
Rivets and Reply

Raven Darkholme

Captain of Viltrum Space Forces

Walking through the interior of this Nova base I can't stop myself from being impressed, seeing all these uniformed people carrying helmets around talking and chatting I really couldn't tell where this was the deep space version of our own Lantern Corps. Are they really this relaxed on a planet where anyone can come and go as they please?

"RAVEN! OVER HERE!" Hearing my name I stop and turn to see Eve along with a Grey skinned, grey haired girl tagging along beside her. The two came up to me as I met them halfway with a smile.

"Eve it's great to see a familiar face? Well actually almost didn't recognize you without the helmet."

"Yeah those buckets can be real mood killers. However seeing as you're still here I assume the talks went well? Where's the rest of your crew?"

"They went shopping mostly, clothes, books, interesting trinkets."

"If you're looking for interesting trinkets I think I know the place for you!" The grey skinned girl interjected into the conversation "Hi, I'm Nicholette but you can call me Nikki. If you're looking for a place with interesting gadgets I know of one."

My interest was intrigued "Ohh? Now I must take a look" bringing up my comm bracelet I sent a message to Jean to tell her I found a place and to bring the girls to my location later.

"Interesting accessory, but let's go I still want to go back home and get ready for the party tonight as well. You are coming right?" Nikki went on to talk ignoring her friend Eve who only wanted to chat with her new blue friend, yet this didn't bother the women as they walked down a street I would never remember the name of but already remembered the way.

As our three beauties chatted eventually they met up with the rest of my group who carried many different boxes and bags with them. Thankfully Jean herself has telekinesis and carrying all these isn't even equal to a training boulder she casually mentally benches. Nikki was shocked but soon calmed down after all as a Nova Corps member what big scenes haven't she seen.

"Girls I know you're enthusiastic but really you act as if you're not coming back. We already got trade agreements in place not to mention perspace lanes. Can't you show some restraint." I really wanted to complain about these girls who looked like they were on a vacation rather than an interplanetary exchange. Holding my thoughts in my head I couldn't help but think back to what Damien said.

While a group of thick men in suit gives a sense of oppression there's just a certain effect that can only be achieved by a group of young capable beautiful women. Especially if they're strong individually it adds a sense of reverence in men for them and adds respect to women. Even though she wanted to complain she could see the effect in motion as men kept their distance and women kept their men at a distance with a trace of envy and hatred in their eyes.

"We did hold back Rae. We didn't want to spend all of our credits so we held back quite a bit" Kitty couldn't help but use her passive skill 'attract hatred' and jumped out to take all of my scolding. But to her surprise I didn't care about them after seeing the effect Damien wanted playing out before my eyes. Even I had a tendency to have Jean show off a bit more. After all telekinesis is a high level ability anywhere on any planet.

Yet I kept it to myself as the group moved forward to a place presumed as a shop based on the storeboard which was oddly enough in the universal language that I've been practicing.


While admiring the store secretly remembering its appearance the others walked in and heard Eve call out "RIVET! I GOT CUSTOMERS FOR YOU!"

"Wait a minute I'll be right there!"

I took the minute to walk around the store and my eyes were eventually pulled to a white circular gun on a display rack.

"Nice isn't it?" I was startled and looked around just missing the creature walking under my waist. "Its called a portal gun, an experimental weapon that was stolen before it was finished, broken before it was repaired and sold to me for a display piece."

Portal Gun? Interesting, even if it's unfinished our lab geeks should enjoy it. I turn my heard towards the sound and see a cute feminine lion like mammal with blue fur and a golden metal arm standing beside the weapon.

"RIVET the Lombax at your service. Happy to help ya at least until I get enough for a ship then I'm off world."

"Oh isn't this your place though?"

"Huh, no I crash landed here and rented this shop to sell things to buy a new ship."

This planet was getting more and more interesting.

Damien Nyxxus

Nyxxus Palace

Vestroia, New Viltrum

Throughout the day we've recieced multiple reports have been coming in and out about sightings of megalodiles, and technically while they were an 'issue they were still animals, so I didn't honestly care about them after getting an alright from Gwen about their living here. We just need to be careful but it works for now.

The main issue however was something completely different. In front of me and my sister stood two glass jars with an orange and grey slime moving around them. After identifying symbiotes my King friends went back home to make a check while Logan took his lanterns to scan the planet for any symbiotes unaccounted for. These creatures are tricky being in once they fuse you won't find them unless they show themselves.

Turning my head to the screen showcasing Shuri at a Wakandan lab she was going over a satellite recording of the extended members of the Viltrum royal family entering the atmosphere with a giant ice block. Paused on the moment the camera captured them her computer was doing some scan before red dots started appearing in the iceberg.

"Are those all?" Terra started to say but Shuri cut her off.

"Symbiotes, 34 of them total, all now spread throughout the planet, We need to find them before they latch onto someone with a weak will and cause chaos." Her monitor ran an algorithm and showed the most likely dispersion of the symbiotes with the majority of them headed to "The Savage Lands should be the most implicated. King Lionel needs to be informed of the threat and proper counter measures after that is Haven, then New Viltrum."

Sending a glance at Terra which caused her to shrink back as she knows she was wrong, I ignore her and speak to Shuri "Contact Logan with what we know, our planet has been Invaded and I want all 34 invaders caught. Send news to the affected continents and have them be alert. Also send out Susan's summaries of the megalodiles to all concerned parties."

It was that moment that we set out to deal with our slime invasion that an alert was being sent to every Overwatch badge. A dark silhouette was in the video frame as he spoke "Overwatch right now this broadcast is live all over the planet."

Around Earth and Mars different members of Overwatch, whether royalty, lanterns, business owners, vigilantes, all stopped and stared at these badges they were reluctant to part with but this time the badge seemed to become a very heavy thing.

"Over the years we've always played so well together Invincible, Widow, Wolverine why run away? Well...that's no fun." The dark shadow finally moved revealing four cages behind him in each cage stood someone different.

The first cage held an ordinary human locked up and chained to a wall known as Eric Stevens, the second cage contained a man with a metal headpiece locked over half his face sealing himself off whom I believed to be Cyclops, the third cage contained a drunkish Jessica still rattling off against the walls which didn't budge against her assault and the last cage held...


"The last guy was caught by accident but he says he knew you Invincible so I put him together." A large green head stepped into the frame revealing himself to world as "I am The Leader. No need to fear me for I am the inevitable next stage of humanity. Overwatch all these years you've been a thorn in my side, so I must say when you guys left I was ecstatic. Nonetheless, out of sight does not always mean out of mind. So this is a showdown Invincible. Let's communicate like smart people shall we? I know you won't refuse."

The screen turned black as every Overwatch member couldn't believe what they were seeing because the last second of the video was endless rows after rows of Sentinel robots.

Not even a minute later another video was sent to every badge but when they all saw the iconic red mask and i on his chest. "I won't talk nonsense and I won't speak long. I hope your suits haven't gotten tight in their waists. I don't ask you to fight with me, but if you're willing...suit up. No one wages war. Not on my Watch."

Hey hey did you delete it out of your feed? Scared you huh! Hehehe Hoopa bring you new story! Volume One ended with the Omake. Keeping the first volume of his rise and now he starts their expansion!

Ashtin_Prattcreators' thoughts