
Villain POV

It's a story about Villian, A story about devil... A story about human, who is more dangerous then demons and dragons. He will kill anyone in his path and will create his throne on mountain of corpses. A story of man who himself is walking disaster. Anywhere he go only destruction and terror follows. What will happen when our villain get's reincarnated on earth, Which is going through apocalypse. _______

Ajinkya_Shinde · 武侠
9 Chs

Meta humans

I had to sneak in through the bedroom windows.

I sighed in relief after coming back home. Going towards my bed I sat on it.

I almost died and ran into a pervert. Truly an amazing day, I must say.

Anyway, today's harvest was good, Opening the System I looked at soul power gain.

[Soul power collected: 25.3]

I have killed 253 humans for this, I should increase my stats now. First will be the energy stat. First, its quantity is small, and it took a large amount of energy to heal from serious injuries. Let's see currently, I have...

[?? Energy: 25/111]

What!? It has increased by 1 point. Will it increase if I use it regularly? Looks like I got another way to increase energy. I was excited to know this. Anyway, I should increase my energy. After that, I increased other stats and now my status looks like this.

[The Villain System]

[Host: Rex]

[Soul power collected: 5.3 ]

[?? Energy: 165/251]

[jobs: Super Villain]

[ Abilities: Mythical Regeneration]

[Basic Status]

[strength: 12.5]

[Stamina: 10/12.5]

[agility: 12.5]

[health status: healthy]


All the time my body was warming up and I felt relaxed, slowly my muscles were reconstructing but I was not feeling pain; instead, it was a pleasure.

I have saved some soul power for emergencies. After my energy was increased, my stats were also slightly affected by it.

All done now, I will just take a short nap.


I woke up to the sound of my mobile phone.

Taking my mobile, I saw it was a call from my parents. I picked it and a voice was heard from the other side.

"Rex are you alright? Sorry, Rex mom was not able to call you. You should know from the internet what is happening and the crime rate is also increasing, don't go out, and something supernatural is happening! " My mother started asking questions one after another she didn't even let me speak.

"Calm down, Rex is big enough to take care of himself" My father's voice was heard as he comfort her.

" Hello Rex, Don't panic and stay at home we will come to pick you up if the situation gets to calm down here. Most importantly did you awaken your ability? " Dad asked with a nervous voice.

I started to think, should I tell him or not? They will be more panic if I told them.

"No, dad is everything okay there" I answered him.

" Well not everyone has awakened so our business is just on hold till all countries solve this problem, And it will be shocking to know that I also have awakened! " He told with excitement in his voice.

"Wow, that's amazing!?, how did you awaken and most importantly what ability did you get!! " I also replied and asked with fake excitement.

"It's Ice ability! Rex do you know I am feeling mysterious power in my body and I can make it move to create an Ice ball out of thin air? " He was telling me this with a proud voice. but I caught something strange in his words. So I asked.

"You can move that energy?" I asked him.

"Yes, and do you know how shocked your mom was when I told, her I can freeze any objects, this is just like an anime character" He was was excited, and damn he can control his energy! I didn't even move a little.

They talked about different things and said to call them daily. The call finely ended.

I don't know how will the life of humans will change from now on, How are they going to treat ability users there is also fear about vortex like what will humans do if they are some type of gate or dungeons which can spawn monsters.


Time passed slowly, and one month late all countries came to conclusions after a long discussion.

Countries declared this as a new era for mankind, They named awakened humans "meta-humans" and they even purpose awakened to join the army to ready whatever humanity was going to face as the vortex was still there. They secured every vortex and create an army station to keep watch for any abnormalities.

Criminals who were making trouble were also suppressed. They couldn't fight again machine guns and snipers after all, And many government officials awakened.

Another month passed.

WHO (World health organization) also did a ground-shaking discovery, they found out that normal people can also become meta-humans by injecting this unknown energy and DNA of another meta-human by artificial means into their body. Not only that they will also possess the same ability that metahumans had. They were just slightly weaker compared to the original metahumans.

This caused uproar in public, the people who couldn't get the ability can get them now, because awakening was random so many people were unlucky. Now they can also have superpowers. but they have to get tied to big organizations.

The big organization started Monopoly's rare ability by signing contracts with original meta humans who let them take some of his energy and DNA. Some having rare abilities even started their organization. Many people who had thrust for power joined this power and become metahumans.

Common abilities were elemental like fire, water, and earth. There has only two rare ability meta-human found till now, one is a lighting user and another is an Ice user.

Governments even had kept some rare ability meta humans hidden from the public, They used them to create their army and separate units. That uses different abilities.

In just 2 months many things happened, one was laws were created specifically for metahumans. they divided normal people and metahumans into different groups. Governments created meta laws for metahumans so they couldn't harm normal people and normal people are also not allowed to harm them.



I have been doing some things for these two months. first working out at the gym then breakfast then experiments in the lab and eating and sleeping.

Sign, before even WHO I had already found a method to create metahumans. I even experiment with my ability, Unlike other abilities, Mythical Regeneration cannot be duplicated by any means. It's a unique ability I guess. When I forcefully tried to awaken a normal human with my DNA, the experiment subject just died while screaming. It has been too boring without much action.

But boring days going to end, everything going to change as I am going to America with my parents.


Thanks for reading,

Please tell me if there are spelling mistakes.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ajinkya_Shindecreators' thoughts