
The helpless woman

"No, don't do that. Don't twist what he did, Zara," the Village Chief responded with a solemn expression on his face. "I had sent Thak to personally give him my direct order, and yet he disobeyed, putting the rest of his team in danger. So I had to take that action just to make him understand that, even though I am his father, he is not above my authority. And, being my son doesn't grant him immunity or exemption from the rules."

The Village Chief suddenly asked, "And besides, wasn't it you who told me about how you were unable to see the child's future?".

"Yes," Zara nodded her head solemnly, "And I am still looking into that."

"Alright," the Village Chief nodded in understanding. "...but while you look into it, I just want to remind you that we are dealing with a boy whose future we cannot read. A boy whose semen is so fertile that he can impregnate several women from generations above his own with just one session."