
Virtual Reality: Lord of Hell!

I do not own the front cover, the author can contact me if they wish it to be removed This is my first novel as i got bored of reading and decided to attempt to create my own novel so do not take it seriously and more of a light read If support is seen then I shall take this novel seriously and chapters will be longer, more arcs will be seen and more care will be put into this piece of work Furthermore, I hope you enjoy ...... In a not-so-distant future where full-dive virtual reality games have become the norm, Alex, a young man seeking an escape from the mundane realities of life, stumbles upon a mysterious and unheard-of game called "Lord of Hell." Its zero-star reviews and complete obscurity do little to deter his curiosity. With his girlfriend Emma busy working and supporting their modest life, Alex dives headfirst into this enigmatic game, expecting nothing more than a brief diversion. Little does he know that his decision will catapult him into an unexpected adventure!

Demonic_Immortal · 奇幻
24 Chs

Beyond Valeria part 2

With the map of the world in hand, Aveline had a newfound sense of purpose. She was determined to uncover the truths hidden within each kingdom, to gather knowledge and allies for the impending confrontation with Scythe.

The kingdom she had entered was unlike any she had encountered before, which was now 3. Its people wore intricate masks, each one unique and adorned with vibrant colors. Aveline couldn't help but be intrigued by the mystery that surrounded this place.

As she wandered the city's streets, she engaged in conversations with the masked residents, learning about their customs, their festivals, and the enigmatic ruler known as the Masked Sovereign.

One evening, Aveline found herself drawn to a tavern that seemed to be the heart of the kingdom's social life. The sign above the door depicted a mask with intricate patterns and golden accents. It was aptly named "The Masked Masquerade."

Inside, the tavern was alive with music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. Patrons wore masks of various designs, adding an air of mystery to the festivities. Aveline took a seat at the bar, her eyes scanning the room for any potential sources of information.

As Aveline sipped on a glass of local ale, her attention was drawn to a hooded figure seated a few stools away. The young man seemed to be in no hurry, his dirty cloak concealing most of his features.

Curiosity piqued, Aveline couldn't resist striking up a conversation. "Quite the lively place, isn't it?"

The hooded figure turned to her, his voice muffled by the fabric covering his face. "Aye, it is. But sometimes it's a bit too lively for my taste."

Aveline couldn't help but chuckle at the response. "Fair enough. I'm Aveline, by the way."

The young man hesitated for a moment before answering. "You can call me... Drake."

As the night wore on, Aveline and Drake found themselves sharing stories and laughter. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with jokes and anecdotes about their respective travels and adventures.

Drake's cloak and hood remained firmly in place, preserving his anonymity. Aveline respected his privacy, sensing that there was more to his story than met the eye.

Under the dim tavern lights, Aveline and Drake delved into their dreams and aspirations. They spoke of the places they wished to visit, the mysteries they longed to unravel, and the adventures they yearned to experience.

Drake's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he shared his desire to see the world beyond the kingdom's borders. "There's so much out there, Aveline, and I've only seen a fraction of it."

Aveline nodded in agreement. "I feel the same way. There's a vast world waiting to be explored."

As the night deepened, Aveline couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Drake. The hours had flown by in their company, and she cherished the connection they had forged.

With a hint of reluctance, Aveline said, "I've truly enjoyed our time together, Drake. But I must continue my journey."

As Aveline prepared to bid farewell to the enigmatic Drake, his curiosity got the better of him. He leaned closer, his voice filled with a mix of trepidation and scepticism. "So, Aveline, where are you really heading? What's your true purpose out here?"

Aveline hesitated for a moment, knowing that she needed allies in her quest against Scythe. With a solemn expression, she decided to share a part of her truth. "I'm on a mission to stop someone—a powerful being known as Scythe, the lord of hell, only destruction remains if i do not embark on his mission"

Drake's eyes widened, and he took a step back as if recoiling from the weight of her words. "Scythe?....The lord of hell?!. Are you telling me the truth, or is this some kind of elaborate tale?"

