
Hunters and Prey

Its been a day since i returned home and now I'm sitting with the girls in our living room around a table, the mood was serious. They got me caught up with everything that had passed during my six months of absence. Honestly i have no idea how to save Earth so im just leaving that for the ones there.

But my main concerns was Essex. That cockroach and his damn clones. Im so sick and fucking tired of his clones. Every time i chase this man down, its another stupid clone.

"Well how can we find him then? Magic?" Susan asked to the attendees?

Every head turned to Selene and she shrugged her shoulders before saying "Harkness has him hidden. I could press her for more information, but us Sorceresses have a non aggression pact so we don't destroy the planet. I could ask Yao but I'd rather not bother just for young Nathaniel."

"So magic is an option? Any other ideas?" Ororo piped in.

"How can someone hide this well? I know he's a few thousand years old, but even then there should be some kind of trace," Natalia huffs frustratedly.

"Do you want me to check the planet?" Kara peeps in "I can just scan planet from space with X ray vision?"

"Wouldn't he have plans for Xray vision?" Susan asked

My ears perk up and i think "Wait a second. Actually Kara yeah. If we search for places you cant see then that would narrow our search immensely."

She nods and jumps up from the table and equips her new suit we had our people make. Its a full body blue suit with golden accents on her wrists, waists, and thighs. It comes with a golden S belt and her logo is imprinted on her national treasures in a bright crimson red and a golden outline around it. Instead of a cape, she has a red cloth hanging from either side of her waist in the fashion of a mid length skirt. All neatly packed away in a nano-vibranium alloy. It also has a nifty effect to absorb solar energy.

After doing a little half spin and a wink at me she took off to scan and mark the blindspots around Earth.

"When do i get my new suit?" Natalia smirked at me with a sultry voice. I can only smile wryly as we pull up a holographic view of Earth. We sit there discussing possible locations as Kara occasionally greyed out a spot on her end. The whole process has us with over 130 led lined underground bunkers and 28 possible locations in red in 15 minutes.

Watching Kara circle the planet i cant help but notice how the solar energy is naturally moving towards her on the maps.

"Hey girls look at this. The sunlight is naturally moving towards her on its own. Imagine if we could make solar panels even 1/4 as effective as Kara."

Getting a few chuckles from the girls they all watch the thermal scans showing the sunlight hovering around Kara. We enjoy the show when Domino makes a new observation.

"Hmmm thats weird?"

"Whats up Dom?" I ask the pregnant lucky charm.

"Well its just that this area here is showing the same signs as Kara. The solar radiation is swarming this area but in a much slower rate than Kara."

Walking over i notice what she's talking about, the solar spikes in this area are immense. Bringing up an overlay i see that this area was greyed out by Kara and it overlapped with the Hoover damn. But that can't be right? We raided that base years ago? There's no way?

"Kara. Can you check how far that base runs down. Last time we scanned it should be 20 stories deep."

"Copy that, ill get back to you."

The girls look at me and then exchange glances and finally Susan asked "Didn't we already clear that? Shield is using it as a base now?"

"I dont know. These readings are what's making me take a second guess. What are the chances, that when Kara fought Sentry, Essex was able to get her blood. And what if he used it to make a new clone?"

"A Kryptonian clone?" Komand'r shuddered thinking of the possibilities of an army of Kryptonian clones.

There was a cold chill passing through the room thinking of the mere idea of clones of Kara running around.

"This is Supergirl, WatchTower im counting at least 27 stories going down, only one of which isnt covered in lead. Its a solar room in progress but im not sure what for yet."

Hearing her words we all swallow a nervous gulp before Komand'r slammed her hand on the table and stood up. "Well what are we waiting for? Essex or not, if they're allowed to breed an army of cloned Kryptonians, then that means an inevitable war will soon make its ways to our lands." She turns on her suit which is a black body suit with silver trimmings and a silver headpiece which helps her block mental attacks as well as keeps her hair out of her face. "Rash or not , im joining Kara on Terra and destroying that facility."

She locks her eyes with mine seeing where i stand. I think for a second and i dont waste another minute. I stand up as a black and grey body suit with a red shoulders and gaunlets appear on my body. "I agree. If Essex is there then Selene i want you to drain the bastard's soul. Harkness or not, I'll deal with her when the time comes. Im not apart of your treaty. As for the clone(s) we'll deal with it once we see the situation on the ground."

The others start to stand but i simply raise my hand to stop them. "Its fine, you ladies are queens and apart from the Tamaranians you can't breathe in space so itll be faster if just us three meet up with Kara on Earth."

They tried to protest but seeing my firm gaze finally told them i wasn't changing my mind on this decision. Koriand'r stood up, knowing full well how dangerous Kryptonians are under a yellow sun, ready to join us.

"Selene I'll call you when we arrive, if Essex is there, we deal with him. Permanently." Seeing no further arguments the three of us head outside to the launch pad in the yard. "Ladies i dont know what we'll find there, but keep in mind, under no circumstances are you allowed to lower your guard. Essex didn't live to be thousands of years old by only knowing cheap tricks."

They take my words seriously and before i know it, we're blasting off heading back to Earth. To deal with an annoying ghost from the past. Once and for all.