
VESTAGES : denial of fate

Reincarnation inside the novel he stopped reading to stack chapters. No golden fingers in hand. Being years early from the start of plot. Looking at his situation Kalki questioned himself, "Odyssey of Vestages... So, how should i began this ?" ~~~ Author here! this is my first work here. So help me with your suggestions and reviews. ( don't be too negative "-" ) i will try to be as much consistent as possible. And I hope i will see the ending of this piece alongside all of you. that's all from my side for now. Let's meet a lot more times in the incoming chapters. Also the cover art is not mine. I only did some adjustment to fit my requirement, if you have any BT with it inform me.

_WIZER_ · 奇幻
23 Chs

01: Geminewal

In the midst of the dark night devoid of any moonlight, the body of a small boy was lying on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding it.

A few slashes by some sharp objects and a big wound was present on the left side of his stomach, through which the continuous flow of blood was making sure he would not survive to see the next morning.

As his half opened eyes got closed, his rugged breathing also died down confirming the death of the boy.

With dirty brown disheveled hair and a not so good looking face, his persona itself spoke loudly about him being the most average person on the street and True to its character he was dying a death suitable for its character.

However unknown to him someone had a different plan for him. As his breaths finally came to a halt, changes started to happen.


The next few seconds change the entire body of that said boy alongside with the persona and fate that he carried, making the world that's weeping for years smile for the first time in several trillion billions years.

It was planned and was something that was bound to happen. This was the piece that broke the balance and the curse that was being passed down from generations due to the desires and faults of one person . 

As the world celebrated its happiness many shades of purplish colored aurora formed on the sky, big enough for the entire world to see.

Those lucky people that are able to witness it, became the ones that received the gifts from the shakti itself.

Shakti was never biased; thus, those who worked hard were bound to receive the gifts and became gifted ones irrespective of the side they were standing or they will stand in near future. 

Compared to the things that happened in the sky and to the world, a lot more things happened in the dead body of the boy.

With the bluish light covering the temple of the boy, a quick change happened in the body of the boy, erasing the previous person entirely.

His brown hair changed into the shade of dark purple and his dark black eyes which were devoid of any life suddenly got a little bright red spark in it.

This magical phenomenon happens for a few seconds, However each and every change is left behind permanently.

The injuries that were there a few seconds ago were gone similarly to the dull and ordinary looks of that child. 

What was left behind was a fully healed stately looking kid.


In the city faraway from the forest inside the huge room a man was sitting on the table. More precisely he was trying to take a nap while sitting on the seat which looked way too lavish.

However with a sudden goosebumps his eye opened up. Clenching his fist, the veins on his forehead popped out and a sudden pressure descended on the surrounding area.

"How ?...

How ?....

HOW? "

With anger, that man shouted. His hair which had a deep black color on it started levitating behind him.

"I was sure no one survived. So how ?" the man questioned himself as he went through the six phases of denial.

After accepting the situation as it was. He started writing something on the paper in a hurry. After completing what he wanted to write he spoke in a cold voice, " Adam ! "

Within a few seconds with a blur, Adam appeared in front of him.

He gave a deep bow and without any questions took the envelope. The envelope contained the paper which the other man was writing for a little while. 

" Give this request to the Hao sect, the low down community and the mystik org. Give enough money to make it at least A-rank " the man commanded.

"Yes sir. Also the meeting of the 'sky heavens' is set on the 20th of next month"

Adam gave the information and with the envelope in his hand, left the room.


After hearing the news and reading the whole letter a creepy smile covered the face of the man and laughter escaped from his mouth.


On the other hand as the same news traveled to the whole world different reactions came into view. Many were unhappy and shocked, some were in grief but a few who received the most benefits from this were the happiest.

This incident was something that changed the power balance of the world which was sustaining the same from a whole century.


Undeniably this change was bound to happen. If not by this incident then by some other means.

After all there was not one enemy but many including those that were planning for their invasion for thousands of years and were hidden in shadows, for them this was the moment to empower their claws before rising to the surface. . 

But in all that chaos, when everyone missed the Aurora of the sky, the unwanted two gained something.

One whose hard work got rewarded as she gained the thing that she lacked the most and the other one who escaped the eyes of every entity and entered the world where he didn't belong.

completing the wishes from the 'source'.

here is the 1st chapter for you all.

will soon upload the rest maintaining my schedule :)

give me your thoughts down below....


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

_WIZER_creators' thoughts