
Chapter 146. An Extra's POV

The set was bustling with life and excitement as crew members worked hard.

The Props director was talking with a few crew members, and the cinematographer was explaining how he wanted to shoot the scene with Amelia as both of them went over the storyboards. 

Few assistant directors were listening to some actors, and the sound engineer was checking up on the sound equipment to avoid any troubles later on. 

On the side, the crew members that had finished with their work were resting and waiting for one of the assistant directors to give them their next work. 

This was the typical scene of a set that he would see every day.

For the last ten years, his life has been moving from one set like this to another. He would wake up every day, go to a set, stand on the back, eat lunch on the set and leave. 

Then, he would repeat the process every day till the movie or series he was working on ended. Then, he would find another project like that.