and lingering smoke. It was a chilling sight, the remnants of a once-thriving community reduced to ashes.

As they drew closer, the grim reality of the situation became painfully evident. There, amidst the devastation, sat a young girl. Her eyes were cold and distant, and she seemed completely detached from the world around her.

Captain Reynard's heart sank as he took in the scene. He knew that the horrors these villagers had endured must have been beyond imagination. The hill of corpses nearby only added to the nightmarish tableau.

"Child," Captain Reynard began cautiously, his voice laced with empathy, "can you tell us what happened here? We're here to help."

The girl remained silent, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. Captain Reynard couldn't help but feel a profound sense of sadness and helplessness wash over him. It was moments like these that tested the resolve of even the most battle-hardened knights.

Sir Cedric, a younger knight known for his compassion, stepped forward, concern etched on his face. He knelt down beside the girl, trying to meet her gaze. "Please, if you can, tell us what happened. We need to understand so we can prevent further harm."

The girl's lips moved slowly, and her voice emerged in a monotone, robotic tone. "The lord of hell, Scythe, has descended to reap the souls of our kingdom." She repeated this eerie mantra several times, each repetition sending shivers down the knights' spines.

Sir Cedric exchanged a worried glance with his fellow knights.

'This poor girl must have gone insane'

He thought 

Captain Reynard then spoke

"Alright let's go…. NOW! The king shall hear this report, two villages annihilated, 1 survivor gone insane. Someone pick this girl up and let's go!"

He urged the knights who clumsily got back onto their horses, a young female knight picked up the girl and placed her on the back of her horse.


After a similar explanation of how the demon got here to the first demon Anubis, Alex found himself immersed in the younger demon's life story. This demon, at a mere 40 years old, had experienced little of the world compared to Anubis. The memories flowed like a movie, revealing a life spent hiding in a forest hunting lone travellers after it had almost died raiding a town when it was younger, receiving the tools it still held now .

The demon had an innate grasp of simple fire magic, hurling fireballs instinctively. Yet, this power came at a cost, draining his energy after a mere 30 fireballs, leaving him incapacitated for hours.

As Alex delved deeper into the demon's memories, he couldn't help but compare the world he saw to the one Anubis hailed from. 

[Affirmative, this demon is from a different region of the world of Terresia]

'Hahaha, so Anubis isn't the only demon from that world…wait, so does that mean this prophet is actually legit?! I might be in for a fight….I must get stronger and fast!!!'

He thought to himself

'System convert all the souls into hell points'

[You have received 383 hell points, total points are, 499]

[Do you wish to upgrade the lava zone for 30 points? After upgrade two demons can be assigned and 12 souls can fit within the pool!]

'Upgrade it two times!'

[Affirmative, Lava zone upgraded twice, deducted 80 points, 3 demons can be assigned and 25 souls can fit in the pool!

Remaining hell points, 419!]

'Open shop!'

Alex clicked on the abilities panel and found an ability he liked,

[Due to the host being the lord of hell, no essence is required to cast skills, this is the reason instant transport does not tire you like the demon who casts fire balls and becomes exhausted!]

'Oh that makes sense! Then…I will buy this!'

["Hellfire Manipulation." 

cost 150 hell points. 

- **Description:** This skill allows the user to control and generate hellfire, a unique and powerful form of fire that burns even hotter and is more destructive than regular fire. In the early stages, the user can create small hellfire projectiles, manipulate existing fires to become hellfire, and enhance the power of their attacks with controlled bursts of hellfire.

- **Effects:**


  - **Hellfire Projectiles:** Can create small, throwable hellfire projectiles that deal increased damage compared to regular fire.

  - **Enhanced Attacks:* Infuse weapons with hellfire, increasing their damage and allowing for more devastating strikes.

  - **Fire Manipulation:** Can manipulate existing fires within a certain range and convert them into hellfire, making them much hotter and more destructive.

Increasing the intelligence stat can make this skill even more destructive, however some skills may stop growing after a certain amount of intelligence stats]


He eagerly made the purchase, feeling a surge of newfound power. But just as he did, everything abruptly went dark.


An ethereal and angelic voice called his name,




He hastily took the helmet off his head to see his beautiful partner stood before him, her hands on hips, her voluptuous figure stood in front of the sofa, a mix of irritation and concern on her face.

"Jeez, you never get off that thing, it's 11 o'clock at night..."

"I'm sorry"

Alex responded dejectedly. His demeanour had shifted drastically from Scythe, the lord of hell who had just orchestrated the annihilation of two villages.

"I have foodddd"

Emma changed the tone of the conversation and her eyes lit up as she expectantly waited for Alex's happy expression, and when she saw it appear, a smile blossomed upon her delicate face as white as snow

Alex sat up and rubbed his eyes, not being able to take his mind off of the game

'Lord of Hell huh…that was a fucking journey....i can't wait for it again tomorrow!!!!'

His thoughts were interrupted by the glorious smell of….


'What an end to a day!' 

He thought to himself happily as he ate his burger, Emma smiling sat besides him

And so Alex and Emma sat on the cream coloured sofa and enjoyed their food, Alex stuffing the fries down his throat as Emma laughed at him

40 minutes later

"Right, I'm going to sleep, are you coming, my love?" 

She spoke softly, receiving a simple nod from Alex as they headed to bed
