
Virgin Bride For The Beast Wolf

"Take your clothes off. It's time to bathe." Hearing those words, fear overwhelmed me, and I felt as if I might wet myself. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around my body, unable to fathom removing my clothing. He rose from his seat, approached me with a sinister smile, and placed his hands on my hair. "Would you like me to assist you?" Trembling with fear, I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head, vehemently refusing while inching away from him. "Well, if you don't want to disobey your husband, do as I say." He returned to his chair and sat down, watching me intently, waiting for me to comply and undress.

Jessica_Molly · 奇幻言情
147 Chs

chapter 2

Sierra pov...

As my senses slowly returned, I struggled against the hands that held me. They were too strong. My heart ached as I thought of my mother, her voice echoing in my mind, filling me with longing and helplessness. These strangers carried me away, and I was powerless to stop them.

Fear gripped me tightly, and I couldn't help but wonder if I was being taken to become the bride of the beast. The mere thought sent cold shivers down my spine, and I found myself silently praying for this nightmare to end.

They threw me into a cage and locked it. The clang of the metal bars filled the space around me, and I felt trapped in every sense of the word. My heart raced with anxiety as I sat there, the unknown weighing heavily on me. How could I escape? Was there even a way?

Tears welled up as I thought of my mother, left behind, alone and vulnerable. Desperation washed over me. I stood up, my hands gripping the bars of the cage, and I cried out, "Let me out!"

But no one answered. The silence was suffocating, as if darkness had swallowed me whole, even though it was still daylight. I screamed again, my voice echoing into the emptiness. Still, no response.

I collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down my face. What was I supposed to do? My chest tightened with fear as the reality of my situation sank in.

Hours passed, though it felt like an eternity. Then, the creak of a door pulled me from my thoughts. I looked up to see a man approaching the cage. He set a tray of food inside and locked eyes with me.

"I suggest you eat while you can," he said coldly. "I doubt there will be any food where you're going."

His words chilled me to the bone. I curled up in the corner, retreating as far as I could from the tray and from him. Fear engulfed me, and I couldn't bring myself to respond.

Just as he was about to leave, I found the strength to speak. "Please, what's going to happen to me? Where is my mother?"

He turned back, his eyes softening for a moment. "The village will care for your mother. I'm sorry this is your fate."

And then he left, leaving me alone with my fear and uncertainty. I stared at the untouched food, but I couldn't eat. How could I, knowing what awaited me?

The hours dragged on, and darkness fell. From outside, I heard distant shouting. I didn't know what was happening, but dread filled my heart. It couldn't be anything good.

Finally, the door swung open again. Two men entered, unlocking the cage and dragging me out. I was too weak to fight back. My legs felt like they didn't belong to me, and I stumbled as they pulled me through the crowd that had gathered.

"Today is the day we've all been waiting for!" a woman shouted, her voice commanding the attention of the crowd. "The days of death are over. Now we will live in peace."

The crowd cheered, and I scanned their faces, looking for a sign of compassion, but there was none. I saw my mother, though, and my heart broke. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to reach me, but she was held back.

"Mom," I whispered, too far away to do anything but hope she would be okay.

The woman continued. "For too long, we've lived in fear of the wolf. But now, we offer a young virgin to him, and in return, we will be free."

The crowd erupted in cheers again, and disbelief filled me. How could this be happening? How could they celebrate this?

"Open the gate!" the woman ordered. The men dragged me forward, pulling me toward the gate. Panic seized me. I couldn't go through with this.

"Please, let me go!" I screamed, but they ignored my cries. Before I knew it, I was shoved through the gate. The heavy sound of it closing behind me sealed my fate.

I stood there, staring at the closed gate. They had left me, and I was alone in the darkness. The woods loomed ahead, and I felt utterly lost.

I turned back, hoping they would open the gate again, hoping this was just a cruel joke. But there was only silence.

Realizing I had no choice, I started walking into the woods. Each step felt like it was leading me deeper into the unknown, like icy water was pulling me under. Maybe it would be better if the beast found me now and ended it all.

But nothing happened. Minutes passed, and I saw no sign of the wolf. I sat on the grass, defeated. Should I just wait here for death?

Then, a sound came from behind me. My heart raced as I spun around, and there they were—red eyes glowing in the darkness.

I stumbled back, falling to the ground as terror gripped me. This was it. The wolf had come for me.

But instead of attacking, the beast stepped forward and shifted into a man. He walked on two feet, his presence looming over me.

"Hello, Mate. Welcome home," he said, his voice calm but sending chills through my body.

I took another step back, shaking uncontrollably. "Please, stay away from me," I begged, my voice trembling.

His smile only deepened my fear. Every instinct screamed for me to run, but there was nowhere to go.