

In an Era,when death and wars slowly took hold of the future for two powerful nations In order to fight and survive against the most advanced empire in the continent.A law was passed for every capable body of the kingdom of Echela to be recruited and trained with the intention of helping the frontline Liam was no exception,as the most promising candidates in his home town.He was recruited into the Central military academy of the kingdom for further training to one day become a capable fighter and offer help in the war. Separated from his family.Liam will soon learnt about the real nature of humanity in the academy in his perspective.His limitation against far greater foe and his own role to play in this chaotic world plague with hatred,conflicts and sorrow. This is a tale of a young marksman who aims at his one wish to be strong so he will not lose anyone dear to him to this ravaged world. ________ As this is my first book ever written,any critique good or bad as long as it helps the story and your reading experience improve are welcome:) And if you do enjoy it please throw a stone or two to help it grow.Thanks! p.s. The cover art isn't mine so if the original owner wish it taken down,please notify me and I will take it down asap

Volvo_62 · 奇幻
18 Chs

Festival of trouble

"Yes sister freya,we will be there for the festival,it is my last two day here after all and I want to spend as much time as I can with my sister."Liam replied with a charming smile as he patted winey's head softly which earn him a cheerful smile from her.

"Why can't my little brother get along this well with me…Wait! did you just say you are gonna leave soon?"Freya was sadden as Liam was one of the very few people that she could comfortably call a friend in this foreign land.But at least his sister will here whom she will take care of in his steed.

"Yes, unfortunately.As you might not know ,the mandatory law of the kingdom required all capable body above 13 at least registered in the

central academy as a trainiee and…"He was abouts to finished his explanation when he was fully disturbed by the dark expression on Freya face and impulses of a extremely powerful mana aura barely being restrained.

"You are telling me this kingdom sent children to a years long war while the nobles and royalty live comfortably behind their manor?"Freya was seething with rage and confusion.In her kingdom,no matter how bad a war was going in history.There was no king or queen who would let this kind of law be implemented,at worst they would have to sent the children and their guardians out of their home so they could be protected behind the frontline.

This feels so much worse,considering she have a brother around his age.It pained her to know this was allowed to happen,for children's to face death and separation from their loved ones.It was at this moment she decided to do something,she was not tasked to do,if it had consequences then she would bear it.It was the only way,she could feel better and not threw her most powerful spells at the nobles and king tuck behind their castles and walls.

"Wait,Liam come here,I have something for you."Freya went to the back of the store counter while liam and winey glance at each other in confusion.A few minutes later,Freya walk back to them holding a small silver box the size of her palm.

"It is yours,open it!"Freya asked with excitement,while liam stare at the box in confusion,he was sure it was some of her creation which was all ridiculously high quality and cost a arm and a leg.So he didn't understood why she would give this to him,knowing that he was not chosen for the goddess's blessing.

But feeling her eagerness and anticipation,he felt it would be best to just be grateful and accept the gift.And so he opened it with great care in mind.

"...…Are you really sure about this,sister freya?"Liam asked as both he and winey jaw's were dropped in great shock.Inside the box was the same bracelet Freya wrought on her right hand.

"Yes,yes let's say this is prize for being a good boy and brother.You too winey,this wand should be sufficient for you to practice your spells for years to come."Freya then handed winey a black wand engraved with some form of enchantment pattern.

"Thank you freya,but this is too much."Although winey really liked the wand and she does like idea of being a sorceress,but this is the most expensive thing she has probably seen in her entire life so far.To be given that for befriending someone feels wrong to her.

"It's fine,it fine!okay,it's time to get going you two.Other customers need the space as well."Freya dragged them to the entrance and urge them to take their leave.She doesn't want to hear their complaint anymore,because she was also somewhat pained by giving out two of her most expensive creation.But as long as they serve their new owners well,she would be happy with the decision.

After being chased out of the store with a few parting words,Liam and winney decided it was about time to visit uncle Jerome and head to the festival together.Liam felt very grateful for her kindness and glad that Freya was the first elf he have ever met.He hope that somedays,he will have the ability to repay her.

In a few minutes,they arrived at the plaza together with Jerome and Wait for the festival to start.In front of them was an large alter that was putted together yesterday.The 7 meter tall statue of artemis holding her bow stood proudly behind the altar.

On the top of the altar was a bonfire yet to be lit,a group of 5 priestess and the head priestess stood around the altar,ready to proceed with the ritual.