Aveline looked directly into his eyes, her gaze unwavering. "I swear on my life, Drake. This is no story. Scythe is a real threat, and I need all the help I can get."

Drake's suspicion lingered for a moment, but as he gazed into Aveline's serious eyes, he realised the truth of her words. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him, and he knew he couldn't dismiss her warning after getting to know her…this prince was naive.

With a sigh, he reached up and removed his hooded cloak, revealing his own mask—a more elaborate and ornate version than those of commoners. He peeled it away, revealing his face, a mask of its own in the form of an intricate design painted on his skin.

"I suppose it's only fair," Drake said with a hint of resignation. "I am not just a commoner. I am Prince Kael, the youngest son of King Leoric of this kingdom."

Aveline's eyes widened in surprise, and she couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, that's quite the revelation. A prince in disguise, running away from the palace to experience life as a commoner."

She knew this after overhearing conversations of a prince gone missing in the streets

With their secrets laid bare, Aveline and Kael shared a moment of understanding. They had both yearned for something beyond the roles they had been assigned in life, and now, in this chance encounter, they had found kindred spirits.

As the night continued to envelop them, they talked more of Scythe and the prophet and the treasures, the events that had occurred in Valeria now laid bare before Kael

Aveline and Kael sat in a thoughtful silence, the revelation of each other's secrets hanging in the air. 

After a prolonged moment, Kael broke the silence, his voice tinged with a hint of concern. "Aveline, you mentioned this Scythe and the prophet's warning. Can you tell me more about them? I need to understand the gravity of the situation."

Aveline nodded, her expression turning serious. She recounted the events in Valeria, the prophet's message, and the quest to find the scattered treasures of the world to thwart Scythe's sinister plans.

As Aveline spoke, Kael listened intently, his eyes filled with a growing sense of unease. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, and he couldn't dismiss the danger she described, he was a sheltered prince, he almost threw up at the description of some of the things stated.

Once Aveline had finished her account, Kael took a deep breath, his thoughts racing. He knew he had to trust her, and in turn, he needed to reveal a truth of his own.

He leaned in closer and began to speak, his voice barely above a whisper. "Aveline, there's something you should know. This kingdom, along with many others in this northern region, is united under one powerful empire."

Aveline furrowed her brow in confusion. "An empire? I haven't heard of such a thing in my travels. What can you tell me about it?"

Kael nodded, expecting her bewilderment. "The empire is shrouded in secrecy, and its existence is known only to high-ranking nobles and royalty in the kingdoms it governs. All the kingdoms in this region are united under its banner. It is ruled by an emperor, a figure of great mystery and power."

Kael continued his explanation, his tone filled with a sense of reverence. "The emperor is believed to be an angel sent from the heavens, a divine guardian of our lands. Many myths and legends surround him, but the common thread is that he shelters our kingdoms from outside threats."

Aveline's eyes widened as she began to grasp the significance of what Kael was telling her. "So, this emperor is the reason these kingdoms have stability and protection from chaos, this is why there is not much internal conflict, no bandits, no wars, this is why these past 12 years have been so peaceful?"

Kael nodded solemnly. "Yes, Aveline. Beyond the borders of the empire, many kingdoms are plunged into chaos and turmoil. It is the emperor's divine presence that keeps our lands safe. The stories and myths paint him as a being of immense power, worthy of our utmost reverence."

Aveline contemplated the revelation, realising that the empire held a pivotal role in the region's stability. She knew that her journey for knowledge and allies had just taken an unexpected turn, and she needed to learn more about the empire and its enigmatic emperor.

She instantly thought of the heavenly figure of the prophet when hearing such a description

As they sat in the dimly lit tavern, their hearts heavy with the weight of their revelations, Aveline and Kael understood that their paths were now intertwined not only by fate but by the shared burden of knowledge and the quest for truth in a world filled with mysteries.

Aveline couldn't shake the revelation about the empire and its mysterious emperor from her mind. The notion that all the kingdoms in the region were united under a single banner was both intriguing and perplexing.
