
Villian in Heels(original)

~ Expectations are like fine pottery. The harder you hold them, the more likely they are to crack ~ Meet Aurora Winters, Velonity high newest student, short,sassy, beautiful, not your average teen girl. Meet Chase Hunters, billionaire's son, Velonity high's quarterback,handsome,funny, smart, not your average teen boy Meet Sean Adams, also a billionaire's son, Velonity high's basketball star player, cocky, handsome,spoilt . What happens when Chase founds out Aurora is not who he think she is and she's the criminal he has been longing to catch ? What happens when Aurora finds out Chase is an undercover agent, the same guy who almost caught her back in Seattle ? Read how Aurora tries to juggle her school life, family life and her dark secret.

Rhuthwrites · 青春言情
8 Chs

Sick in Bed

Chase POV

I'm bored in the house and am in the house bored after my checkup yesterday the doctor advised I be put on bed rest.

So my mum installed a little bell in my room, anytime I need something i just ring the bell and the cook will help me out.

Earlier that day

"Hey man, my injuries are not gone yet I have to stay home"

"Really?? But remember our plans how are we going to execute them now"

"Sean we can go to pizza palace another day, today is off"

"you know what I'll make it easy for you, I and Mason would go to pizza palace and bring your own part of the pizza for you at home " Sean suggested

"What no way ! , we would go another day together that's what makes us . . .

The phone line got caught off

"Hello? " I tried reconnecting

What the Hell, he cut the call , they better not go to pizza palace without me

I immediately texted Mason telling him not to go to pizza palace with Sean.

"Chase darling, it time for you to take your drugs" Mrs Fernsby said, she's our cook

I groaned

She put the tray which contained the drugs on my lap

"No no no, no phones, it's too early you are suppose to be sleeping now not texting give it to me " she said reaching out her hand.

"Ah, C'mon " I whined

"Give it " she said, I gave it to her grudgingly, she continued "after taking your drugs and resting enough,you get your phone back"

She left my room

C'mon !, I might as well watch TV

"No TV or video games either" she shouted from the hall .

Oh c'mon, this is no fun

If not for that Dodgeball game yesterday, I shook my head and drank my drugs.

I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes recollecting the Dodgeball game .

The way Aurora moved swiftly firing shot and dodging balls, it was like she was a professional, Her black curly hair bouncing at her every move, her spotless ebony skin shining so bright, she was a Jewel.

I remembered the first day I met her a normal teenage girl would wear a gown or flashy clothes to a dinner but her style swept me off my feet, Black all through with a touch of sassy and hot

We don't see much girls like that in L. A

Just then my cat jumped on my bed.

"Hey, cedarbee it's been a while, they took you away from me I miss you" I hugged she purred and rubbed her head on my cheek, that's my girl.

I smiled myself to sleep

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~


I woke up feeling better that's good news, I rolled on my bed, my cat purred

"oh cedar, good afternoon to you too"

I tried standing up from my bed.

I staggered but balanced on the ground and dragged my foot gently, there was no need for a cast.

Thank Goodness .

I moved gently down the stairs after a while I finally got down with bids of sweat on my forehead, it's more harder now that am injured .

I moved to the living room and sat on the sofa turning on the TV gave had my rest now so I can watch the TV peacefully.

The doorbell ringed, who could that be ?

"Autumn can you please get the door for me "

"Sure thing darling " Miss Fernsby who I call Autumn said

"Thanks ma'am"

I had some voices drawing closer.

"Chase my man "Mason sat beside me,he continued "how are you holding up"

"we brought your part of the pizza" Sean said l, seating adjacent my view

"What?? You went to pizza palace"

"Yeah" Sean said as he dropped the Pizza on my lap

"I can't believe this"

"Seeing is believing bro"bMason said I just rolled my eyes

"What happened in school ?"

And they immediately started laughing, what's funny ?

"what's funny? "

"Dude... you should have seen.... "

He couldn't continue he burst into laughter

What the hell is going on ?.

"You guys fill me in"

"You wouldn't be seeing the principal for like a month"

"Really? What happened "

"Sean got rid of him" Mason said

"How? "

"Operation kick him out ,you should have seen how frustrated he was he carried his bag not looking back and entered his car and drove off"

"You guys executed the operation without me? "

"Yeah,suck it up" Sean said playing with the Tv remote.