A circle of radiant mana was inscribed to surround the altar.

Everyone at the site wait as the head priestess move forward holding a bundle of Dahlivi while other priestess started to chant some form of spell.As the chant progress,the circle started to glow with a mysterious azure light.

As soon as the chant stopped after a few minutes,a patterned circle appeared in mid air on top of the bonfire.Head priestess then gently drop the bundle of flower,each petal that passes through the circle was immediately combust with blue flame.

The bonfire slowly came to life as the blue flame falls on it,as the fire became brighter and the heat became stronger.A smoothing and sweet fragrance soon spread across the surrounding,each and everyone who smell it felt a year worth of tension being drained away repeatedly.

"Dad,why does this ritual do?"A young girl ask curiously as this was the first time she visit the town and participated in the festival.

"The azure flower named Dahlivi was blessed by our goddess artemis hundreds of years ago,this tradition started as soon as the town was established.In order to honor our goddess and receives her blessing,our priestess burn the petals so each and every resident may receive the blessings."Her dad answered as he watched the blue flame dance and sway,he was grateful to have the unique chance to receive the goddess's blessing every year.

Soon enough the priestess all step down and allow the mayor Warren to step up for an announcement.

"Citzens of Nabarie!As usual,we thank our goddess for her ever lasting love and kindness to our town.Without her blessing,we cannot prosper and grown to be such a strong community united with love and care!"Warren started his speech with great vigor in his voice."Tonight,we have also been graced by lord Vincent and two professor as well as inspector from military academy of stallion,sir Eric and lady Felicia!Now,feel free to proceed and dance with your loved ones for the last session of the festival,thank you Citzens."

As soon as the speech was over,the plaza thunder with claps and cheers.Everyone was always joyful and excited for receiving the blessing.It was a great boon for the weary souls to release all their stress and gain tremendous energy,signaling the rekindled of life .

Liam walk and bow courtesy to winey and extend his left hand "Lady winey ,may I have be your partner for this dance?"winey was slightly started at first,but soon she and him both smirk as she took his offer and proceed to the dance floor.She understood this was the last time they will meet in a long time so she too want to leave one last good memories before that.

Mutiple instrument was playing in the background using recording crystals,another magic tool that allow for recording of sound and some of the more advanced one can also record image in real time.

While holding winey by her waist and lifting her left hand up to lead her into the dance.Liam and winey sway to the rhythm of music,they have both learned basic courtesy and dancing from Jerome,so this was not hard for them.

Jerome watches both of them with a smile,he also know just how much stress both of them were under now,especially his daughter.So he was grateful that Liam took care of her and smooth her anxiety by accompanying her.

In the corner of his eyes,he saw a silhouette walking towards a girl who he recognizedas one of winey's friend and playmate.As he observed closely,the silhouette appeared to noble young man he haven't seen before.Judging by the boy's appearance,Jerome could tell he was a high ranking noble.

"Is that duke's son?"he thought and observe the situation to see how the young lord was going to behave. Although,he can already see this turning out to be for the worst and he really wouldn't like to offend the little bastard,in case he decided to take it out on Jerome's family.

"Ah,lord Vincent.How may I help you?"The young girl who was about 16 years of age in appearance ask in confusion at the young lord's sudden approach.

"Nothing much,I just want to ask for a dance if it is okay for you,your beauty is breath taking to say the least .Vincent smiles at the innocent young maiden and extend a hand for her to accept.

"Ah,thank you lord Vincent for your praise,but…very well let's go."The girl answered after some hesitation,she already have her partner who is also her fiancé reserved for the next turn.But it was clear that rebutting the lord would be a dangerous idea for both her and her fiancée future.

Besides it was only one turn and everyone was watching so it should be fine .As the Vincent walked to the center of the dance floor with the girl in hand.Vincent lead the poor country bum in the dance,as he slowly presses her body against him.

At this point,the girl was already terrified.She didn't realized the prince would be so bold as to do this in the crowd.Clearly,he expected everyone to turn a blind eye to it due to his status

"Follow me to my room after the dance,if you decided to fight back.There is many way I can make your parents life much much harder." The lustful prince lean forward and whisper in her ear which made her shudder in fear.

Jerome of course heard and saw all of these using his heighten senses spell.And it made his blood boil,he walk towards the convey of the dog prince quickly to question them and stop what he is doing immediately.

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