
Veilbound: Arcane Awakening

Kael Alvion’s mundane life is upended when a mysterious system grants him extraordinary abilities. As he navigates a hidden world of magic and danger, Kael must battle monstrous creatures and uncover dark secrets. His quest for survival and truth reveals a prophecy linking him to ancient forces. In this high-stakes adventure, Kael must master his newfound powers and confront the shadows that threaten to consume him. Will he reshape his destiny or be lost to the darkness?

jitace · 奇幻
20 Chs

Chapter 17: Into the Shadows

The air in the safehouse grew tense as Kael stared at the new quest notification. The words "The Shadows Within" floated ominously before his eyes. A hidden quest. One that could destabilize his system if they failed.

"Investigating the system?" Elara said, frowning. "That sounds like walking blind into a minefield."

Kael agreed, but the urge to understand his system gnawed at him. "It's risky, but I can't ignore this. We need answers. The Architect knew things about me... about the system... I need to know why."

Elara nodded. "Okay. But we can't rush in. Let's plan this out, piece by piece."

They spent the next hour mapping out their plan. Elara worked with her gathering abilities, creating a detailed map of the surrounding area, marking potential routes and resources. Kael took note of the various system interfaces, trying to grasp which parts of his system were malleable and which were rigid. He tested his System Override cautiously, tweaking the safehouse's door mechanism and noticing how different system objects responded differently to his interference.

As they prepared, Kael couldn't shake the thought of Echoes of Power, the skill that let him absorb residual energy from fallen foes. It had triggered when he defeated the beast in the tunnels, but he hadn't fully grasped its utility. It had to have something more to offer, something tied to the very essence of the system.

Once they had gathered enough supplies and a few improvised weapons, Elara looked at Kael with determination. "We're as ready as we can be. What's the first move?"

Kael pulled up the quest screen again.

[Quest: The Shadows Within]

Objective: Investigate the nature of the system by tracking the source of its hidden data streams.Location: Beneath Sector 12, Sublevel 5.Reward: +100 EXP, Special Item.Warning: System stability is at risk. Proceed with caution.

"Sector 12, Sublevel 5. We're heading underground again," Kael said. "I don't know what's down there, but the system's giving us this for a reason."

Elara nodded, slinging her pack over her shoulder. "Whatever it is, we'll face it together."

Hours Later, Beneath Sector 12

The tunnels beneath Sector 12 were even darker and more foreboding than the ones they had encountered before. The deeper they went, the more oppressive the atmosphere became, as though the walls themselves were pressing in on them. Kael could feel the weight of the system all around, pulsing faintly like a heartbeat.

"Feel that?" Kael asked, his voice hushed.

Elara nodded, her eyes sharp as she scanned the shadows ahead. "Yeah, the system feels... off here. Like it's running differently."

They moved slowly, Kael using his Rift Strike to create small tears in the space ahead, checking for traps or hidden dangers. The skill had become invaluable, allowing them to scout without risking themselves too much. Each time he used it, though, Kael could feel a subtle drain on his energy. The system's boundaries were clearer here, more rigid.

Suddenly, Elara held up a hand. "Wait. I see something."

Ahead, a faint glow pulsed in the darkness, like the heartbeat of a creature. They crept closer, and as the light grew brighter, Kael realized it wasn't a creature at all—it was a terminal, embedded in the wall of the tunnel. A system interface, but unlike any he had seen before. Its design was sleek, the symbols etched into it ancient and alien.

"This is it," Kael said. "The source of the data streams."

Elara stepped forward cautiously. "It looks like a central node. Maybe it's tied to how the system monitors everything. But why would it be hidden down here?"

Kael reached out, his hand hovering over the terminal. As soon as his fingers brushed the surface, a new screen appeared before him.

[System Terminal: Restricted Access]

[Input Authorization Code]

Kael frowned. "Authorization code? I don't have anything like that."

But the moment he spoke, another notification flashed across his vision.

[System Override Detected: User Capable of Manual Bypass]

Do you wish to proceed? [Y/N]

Kael hesitated, feeling a cold sweat break out across his skin. "This might be a trap. The system wants me to bypass it, but that could trigger... something."

Elara stepped closer, her eyes darting across the terminal. "What if it's the only way to get answers? We've come this far, and we can't turn back now."

Taking a deep breath, Kael selected [Y].

The system hummed to life. Lights flickered on the terminal, and a flood of data streams appeared, flowing across his vision. He could see fragments of code, lines of data that made no sense to him but felt... alive. This was no simple interface—it was a gateway to the core of the system itself.

Suddenly, the tunnel rumbled. The ground beneath them shook, and Kael stumbled back. The terminal's light grew blinding, and a deep voice, mechanized but ancient, echoed through the space.

"Welcome, User Kael Adronis. You have unlocked access to the Inner Matrix. Prepare for full synchronization."

Kael's heart raced. "Synchronization? What does that mean?"

Before he could react, the terminal's glow enveloped him. A surge of energy flooded his body, and he felt his connection to the system intensify tenfold. The Path of Transcendence pulsed violently, sending shockwaves through his mind. For a moment, everything blurred—past, present, and future colliding.

He could see things now—hidden layers of the system, vast networks that controlled not just power levels and abilities, but reality itself. And at the center of it all, something dark and ancient, watching him.

Then, just as quickly as it had started, the energy faded. Kael collapsed to his knees, gasping for breath.

Elara rushed to his side. "Kael! Are you alright?"

He nodded weakly, his vision slowly clearing. "I'm... I'm fine. But I saw something—something huge. The system, it's not just a tool. It's... alive, in a way. And there's something controlling it."

Elara's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Kael struggled to put the experience into words. "The Architect—they're not just after power. They're after control of the system itself. And if they succeed... it could mean the end of everything. The system runs deeper than we thought. It's tied to the fabric of the world."

As they sat there, recovering, a final notification blinked into Kael's vision.

[Quest Complete: The Shadows Within]

Reward: +100 EXP, Special Item Unlocked: Matrix Key

System Stability: Restored

Kael's hand trembled as he opened the new item. The Matrix Key appeared in his inventory, glowing faintly. Its description was cryptic:

Matrix Key: A tool to unlock the deepest layers of the system. Use with caution.

Elara stared at the key, then back at Kael. "What do we do with that?"

Kael stood slowly, the weight of the Matrix Key heavy in his mind. "We're going deeper. This is just the beginning."