
VHMC- Villainess' Harem of Mob Characters

This time, the villainess would lead a happy life like the lead characters do. A young girl had been transmigrated to the body of the villainess. She found herself in the body of Cialme Eclusia Luvain. The character was designed to torment people, she ended up dying by the hands of the male lead. Deviating from plot, Cialme found herself stuck in the harem of sub-characters instead! A character who had only appeared for chapters has a love affair with her! The second male lead who was supposed to be after the heroine, was now making his moves to her! And the servant boy who was originally a mob character, was obsessing with her! This is the story of the villainess who had built a harem of sub-characters!

Duchesspea · 历史言情
7 Chs

Cialme Ecrusia Luvain

Cialme is a princess from a fallen kingdom. She was the villainess who had tormented and harassed the heroine in order to gain the attention of the male lead. But it didn't go along with her plan.

In order to rise from her current status as a fallen princess, she chose to be absorbed into the house of a count. There she was treated nicely but what she had give in return was pure cruelty.

Treating the servants like lowly insects. Cialme was a typical villainess who treated everyone unfairly unless they're a person with higher status.

The girl did not bow her head to anyone except from the persons above her rank. Including the person she fell in love with, but that very person did not return her affection because of her attitude. Her scheming attitude.

This angered the girl with short patience. She threw things randomly in order to release her anger. But that did not stop there. Cialme even punished an innocent maid who had done nothing wrong.

The rotten villainess who had tasted her deserved death.

But reincarnating as that very person, the girl who had replaced the original villainess had finally woken from her sleep.

"What," Cialme mumbled as her eyes slowly adjusted in the sudden brightness. The warm sunlight was poured onto her room, making every corner visible and clear on one's eye.

Her finger reached her eyes, rubbing it slowly in circular motion. Why were her eyes seeing these old fashioned furnitures?

"I had read too much."

Her eyes might have imagined those things she had read in the novel. Blinking her eyes again, she wondered if it's only her dreamwork. But why's everything so detailed?

Suddenly, a knock resonated into the room where her droopy eyes shifted to the door.

"Milady, I'm coming in."

The voice was gentle, coming from a lady with a soft expression on her face as she smiled at Cialme.

"Good morning, milady. Would you like breakfast to be served in the bed?"

Brown hair pulled together in a bun. Her few stray locks were cascading on the side of her face. Amber eyes, exactly what Elisha looks like.

Elisha, Cialme thought to herself. She stared blankly at the approaching woman. Is she dreaming a scene which was not written in the novel?

Elisha felt the young lady was dazing too much. Her silver-purple eyes stared into her eyes, going to the other features as if she was running a feature inspection on her. The maid felt bothered.

"Milady? Perhaps a bit more sleep?"

Elisha's voice came out suggestive. She waited for her mistress' answer or gesture but there was none given. Cialme continued staring at her as if Elisha had not asked any question.

"I'm leaving now, milady. Please call me if you want the breakfast to be served."

She bowed curtly before closing the door. When the door hitched, making a sharp noise, Cialme's dazedness was broken. She shook her head in disbelief.

What am I doing in that girl's body? Cialme decided to get up and forcibly oust herself from this absurd dream. The dream that felt very real.

Scrambling her feet on the ground to find footing before padding softly across the room. Cialme went closer to the hard wall, she touched its surface to check if the hardness would be enough to wake herself.

"Hmm, I think this would do." She nodded approvingly. Setting her head against the cold wall, Cialme heard a voice from the outside. She momentarily lost her focus on banging her head against the wall.

"That stupid girl! I'll wake that rotten girl!"

"Young master, the young lady is still sleeping-"

It was Elisha's voice who responded pleadingly to the man's seemingly angry voice.

"Wake up you little runt!"

The boy swung the door open violently. The piece of wood creaked crisply, a noise enough to make Cialme halt and look towards the disturbing noise.

When she moved her gaze frantically upon the loud noise as well as the angry voice, she saw a man whose face puffing in anger.