"You guys are unbelievable " I said shaking my head

The doorbell rang again

"Who can that be this time? " I said

"Lemme check "Mason stood up and navigated to the front door

"Sean, am very angry at you, I could you, we are a trio"

"Mason is not part of us it's only a substitute for the desks plug himself, it's no big deal suck it up man"

"Whatever, when is Kristijan coming back?"

"Next two weeks, he better have a lot of deals for us"

"Hey guys, guess who it is, the hot chick from school"


"Hey Chase"

"Aurora" I smiled amazed

"I called you to tell you I'll be coming over"

Oh Shit, my phone.

"My phone is currently not with me, it's with my cook, she said o needed rest"

"I understand that, how's your leg" she said while sitting beside me

"Good, now that you are here "

What did I just say?

She laughed

"So Aurora tell us a little about yourself "Mason said.

"What do you wanna know?" She asked

"Where are you from?"


"So what are you doing here then go back to Seattle, how come you're from seattle you have an ebony skin " Sean Fired

She just ignored him

What's wrong with that guy

"So what are you doing in L. A then and how come you're ebony compared to us?" Mason asked

"I'm from Africa, am not white but my  mum is white, after their marriage they made a family in seattle, but later decided to relocate to build more stores for her business"

"What's she into" this time I was the one that asked

"Fashion, she owns a fashion company "

"Really?, what's the name" I asked

"Forever 16"

"Oh yeah, that company won best upcoming fashion company award last year, the fashion designs last year were dope man" Mason said

Sean snorted and said "toddlers entering into fashion, what do they know"

"Sean Axel Adam's, I'm tired of your cocky and obnoxious attitude, i can't stand here and allow you insult my mother. How dare You!!!, Yeah your company has been no 1 for the best five years doesn't mean you should insult growing companies.

You do know I can file a lawsuit against you for supercilious and scurrility and trust me you wouldn't get out of it easily"

She backfired angrily storming out of my house.

"What the hell man, what was that?"

I asked very annoyed no one insult Aurora.

"I hate her so much, she's black "

"Keep your hate to yourself next time or else I'll report to Grandma" I threatened him by mentioning his Grandma.

His Grandma has always stressed that he be a gentleman to ladies and told I, Mason and Kristijan that if he doesn't we should to her and she would block his both accounts for a week.

Yep she has the power to

"Whatever man, I'm going over to Melissa's"

"Can you drop me off at my house then"nMason asked

"Yeah sure" Sean said standing up from the bean bag

"Chase can I talk to you for a minute over there"

He gestured to the fire place

I walked behind him

"Dude WTF is wrong with you?, since yesterday you've been off, I told you about the girls I had in my house, you just shrugged off. That's not Chase would do on a normal day" Sean said

"Nothing man, nothing"

"Does it have anything to do with that black nincompoop who just showed out of no where"

"Look here Axel, I would not stand here and allow you insult her like that.

Why are you being so cold to her?, You barely know her man"

"You're asking me ?, Look at you man you've changed overnight.

You don't like blacks, you've said it multiple times"

"Maybe we need to give blacks a chance"

"There is something off about that girl, I can sense it" Sean argued

"Hey guys, am still here" Mason said

" Oh right, let's go" Sean gave me one final look before leaving the room

I didn't bother walking them out, I was really angry but Aurora looked quite hot while fuming

Ok maybe I truly have a problem

My phone ringed, I looked at the caller and answered

Me : Hey Jason what's up

Jason: The deer park guys have escaped

Me : Really

Jason : A girl named Ecstasy is leading the team to the enemies hq

Me: What? When did this happen

Jason : Yesterday during the meeting, you were not in attendance why?

Me : I had a minor injury

Jason: This is our time to attack.

Me: No, not yet we have to watch them closely, tell the other gang to meet me in the lair, we have to plan our strategy quickly inform "the boss" of our plan

Jason : Aye, Aye captain

I cut off the call, how were they able to escape ?.

I need to plan a strategy, i leave the room, leaving the pizza unattended to.

Hi, When you see POV it actually Means Point of View

Please don't be confused

Thank you

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