
Villain or Hero? Alpha or Omega?

Jade is a female omega with a powerful Quirk. It's a rare things since both of her parents are alphas, they didn't last long, and her little sister is a beta. It's also rare for an omega to have a powerful Quirk like she has. An omega usually has no Quirk or a weak one. She decided to get away from her mean little sister and the terrible people she knew. She was the only omega in her entire small town. People were either rude to her or scared of her. She pushed people away because she never wants to be marked. She moves to Japan, signs up for UA, and the rest happens pretty quickly. With a green haired omega next door she no longer feels alone in that sense. She still pushes even him away from her. She is terrified of her past. Before even her friends knew her, she had a past that she regrets. What she did will ne found out when a certain red headed alpha wiggles his way into her life. Will she fall back onto her past or will she choose the other. Hero or Villain? It's your choice just as it is hers and everyone else's.

Nine_Tall_Tales · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Trying To Enter

Ok so I'm not one to get nervous or scared but when your only friend tells you that the entrance exam that you are going to is the next day, you get pretty damn nervous. Why I'm saying this because Izu-kun told me when we both woke up this morning that the entrance exam for UA is tomorrow, and I'm extremely nervous. we are almost done with the beach, we were planning on staying late, so I brought my knife, and we came even though All Might told us to take the day off. The day we were told to take off I made sure to wear an outfit that won't be completely demolished by my Quirk, it was revealing, a crop top with a turtle neck and short sleeves, hugged my skin so that it wouldn't get torn up, a pair of skinny jeans that were the same color as my crop top, blue.

Who wants to listen to us picking up heavy things and moving it up some stairs. Let's skip to the point. We did stay late, we told Mrs. Midorya that we are fine and we will be home after the entrance exam, but we finished a little earlier than we expected so we stayed next to the pile, at one point Izuku went to the top and yelled at the rising sun yelling 'I did it' causing me to smile. All Might came around about then. I waved at him while smiling. He waved back, used to my revealing outfits cause he knows it helps, and turns his smile to Izu-kun, who was wiping the sweat off his face showing off his abs. We were both ripped, him more so than me, but we know that wasn't that main reason why Izuku was training.

"I'll go on ahead, catch up when you two are done." I say, waving as I grab the stuff that I left on the bench, it was only my knife, a pencil, and a pen, and started walking off to school. Izu-kun caught up with me and we walked together to the school. Upon passing the gates Izuku tripped and nearly fell on his face, activating my Quirk so that he doesn't actually fall to the floor, but someone else caught him. He just floated there for a moment. Someone starts rambling, either him or the one that saved him, I don't know who.

"Catch up when you are finished here ok Izu-kun." I say as I walk away, waving. I head inside and follow the crowd to a large auditorium. The seats are crescent shaped and went up so far I could just barely see the top. The seats had a desk in front of it that kind of reminded me of an anime I've watched before called Soul Eater. There is a stage is front that has red wood as the planks. A stand of sorts over on the side, seems to be made out of maple. There is also velvet curtains at the top. Someone taps my shoulder and I turned around. A red head sat in the seat behind me.

"Hey! I'm excited. How bout you?" I nod. "Why the outfit? Does it help with your Quirk?" I nod again. This guy likes to talk. He's either a Beta or Alpha, he doesn't have on a collar. Suddenly he sniffs the air. "Your an Omega aren't you?" I stiffen at that question. Alpha, he's an Alpha. "Unmarked." I glare at him.

"And I'm planning on staying like that for a while now." I say as I glare at him.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean it like that. I just was pointing that out. Your really pretty so I was expecting kinda expecting you to already be marked." He tried to explain.

"Thanks but not planning to get marked ever." I sight and stick out my hand. "Sorry about my coldness. My name is Jade Stag, my Quirk is Oxygen, and I'm an Omega."

He takes my hand and shakes it. "My name is Enjiro Kirishima, my Quirk is Harden, and I'm an Alpha." He smiles a shark tooth smile and the sides of my mouth quirk up a bit causing a small grin on my face. Kirishima's face redens at this and he looks away. I take this time to look through the seats to find Izu-kun. He was in the middle row, middle seat, and was sitting next to an angry blonde. Seeing Izu bowing his head and figiting I believe that this is that friend that calls him Deku, useless, that is most likely an Alpha. I glare at the boy with so much hatred that Kirishima looked at me in concern. "Hey Stag? You ok?"

I nod but continue to glare at the blonde until a packet is put in front of me. Test time. I open it up and start.

Upon finishing it someone walks up onto the stage. his hair is corn yellow and is done to go straight up, in a way, he was loud when he talked. I think this is the pro Hero called Present Mic. He explained the point system and to stay away from the zero pointer. I was in test area F and the boy behind me, Kirishima my brain reminds me, was in the same area as me. I look over at Izuku to see that he has started his mumbling, something that I realize he does when he is nervous. A blue haired kid asks a question then turned to the green haired teen, telling him to be quiet.

Turning back to Present Mic he then asks: "Sir I don't mean to be rude but why are we letting an Omega, who will have a weak Quirk, try to enter UA? It's pointless, so why lead him on like that? Is the prestigious UA now letting anyone in?" My eye twiched at that. I suddenly stand up causing people to stare at me. I pull down the top of my turtle neck revealing the collar.

"Two. Two Omegas are trying out. And I don't care what you say. We are gonna do our best. And we will get into UA. I don't care how many Betas and Alphas I have to beat to get there. We worked harder than any of you just to get this far so we are not giving up yet." I glare at him, determination burning within me. "Now I would like to take the test if you don't mind." I sit back down and suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder. Looking behind me at Shark Tooth I see that he is smiling at me while giving a thumbs up. I roll my eyes and answer all the questions on the packet.