His anger doubled when he saw the dumbfounded face of her adoptive sister. The girl with hardly any manners and gracefulness, things a lady should have.

Kirton's nostrils flared in anger. He walked into the quarters with an air of anger and disgust. Just as he approached the girl, he was suddenly halted when her sister spoke.

"Stop right there."

Kirton looked baffled, but his initial reaction faded after he realized that the girl was ordering him, which he finds angering and disrespectful.



Cialme hit her head against the hard surface quickly. A motion so fast that no one in the room had caught her head kissing the wall. Kirton gaped at the loud noise, his eyes widened in surprise.

This fool! He turned his head briskly to call someone's assistance.


The maid who had witnessed the absurdity of her mistress sprang to her feet and rushed towards the unconscious body. Cialme's forehead grew redder. Little dots of blood accumulating on her pale forehead.

The last thing she saw before her eyes had closed is the image of the man with knitted brows and a lady with extremely worried face. Cialme felt the pain throbbing in her forehead, gradually increasing as her consciousness faded away.

Why is she feeling this pain? Do dreams allow you to feel those aching sensation?

The girl thought everything would be fine once she woke up in her body. She thought that hurting herself in the dream would allow her to regain her consciousness in her original body, which was very absurd.

When her eyes cracked open again, a familiar face reappeared and to her horror, it reacted upon her regaining of consciousness.

"Milady...!" Elisha wrapped her hands securely on her hand, putting it near her cheek where Cialme felt drops of liquid on her skin.

"Why did you do that? What kind of thought had passed by on your head that made you do that dangerous thing! You're almost killed!" Elisha sobbed, her grip tightening.

Cialme was a little convinced that she had really gone to another dimension. To be able to wake up in a dream is something she had not experience whilst existing in her former body.

Am I really that villainess now? Cialme frowned at the thought. Her eyebrows almost collided against each other when she sighed dreadfully.

The woman by her side did not miss her sigh.

"What's wrong, mistress?" Her eyes darted at her, trying to figure out the thought behind the tired sigh. Cialme's pale lips curved a small smile which was a way to convey that nothing is wrong.

"I'm fine, Elisha. No need to waste tears."

"Save those tears when she's really about to die."

Both Cialme and Elisha looked towards the door where the voice came from. The man leaned his body, his expression came out mischievous. Kirton then padded his feet arrogantly towards to where Cialme is.

"Are you a suicidal maniac?"

Elisha moved away to give enough space to her young master. Her eyes filled with worry and fear. What is he planning to do?

Kirton raised his hand. Cialme was still lying in the bed. She thought that the man would attack her physically when he lifted his hand, so she squeezed her eyes in fear as an anticipation to the attack.

But that did not ever arrive.

Kirton saw how Cialme braced herself, thinking that she would be hit. It made him angry a little bit but his hand did not retreat. He placed his hand softly on her forehead that made her halved her eyes in surprise.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

Kirton said, checking the large red bruise on her forehead that had started to change to color violet.

Cialme felt the heated palm touching her cold forehead. Her tensed body relaxed on the soothing sensation.

Cialme's stepbrother, Kirton was never kind and gentle towards her. She was hated by him in fact. But it was a surprise that he's deviating from his character which made her a little bit gladdened.

Kirton's blue eyes scanned her forehead but it moved down, falling his gaze on her eyes. He immediately turned his gaze away as he felt unacceptable of him to look at her face.

"If you want to punish yourself, then change yourself instead. Don't do that stupid thing again. Father might think it was my doing."

Kirton rose to his feet, headed to the exit without taking one last glance. On the other side, Cialme was stunned on his gentle concern. In the novel, she was not accepted by her stepbrother. Kirton gave a cold shoulder, uninterested of the new member of the family.

Is he really concerned about Cialme? Maybe the novel did not cover this part, Cialme hoped. The characters inside could be changed and influenced depending on her approach, Cialme realized.