
Nuking the Hulk

Logan jumped onto the Hulk inserting his claws in his chest. Hulk roarded and attempted to grab him but his arm was held in place by an invisible force coming from Jean Grey.

Logan jumped back as Colossus and Titan used Hisako as a battering ram managing to throw Hulk backwards a bit. He tried to recover himself but was instead shot by a larger red beam that rendered him immobile. Using his arms he pulled up the road in front of him as a Shield.

He was about to jump back when he felt cold. He looked down to see his feet frozen. He looks back up to see a flaming magma fist flying into him. He gets sent flying back but not before hurling a rock towards the flying flame human. The Human Torch blasted the rock instead of dodging causing him to get hit with debris and fall towards the ground.

Hulk stops his decline and grabs a car ripping it in half. Another magma ball flying his way was intercepted by the bumper of a 83 Chevy. Hulk jumps into the air bringing his 'gloved' hands down sending a shockwave through the ground unbalancing the overwatch members. He rushes in and grabs Colossus bending his metal arm at an angle before using him as a weapon to smash Hisako's armour. Both of them out of the fight Ben rushes forward to tank the hit but he's no match for an enraged Hulk by himself.

The hulk slams him into the ground before slamming him a few times over and over. He roars holding the head of the unconscious man as the rocks fell from his body revealing a bloodied bald man underneath.

With their heavy hitters out Magma and Cyclops stepped forward to keep Hulk at a distance. Launching optic beams and magma balls at the green raging titan they kept him back for a bit as Logan radioed WatchTower.

"WatchTower how long on reinforcements."

"Back Up is enroute" responded Cho as he's monitoring the situation.

Jean sends a massive psychic wave at Hulk lifting him up and slamming him down again and again into the pavement. Hulk seeing his body being toyed with started Raging as he used brute force to escape the psychic grab and took a fistful of concrete straight at Jean.

She dodges it but bobby isn't so lucky since he was behind her. Logan watching all his teammates going down the longer the fight goes on rushes in. He starts dodging and slashing at the Hulks blind spots trying not to get crushed. Cyclops and Magma keep attacking him with ShadowCat and Nightcrawler running interference keeping Wolverine alive.

The Hulk roars and brings his hands together summoning a massive sound wave that blows everyone away and momentarily stuns everyone.

At that moment a plane is flying overhead as a teenage girl with black hair short chewing gum looks at the scene below.

"Are you sure you can make that jump?" asks Anna the pilot.

The other girl just jumps out the plane with a thumbs up as she gathers her energy arround her.

Back on the ground Logan is struggling in the Hulk's grasp as the rest of his team minus Jean and Magma are barely standing. Hulk starts tightening his grip on Logan's head and screams


Logan starts chuckling causing the hulk look at him and ask

"What so funny?"

"Heh" choked out Logan "Hulk strong. But hulk stupid." Logan slashed his wrist and rolled on the ground slashing his ankles momentarily causing Hulk to fall on his knees. "JEAN PUT HIM TO SLEEP!"


Logan looks at the green muscle mass and wonders what to do. Suddenly a massive earthquake happens but it centers around Hulk causing him to shake and wobble around his already broken heels.

"Seems like you guys need backup" teased Quake as she appeared on scene. "Keep him in that spot! We're gonna nuke him."

She focused her powers creating a small chasm around him sinking the hulk.

"NUKE HIM THATS INSANE?" Magma yelled back.

"TRUST ME AND KEEP HIM THERE!" Daisy barked back.

Jean unleashes what mental energy she could muster as she holds Hulk in place. Magma turns the ground around him into liquid magma before hardening it. The Hulk struggles but ultimately is unable to escape.

Logan is laying on the ground trying to stop the pounding headache from having his face squeezed by the Hulk. He looks up and sees a purple ball heading for the Hulk and simply smiles.

"EVERYONE MOVE BACK NOW" he yells. Jean takes her unconscious teammates and retreats. With the pressure loosening on him Hulk rips out of his makeshift prison and starts roaring.


But at that moment he looked up and saw something that he didnt understand.

Ellie fell fast and hard on top of Hulk from her initial drop point. Plenty of time to gather her power which gains strength the more she moves. She collided with the titan creating a shock wave that spread throughout half of Manhattan shattering quite a few windows and uprooting several trees.

She slowly climbs out of the deep crater she created and reaches out until finally a hand grasped hers. She took a deep breath as she looks over at Amara.

Logan slowly limped over to the crater to see The Hulk lying in the bottom of the pit unconscious as he slowly turns back into a scrawny small white guy.

Logan has the injured OverWatch members sent back to base as General Ross approached him.

"We of the United States Military thanks you for services. We'll take him from here. We owe OverWatch quite a bit this time."

Logan just scowled and frowned at the general before speaking "All metahumans dealt with by us has to be processed and assessed before deciding if their too dangerous to return to their normal lives. You should know this general."

Ross scowled but didn't argue back "Very well, your team did a great job subduing the beast. Leave the clean up to my men i know youre injured so go lick your wounds. Maybe next time bring your real leader to handle the big threats."

Logan growled at the man Walking away and he even flexed his claws for a second. But a quick breath was enough to get his temper in check. He called the WatchTower for a pick up for Big green. He looked around the scene and sighed internally.

There's gonna be so much paper work for this incident.

Bonus Scene

"General Ross we managed to recover four vials of 'his' blood. What should we do with them?" said random soldier A

"Leave them, ill personally handle this matter." Ross looked at the four vials with a thick dark red liquid and smiled. He pulled out his phone and called a number 'Essex the experiment was a success. If you do what you promised then tell Kelly he has my full support for his bill.'

He hung up the phone and took a vial of blood in his hands.

"Such power. Now if only it was in my hands."

Knock knock knock

"You called for me sir?" reported in a blonde soldier

"Blonsky i have a very important mission for you." Ross smiled as he looked at the vial of blood that will change everything.