
Virtual Reality: Lord of Hell!

I do not own the front cover, the author can contact me if they wish it to be removed This is my first novel as i got bored of reading and decided to attempt to create my own novel so do not take it seriously and more of a light read If support is seen then I shall take this novel seriously and chapters will be longer, more arcs will be seen and more care will be put into this piece of work Furthermore, I hope you enjoy ...... In a not-so-distant future where full-dive virtual reality games have become the norm, Alex, a young man seeking an escape from the mundane realities of life, stumbles upon a mysterious and unheard-of game called "Lord of Hell." Its zero-star reviews and complete obscurity do little to deter his curiosity. With his girlfriend Emma busy working and supporting their modest life, Alex dives headfirst into this enigmatic game, expecting nothing more than a brief diversion. Little does he know that his decision will catapult him into an unexpected adventure!

Demonic_Immortal · 奇幻
24 Chs

Anubis 1's investigation

Under the order of Lord Scythe, Anubis 1 led his trio of demons into the unknown. Their journey began with a cautious step as they scoured the surroundings, their ebony forms blending seamlessly into the shadows of the twisted, gnarled trees.

Anubis 1 kept his crimson eyes peeled, scanning the ground for any signs that might guide them. The footprints, a mix of horse hooves and human shoes, sprawled out like a cryptic map.

"These prints," he murmured, his voice low and rumbling, "Lord Scythe wants to know where they lead. We must follow."

His companions, creatures of eerie grace and dark allure, nodded in silent agreement. Their loyalty to Lord Scythe was unwavering, and they would follow Anubis 1's lead to the ends of the earth.

As they ventured deeper into the wilderness, the scent of humanity grew stronger. Anubis 1's upper lip curled with disdain as he observed the central city in the distance. Merchants and townsfolk bustled about.

"Weak," he muttered, his scorn barely concealed. To him, these humans were little more than fleeting spectres in a dark tapestry.

"But too many"

The demons remained hidden in the shadows, keenly focused on their mission. Seeing the tracks disappearing before the city, they grumbled.

  But Anubis 1 spotted something, more hoofprints heading another direction, they could be just any hoofprints but he had a gut feeling they were something more! And so they followed these tracks, leading away from the bustling city and deeper into the untamed woods. The scent of something primal, something wild, wafted through the air and filled Anubis 1's nostrils.

He signalled to his companions, and they followed the new set of hoofprints with a sense of purpose. The forest grew denser, the air heavier with the mysteries of the wilderness. As they ventured farther, the distant howls of beasts echoed through the trees.

The squad of demons moved silently. Suddenly, they emerged into a small clearing bathed in the dappled light of the waning sun. There, they faced a large pack of fearsome creatures—large, hulking beasts with matted fur and gleaming, predatory eyes.

Anubis 1 raised a clenched fist. It was time to test their mettle against the savage beasts of the wild. In the ensuing battle, the demons moved with a deadly grace, their ebony forms a blur of motion. Claws clashed, teeth gnashed, and the cries of the creatures mixed with the sinister laughter of the demons.

As the last beast fell, its lifeless form crumpling to the forest floor, Anubis 1 allowed himself a moment of grim satisfaction. 

But their journey was far from over. The hoofprints continued, leading them deeper into the heart of the wilderness. Anubis 1 knew that they were drawing closer to their destination.

The journey through the wilderness led Anubis 1 and his loyal companions further into the unknown. The forest, dense and ancient, seemed to swallow them whole as they followed the winding path formed by the hoofprints of a stallion and the boots of a small human.

Suddenly, a strange scent wafted through the air—a mingling of blood and death. Anubis 1's keen senses immediately honed in on the source. His crimson eyes locked onto three lifeless forms sprawled across the forest floor. As they approached, the gruesome sight came into full view—three large wolves, their once-majestic forms now stilled in death.

Anubis 1's voice resonated with a deep, guttural tone. "Wolves, slain by something or someone." He gestured for his fellow demons to approach, and they examined the lifeless bodies with an air of curiosity. 

"Sword marks," remarked one of the demons, his voice a dark whisper. 


Anubis 1 nodded in agreement. "Indeed, this small human has left evidence of their being here everywhere."

The journey resumed, each step bringing them closer to their elusive destination. 

As the forest thinned, they came upon a small clearing. Anubis 1 raised his hand, mimicking the gesture his lord had made toward him not long ago. His companions immediately halted, their sharp eyes locked onto the sight before them.

In the distance, nestled among the trees, stood a rustic cabin. Its thatched roof and wooden walls spoke of a simple existence, a stark contrast to the complexities that lay within. It was here that the so called prophet was said to reside

Anubis 1's crimson gaze remained fixed on the cabin, a questioning look on his face

The trio of demons headed forwards, one smashes through a window, one kicked the door down, and one entered through the roof, Anubis 1 stood at the front door with his arms folded

"Nothing here captain!" One of the demons yelled

Anubis grunted with frustration and headed forwards, also seeing nothing in the building, the person or people here had long since departed


'Fuck, fuck, fuck! Scythe?! What demon lord of hell! Fuck, if there really is such an event occuring, i will be fucked, i must run!'

A certain prophet sped through the forest, still wearing his wooden mask, leather gloves and white robe, He sprinted through the forest at full pace, all his energy being used to move his stick like legs

'I must migrate beyond the borders of the Kingdom of Valeria! Yes…they will never find me out there!'

The prophet had seemed to gone insane 
