
Chapter 415. Another easy win

There were only two options that Rachel saw for herself before coming to talk to Aiden. 

Either she was going to stay competitive with Aiden and keep trying to force out a rivalry that Aiden didn't want to such an extent. Or she could be better and try to focus more on herself. 

The first option was going to drag her to a path of no return and Rachel knew that she was going to be lonely as time went on. 

She didn't want that. 

That's why, reconciling with Aiden was the only one for her. Although he felt that Rachel was going against her personality, she had already thought it out. 

'She has really grown. Something must have happened.'

Aiden thought in his mind, seeing her like this. 

Humans won't really think so deeply about themselves until something big has happened to them. He didn't know that Rachel had started having these thoughts after finding herself lonely on the stage. 

But he has a hunch.