
The Crossover pt 5

Reaching back into the city i find most of the street in ruins. Burn marks, craters, smouldering trees, are just some of the things i see. We land in front of the group and i ask Ororo "What happened here?"

She smiles and says "You see what had happened was,"

Flashback to right after i took off for space.

Oliver had became the guy elected in charge so he wss splitting up the groups to handle all of the Dominators.

The first wave came down, but they were ready for them. Amara struck first by sending flaming balls of magma at everyone of them. She attacked mercilessly and maintained a decent distance.

The Dominators were taken back at first but quickly regained their wits. Jumping over the corpses of their fallen, they charge at the resistance.

Oliver and Thea react first unleashing a volley of arrows from explosive tips to razor netting, their only purpose was to scatter and confuse the aliens. Barry ran around evacuating the Argus agents before joining them in the fight by saving people and taking out what he could when he could.

The legends fought like a disorganized but functional machine. Waves of ice and flame ran rampant amongst the invader's numbers. Meanwhile Jax in the sky, Ororo and Kara unleashed fireballs and heat beams thinning out stragglers and those trying to sneak out of the group.

Domino went around shooting her upgraded blasters at the creatures until she got a lucky shot that killed one in one bullet. She smiled and started aiming at that exact spot on every Dominator that crossed her path.

The teams were vastly winning when something changed. A blue wave of light came out of the initial probe and sent a mind attack towards the unprepared superheroes.

Everyone except for Oliver and Barry who were further away and the OverWatch members, who's badges had a built in mental interference function, was put under a hypnotic spell and started attacking their teammates.

"What's going on?" asked Hisako dodging a red arrow that had a dangerous accuracy for her eyes.

"It seems as if they're under some sort of spell. It should be that device in the background keeping them under" noted Ororo.

"Flash, we need you to get Supergirl far away. We can't fight her, but you can outrun her" Oliver told The crimson crusader.

Barry didn't hesitate to piss of the Kryptonian by throwing a lightning bolt at her. It didn't affect her but she was now focused on him. He ran and she chased taking them far from the battlefield.

"We need to take out that machine" Domino stated dodging another blow from Sara as a frost ice beam sailed across her head.

"How? We're a little occupied and its surrounded by Dominators" asked Oliver loading another arrow aiming for Jackson Jefferson.

"I could take it out but I'd need some distance to gather the kinetic energy" suggested Ellie.

Ororo was Midflight throwing lightning into the never ending waves of Aliens and said "How much distance would you need?"

"Not much. However if Barry was here he could easily charge that up for me" implied The Teenage Warhead.

Across the coms a young speedster suddenly had a dangerous idea and decided to help. He looked back at his sister and the others all looking at the coms trying to direct Barry where to go. His eyes flash with a yellow lightning as he took off.

Wally ran towards the battlefield in just his street clothes and appeared next to Ellie. "Hey need a lift?"

She was spooked by the appearance of the kid but she knew who he was. She nodded and updated the team about the change of plans while Iris was bitching at Wally to do as she says and come back.

Ellie took out hers and Wally's coms and looked at him readily. He grabbed her in a princess carry and ran back a few miles away from the Dominators.

Ellie feeling all the kinetic energy around her began charging it and shaping it around the two of them. Once Wally saw the purple hue gathering he began to run in circles to build up the charge. Ellie was surprised by the amount built up and told him to let it rip.

The two of them ran directly into the frey of Dominators shredding them as soon as they came close to the speed force super charged Warhead.

The two collided with the probe ceasing the hypnotic effect while also sending the two youngsters flying in different directions. The heroes quickly came back to their senses and rallied back together.

It was at this time Damien cut off their mothership's connection causinf said Dominators to collapse on the ground brain dead.

The heroes looked around dumbfounded but quickly assessed the situation and had Argus handle the cleanup while Kara was sent to find me.

Back to the present and im currently standing there watching Amara and Hisako talking with Thea and Ellie conversing with Sara and Caitlin.

Ororo walked over to me and asked "By the way Damien, who is the girl behind you?"

I was about to introduce her myself but she aint never needed no man to do anything so she spoke up "I am Komand'r from the planet Tamaran. You can call me Blackfire."

The two ladies then were swept up in a wave of whispers amongst each other leaving me alone to brood. But the blonde Kryptonian came over and sat next to me.

"So, i guess its almost time to head home huh?" said Kara a little quietly looking at me expectantly

"Kara, you should already know youre welcomed to my home at any time. But just so you know if you take too long ill come to Earth-38 and steal you away."

She chuckled and said "Its a promise then." We stood up as she hugged me kissing me on the cheek and walking away to say her goodbyes. I watch her walk away and i remember something.

...."Is this really necessary?" Oliver Queen asked as we all stood lined up and posed as Barry stood there with a camera. I made sure we took a Crossover photo and i got a copy. After that we said our rounds of goodbyes and with the extra addition of one person we walked through and headed home.

Bonus Scene

"Ross, we need something big to sway the public opinion. We need them thinking that these mutants can be more dangerous than useful. OverWatch is growing stronger especially with their newest members Nova and GhostSpider's new sidekick. So tell me what you have in mind" asked senator Kelly a man who believes mutants should all burn alive.

"Oh Senator i have the perfect countermeasure." sneered Ross in delight "OverWatch may have taken the public but they also took a beating. Hulk wasnt strong enough but that wil change. Invincible hasn't been seen in a long time making it even easier. Soon we shall have revenge our against those freaks."

So i was supposed to publish this 3 hours ago but i fell asleep mid way through. But here you bottomless chapter pits go. A brand new one for ya.

Ashtin_Prattcreators' thoughts