
Venus Charm

Thousands of years ago there was between humans and demon shifters. The planets felt pity for the humans and decided to help them by making something that could kill the demon shifters. Thus, the witches were born.

aquarius_galaxy288 · 奇幻言情
5 Chs

The Strange Occurrence

It was the third period of classes and Kyla had Physical Education with her friends. She nearly sprinted out of her art class but the glare from her art teacher made her do otherwise.

When she got to the gym she already saw Coach Trinity ordering people into the locker room.

While the boys were getting off the court to sit on the bleachers.

She felt someone staring at the back of her head and turned to see Xavier looking at her still panting from playing basketball.

She looked at him, and he quickly averted his stare.

She went into the locker room to find everybody almost finished changing.

She quickly went to her locker that she could never open when it had a combination on it so it's always halfway open.

Though when she got to her locker it was closed and locked.

She looked around and saw some girls laughing silently looking at her.

She groaned she hoped that she wouldn't have any classes with Abigail and her gang bimbos.

Abigail Presley snobby rich girl that makes everybody's life a living hell she's your average mean girl that thinks she's better than everybody else.

Her dad is the owner of the Presley Fashion Brand people say he's a cold-hearted businessman.

Nobody knows about her mom. Abigail has red curly hair she always wears a school uniform that is too tight for her and wears skimpy skirts.

Kyla scowled while Abigail and her group full-blown laughed loudly at her.

She tried to remember her combinations and how to unlock it, but she couldn't remember either.

Why is my life always so difficult? I just wish I could have a normal day, She thought with a frown.

She looked down at her locker glaring at it why can't it just open? Then something strange happened her locker suddenly busted open.

She jumped back in shock everyone turned and looked at her. Her friends rushed over and looked at her then the locker and asked at the same time ¨Are you okay?¨ she just nodded mutely.

What happened? Why did her locker do that? Was it her fault? those questions ran through her mind. ¨Kyla?¨ she snapped out of her thoughts. ¨Yes?¨ she looked up confused she was still in her art class. Her art teacher Ms.Murphy was looking down at her in concern.

¨Are you okay?¨ she asked in a worried voice. Everyone was staring at her.

¨Yeah I'm okay.¨ she said in a quiet voice.

The bell rang before Ms. Murphy got to say anything else Kyla rushed out of the room.

Meanwhile, a black-haired guy lets out a sigh ¨Seems like it's starting.¨ then he started his way to his next class.