
A Hulking Situation


The Wolverine

I cant help but regret my decision. Its been about a week and a half since ive been tasked to run OverWatch. How did he have the time to deal with all this paperwork? So many government agencies asking for updates on their meta related problems, so many new metas popping up causing problems. I swear if there's one more issue that just comes out of nowhere I'm gonna

Alert Alert Alert code 4

"Tracer report!" i choke out. Its not even 11 and i have a code 4? What even is this. I watch as a blue screen pops up in front of me. Im watching a green monster running through a university upstate. This really isnt my day. Hes causing too much wreckage and he looks like a heavy hitter.

I pull out my new Orange badge that isnt worth the weight. "Piotr, Ben suit up we need some heavy interference. Kitty, Amara, Johnny, Kurt you guys are on crowd control keep the citizens alive and away. I want the Quintuplets on the plane, find any survivors, Hisako youre main job is protecting the Hive from debris and keep them safe. Jean once youre done in Jersey meet us over upstate."

Meanwhile Upstate





The hulk a massive 12 foot titan of a monster was running through the campus avoiding the army. The army was chasing down the beast while evacuating citizens as the hulk was jumping from building to building causing rocks and debris to fall everywhere.

Hulk let out a blood curdling roar that stopped everyone in their movements. The people started shivering wondering if this was their end. But then one stranger noticed a shiny thing falling from the sky.

The hulk tensed his leg muscles ready to jump away when a giant heavy metal man fell on him from the sky pushing him through the roof of the building causing him to crash.

Outside the building the crowds were stunned when they saw a flaming man fly onto the scene.




Just then a giant boulder came flying out of the wall flying straight towards the spectators until it was stopped by a average sized guy. The only unique thing about him was the orange-ish rock imbued around his body.

"Is that Titan?"


Ben looked at the people before giving them commands "Alright take your photos then scram. Your in the way." He looks back at the wall the boulder emerged from, smoke still heavy in the building as a giant green hand gripped the wall and with a mighty roar the hulk jumped through dragging the unconscious Colussus behind him.

Ben looked at him and Hulk looked back. Hulk threw Colussu to the side and let out a mighty rage


"Its clobbering time!" Ben yelled as he charged at the monster. Hulk charged back and time stopped at these two behemoths met in the middle. A loud soundwave met where there fists collided. Hulk's muscle bulged and contorted before sending more strength into his fist.

Ben was sent flying back as Kurt came into the frey. He teleported near the green guy's head sending a punch and warping out. He continued this process causing no damage but annoying the hulk.

He was so annoyed he failed to notice the small man slip in his shadow and using his claws to cut out the flesh in his heels. Ths hulk roared and swatted Logan sending him flying into some debris.

This being the first time he bled Hulk was furious. He charged at the recovering Logan and proceeded to unleash his rage on him. Fist after fist he assailed Logan, who finally countered by catching the punch with his claws.

Hulk roared as he penetrated his fist on the claws. He grabbed Logan and threw him into another building when he felt something grab his waist.

"Remember me Tiny?" Asked Ben gripping the Hulks waist stopping his momentum.

"HULK....NOT....TINYYYY" Hulk started slamming his fists down on Ben's back as he stood there and took the beating.

Kitty phased up from under the ground and grabbed Hulk's leg phasing him into the ground up to his waist. With his momentum stopped Ben took the moment to slam his stony fist straight into the Hulks face.

Hulk yells in pain as he flexed his muscles trying to break the concrete. Colossus got up and saw the trapped Hulk trying to break free. He ran over to Ben to hold back the Hulks other free arm. With the two of them restraining Hulk Logan proceeded to come in and throw a flurry of adamantium backed punches.

The people cheered watching OverWatch take down the 'monster'. Yet at that moment Hulk got angrier and thus was able to break free from his bindings.

Grabbing Colossus and Ben by the heads he roared before throwing them like ragdolls effectively putting them down temporarily. Kurt quickly came in and evacuated the downed heavy cavalry.

Johnny flies in low and starts shooting fireballs at Hulk in attempt to slow him down as Magma goes in and turns the ground below him into Magma.

The hulk roars as he feet burns and heals back at insane speeds, while being pelted in the face with fireballs. Hisako creates her armour and launches at the hulk to punch him but he catches the armour's fist and sends her flying where she gets covered by some rubble, her armour disappearing.

Logan seemed at a lost since this guy keeps getting stronger. He was about to call in Damien but he didnt want to until he's exhausted all other options.

At that moment he hears a voice that allowed him some breathing room.

"Hey ugly! pick on someone your own size!" A red optic beam came flying at the hulk sending him flying back. Logan breathes out as Scott, Bobby, and run up to stand next to him. Kitty phases out of the ground and Kurt pops out next to them. Amara magmas up and Johnny is flying around them.

Ben and Colossus are catching their third wind as Hisako frees herself from the rubble with a bit of blood streaming down her face. The hulk looks up at the Lineup of heroes facing off against him.

"Wolverine it's your word" Scott says with his hands on his visor ready to fire at any point.

The hulk looks at Logan and Logan sneers at him.

Everyone tenses as the battle reaches their climax. Choppers fly in the background recording this fight. Half of OverWatch vs The Incredible Hulk.

Logan growls with his claws fully extended as the Hulk roars out and charges. Both sides charge again knowing fully well this wont end until one or the other is down.