
Vengeance of the Fallen Magus

Killed by his comrades through betrayal and reborn as his 18 years old self, Chris Jansen was given a second chance to live. A second chance to change everything, save his only loved one, his guild... And avenging his family. He shall once again have the opportunity to fight against the one who betrayed him using accumulated knowledge in his previous life. Starting as the weakest, yet burdened with the most complex runic code to master the shadow magic. He will climb towards the highest peak. Chris Jansen shall settle the debt owed in the past in this life! "I shall reclaim what I have in my past life. And everyone who despised me in my past life shall receive a punishment worse than death!" === Spirity 2021 Superpower Theme Contestant === The Art used for Cover is not belong to me. I will change it as the traction started to kick in.

Sach_Official · 奇幻
177 Chs


"As you wish, Chris. Do share what do you know about the importance of the medical kit to us, the Magus." Professor Hora stretched her right hand to Chris as a sign of allowing him to talk. Thus, he started to explain,

"Here is it, Professor Hora.

There are three essential pieces of equipment for Magus in the war.

Medicine, Foods, Weapons.

Medicine is the top priority amongst all. We need Medicine for every aspect, such as an antidote to cure the poison. Nerve soother for those who had a nerve defect like me. Mana potion for recovering our mana during the fight.

And most importantly, the health potion and the rations made under pill which needed for us for the long run.

Medics, cooks, and the rest could be able to replace those things. But, do note that if we had our comrades killed. Then we won't be able to have it. And this is why we will need that extremely more than anything but one step under magical prowess or physical prowess."

"Permission to rebut, Mrs. Hora." Elea raised her right hand to give the argument to Chris's statement.

"Granted." Professor Hora replied to her. Thus, she stood gently and then, she stated,

"Medicine is needed as the top priority of the equipment. But, there is no need to prepare that much of them. Bring them in just a sufficient amount should be fine. And it's our job as the Magus to protect the one who will prepare the support."


It was what had echoed Chris's mind when he heard the lady's voice to explain the need for Medicine in the war as he reminisced that voice sourced from that lady. Thus, he reacted in an awkward smile, and he whispered on his mind,

'She never changes her habit since the first time I met her in this class… Not even until we were married and become the spouses of the Magus that people often highly regarded of.'

Thus, he smiled as he had seen his future wife explain the importance of Medicine in the field in the full details.

"That's my personal opinion, Mrs. Hora, Mr. Jansen. May you not take that to the personal level."

"Ahahaha!! It's fine. It had enlighted me instead." Chris replied to her as he looked at that lady with a smile of satisfaction. Thus, she returned to her seat, and the Professor looked at Chris, questioned him.

"How about the usage of the Medicine? I'm agreed with you that we had to bring as much Medication as we can. But, using it in an overdosage amount would decrease the effect significantly."

"Each Medication shall only be able to eat once per hour regardless of the origin of the Medication. Either from the Alchemy, Medics or hand made through natural resources as the base material." Chris answered her in a clear and confident tone that led the other students to clap their hands pridefully. Thus, the crowd commented,

"As expected, the son of the Lecturer family."

"This is the so-called genius son from the Jansen family?"

'To be fair, I was a dumb person back then. I remember the day that they laughed and bullied me for being dumb. Now, it's time for me to pay everything back!' He murmured on his heart with a satisfied expression drawn in his face.

Thus, he lowered his head slowly and continued,

"That's all for what I can share of, Professor Hora. I hope it satisfies your curiosity and every student's curiosity here."

"That's more than enough, Mr. Jansen. You had shown everything that none of them ever learned before. Yet, for Miss. Linberg, you did a great job explaining how much exactly we need for the actual scenario. As expected, a student from the Academics family and a student from the Military Family." Professor Hora clapped her hand pridefully as she had seen the different perspectives from both of them.

But, Chris knew how inferior himself compared to his wife when it comes to knowledge. It led him to whispered his mind as he said,

'Back in the day, I remember that she was the one who taught me this as well. And I remember that she was the one who taught me every education that I need as I was not a smart person back then. Not to mention that my family even didn't want to acknowledge me for that reason. Thus, she was the one who had changed me inside out as well. So…'

He glanced at that eye-glassed lady who had paid attention over her textbook. Thus, he returned to his seat as the Professor asked so by the gesture of a nod.

After that, he asked the lady,

"May we talk later after the class?"

She had covered the left side of the book by using her left arm, looking at Chris, and she replied to him,

"Sure. But I will be pretty busy later in the library. Is it okay for you?"

"Deal. I will be there as well!" Chris replied with a nod of excitement that led the lady to chuckle and praised him,

"You are not stiff at last, Chris."

"Eh, wait? Did you say that I'm stiff?" Chris questioned her as he looked at that lady with a reddish face and a shocked expression that led the Lecturer who overheard their conversation to say,

"You are pretty stiff indeed. How the way you talk. How the way you present something. It sounds like that you are pitching over your job as a medic. Not as a student. Take it easy, Mr. Jansen."

The eye-glassed lady covered her beautiful mouth by using her left hand, exclaiming "Pfft!" which Chris and the Lecturer unheard.

It led him to Had a reddish colored face once again, as a sign of embarrassment.

"No!! I speak normally!"

"You have a great manner of speaking. If I want to say it honestly, Chris." Elea commented at him as she tried not to laugh as soon as she remarked about his speaking way.

'Shit! I forgot that I had to change my way of talking. I'm no longer a guild master who is required to speak formally like this. Rather, I'm a normal student now. Focus, Chris. Focus!'

And he rubbed his forehead by using his left middle finger and his left thumb finger, which caused Elena to laugh elegantly. Thus, she reacted,

"You are funny, Chris. Glad that we are shared the same desk since today. And I heard that it wouldn't be able to be changed until we are all graduated."

'Oh boy! I forgot that we would stay at the same desk until the end of the study.' Chris reacted in his mind as he remembered that they would stay at the same desk for the study's end.

"Anyways. The class is over for the half-day, your friends were out already. Let's go to Professor Kijorn's office."

'Ah shoot! I forgot that I had to meet dad. I mean… Prof. Kijorn.' He murmured in his mind. It led him to the left from the class hall hurriedly and headed to the west as he reached outside.

"Do you want to join him?"

"Sure." She replied to that hooded woman who opened her hood with her yellow braided hair being spread down. Thus, it showed that she had wide eyes with an iris painted with dark-blue being added in the middle of her eyes and a pair of perfect trimmed eyebrows colored in contrast with her blonde hair caused her to not look like an experienced veteran.

"Let's go." Her pink-colored lips moved as she stated as her pointy nose sipped the breath for some drops of oxygen. Thus, both of them were walking together… slowly towards the door outside.

Meanwhile, Chris was rushing towards the university's backyard.

It was the place where the Magus was training on improving their own magic, which he had seen in the right.

But for Chris, he reached the massive-sized door instead, put his thumb in, and the door opened. Then, he rushed to it.

"Apologize for my lateness, Professor Kijorn." Chris talked to the man who sat at his desk with the invisible chair.

However, the Professor was remained silent as he had to work with something that seemed to be necessary.

'His daily paperwork, huh? I guess... I will wait until he is done then.' Chris murmured on his own mind as he observed the old man focusing on singing on his document by the quill pen.

The old man was plunging his quill pen into the container shaped like a cigarette ashtray meticulously.

Then, he pulled the quill pen out as he had spun it to fill the necessary amount of the ink required for it.

Thus, he signed his own name in the document, placing the quill pen to the container back. And he replied to Chris as he said,

"Welcome back, Mr. Jansen."