In an hour everyone was handed a slip of paper. Mine had the letter F. Guess that's where I'm gonna take the physical part of this test. I sigh. Exiting the large auditorium after everyone else was gone and entered the F bus. I ended up sitting next to Shark Tooth. He waves at me, says hi, then proceeds to talk my ear off like we were friends. Guess we kinda are. Even though we are soul mates I guess. I smile, it's so small that no one would notice. I have two friends and I finally have an Omega friend. Alphas can keep me safe even though I don't need it. And now we just need some Betas. I start to think of my friends at home. I'll message them after all this. I guess my mood seemed to dampen because Kirishima touched my shoulder.

"Hey....You ok?" He asks. The bus pulls up by then.

"Yeah.....just thinking of home." I say as I stand up and exit the bus. after a minute the gates opened and we heard a loud GO from that blonde guys. I instantly ran into the mock city with a few others. Others were frozen at the gate with confused looks. One of them kinda reminded me of Trinity. She was looking around trying to figure out what to do.

"Let's get this over with." I say as I activate my Quirk. My hair waves slightly as I see five three pointers. I make a ball of oxygen, throwing it then controlling it to hit and destroyed all five.

"Eighteen." I mutter under my breath. I hear a scream. turning around I see someone who seems to be having trouble. For a millisecond it looked like my sister. That's all it took. I full on sprinted to her and destroy the robots that were surrounding her. Picking the girl up I run to somewhere that had no robots. She was bleeding from her head so I searched for the cut. When I find it I harden the blood. it took me a solid thirty seconds to do all of that. "Stay here til you feel better ok." And like that I was out and ran into a two pointer. I sigh and create a bullet of oxygen atoms, slightly skinning the ends of my fingers from the sudden friction. I shoot them, about 7 of them. "Thirty two." I mutter under my breath.

I went back and forth between saving people and destroying the robots. Suddenly a zero pointer appeared. I froze upon seeing it. people ran past me. A high pitched scream was heard from near the robot. It reached my ears, I look over to where the scream came from. A guy was there. Purple balls on his head. He's to slow. I run towards him and curl my arm around him so that he was protected by my body, and while I did that my Quirk automatically made a sheild around both of us. I have completely lost feeling in my left side. I only have one more thing I can do before I become completely paralyzed.

The giant robot stepped down onto my barrier and completely lost it's leg. "For an Omega you got some big boobs." I glare down at him. He sweat drops. "Thanks for saving me." After the robot fell on its side I let the sheild fall.

"Go now. I'll just stay here. I got nothing else to do." I glare at him. "And don't do anything else stupid Grape Head." I didn't tell him why I would stay. He didn't even look at me, just ran off. I sat there unable to feel and move my left side. The test ended a few minutes after that and I sat there for a few minutes waiting for someone to find me. An older woman found me, she was nice and had a syringe in her hair.

"Can you get up?" she asks in a sweet grandmotherly voice.

"No. I overused my Quirk. My whole left side is paralyzed and will be for the next few hours." I explain.

"Any other problems?" she asks.

"No not really. Any injuries I have were Quirk related and will heal within a week. I need help getting anywhere so can you please help me."

She got some Hero's to carry me to the nurses office and I then called one of my American friends. Kevin picked up on the third ring. We had a nice conversation in English, confusing the heck out of whoever entered. I told him that I overused my Quirk and that my left side is completely paralyzed. We made joke and cracked a few puns, had fun. I told him bye and that I missed him and the crew. Sighing I hung up and attempted to move my left finger. A twitch. Almost able to get up. Suddenly Midorya got up from the bed beside me.

"Oh hey Midorya." He jumps and looks at me.

"How did you end up in here?" He asks.

"I over used my Quirk." I laugh under my breath. "You'd expect after having it since I was five that id learn my limit and not go past it. Ha. Nope. I learned my limit but I still go past it just to save someone."

Once I say that darkness overtakes me again. and then a light enters my dark space. I reach for it, touching it. My eyes flutter open and look around. Everything hurts. I spot some red in the corner of my eye.

"K-Ki-Kiri?" my voice sounded so alien, even to me. The red head jumped up and might as well as teleported to me.

"Jade!" Kiri says quietly.

"I love you but I'm tired....and thirsty...." I say, my croaky voice still not sounding like mine.

"Ok let me get you some water." He presses a button on a remote next to me and then goes and fills a glass with water. A nurse comes into the room and sees I'm awake.

"I'll go get the docter." She says and runs off. I don't see the point because I may be back to sleep by them. Kirishima hands me the Styrofoam cup filled with water. Taking a sip I look at him.

"What's all wrong with me?" I ask after taking a long drink of my water. "And how long have I been out?"

"You have been out for a week and you have multiple broken bones, a few decayed spots, a brain bruise, and many more things that make people wonder how you're alive. So basically the gods are on your side."

"The stars love me as much as I do." I correct him. He knows that I believe in no gods or God or anything. Just that the stars watch over us and decide wether someone lives or dies. I know, a weird religion but it's me, who's stopping me. "I starting to hurt again." That's a lie because I was in agony but who cares. I'll get to what happened to me later. The doctor walks in then.

"We will give you some more pain killers then, give us a few minutes." He explains.

"I'm tired...." I say. I look up at Kiri. "I'ma going to sleep. I'll wake up later." I close my eyes and fall asleep.

"Night Jade." Kiri sounded so sad, I wish I didn't go back to sleep.