
Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Completed/Dropped A normal man, through some bullshit luck, got chosen to reincarnate in another world after getting killed by the legendary Truck-kun. Distraught at the fact that he died without losing his V-Card, he becomes impatient and wanted to get the reincarnation process over quickly. Because of this, he ended up annoying the ROB overseeing his reincarnation, and to spite him, the ROB rigged his quest system. Because of this he ended up being forced to keep the timelines of the worlds he travels to intact and as close to canon as possible. If not, the world collapses. The problem? The bad guys all have power ups while the good guys get nothing. Follow our resident MC as he tried to keep the timelines intact while doing his best to become relevant and interact with the characters... and maybe get some girls on the way. Maybe. ----- First world: MHA I'm planning to have harem in the story but I REALLY want to keep it small, like 1-2 people per world, 3 if we're pushing it and it's a harem heavy world (e.g. DXD). During the beginning, the MC's personality will be... finicky. I haven't really decided what personality to give the MC at this point. Well, I tried giving him a cool-headed personality, but... that backfired. I don't want to write a character like that. So yeah, you have been warned. The story will generally follow canon but the way certain events are carried out can change. First time writing, I accept constructive criticism, tell my how I can improve and I'll do my best! I also apologise for any plot holes. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for my own OC. The cover pic is something I found off google, it's not mine.

DJDAN · 漫画同人
130 Chs

Chapter 89.5 This is what happened… (Momo)

I wake up feeling completely exhausted. My hand fumbles around before finding a nutrient fluid pack off to the side. I quickly open it and suck it dry within a second as the energy held within quickly revitalises my body.

Opening my eyes, I see the absolute destruction Rumi and I caused last night. Both of our fluids are everywhere. On the floors, on the walls, and don't even ask me how I was able to fling my semen onto the ceiling because I honestly don't know.

I turn around to see Rumi clinging to my arm as she snuggles into my chest, taking deep breaths, inhaling as much of my scent as she could.

This is an unconscious action, by the way.

Staring into her incredibly cute sleeping face for the next hour, she finally wakes up. Seeing my face the moment she wakes up makes her smile and her eyes dance in joy as she leans in for a kiss.

After kissing for another half an hour and heavily debating whether to go another round right now, we decide to get out of bed and clean up.

After cooking breakfast and cuddling with each other a bit more, we decide to finally say goodbye and continue on our day.

Smiling reluctantly at her retreating figure, I remember my plans for today and regain my enthusiasm. Again, going into the alleyway, I check if anyone is watching me before jumping high into the sky and flying away to a certain mansion in a giant plot of land filled with trees.

Landing just outside of a certain window, I pick up some random small pebbles, and start throwing them at the window.





Finally, the window opens and a certain obsidian eyed woman poked her head out. My eyes meet with hers as I wave at her.

Arata- "Hi Momo."

Her face lights up in delight as she excitedly waves back at me. But then, a look of confusion covers her face.

Momo- "Arata, what are you doing here?"

My smile turns into a smug one as I answer.

Arata- "Well, of course, I'm here to take my princess away on a date!"

Momo's face reddens up in embarrassment slightly as she tried to calm herself down.

Momo- "B-but I have to-"

Arata- "Who cares, come on! Today, we're going to fulfil one of your dreams!"

Momo looks a little confused before the realisation dawns on her face.

"Someday, I want to run away with a prince."

She said that randomly but I remembered it. And today we're going to run away. I specifically found out that she has to finish up her studies today. Stealing her away from her duties and running away together is a dream of hers.

After some conflict, she resolves herself and jumps out of the window. Her room is on the second floor, mind you. But I easily catch her in a princess carry. I'm still smiling smugly at her while she looks up at me with loving eyes and I immediately run away while augmenting my speed with [Vector Manipulation].

Meanwhile, I quickly glance over my shoulder to see a woman that looks just like an older version of Momo and a man who looks like the male older version of her, hugging the woman.

Mr and Mrs Yaoyoruzu.

If I really did steal Momo away, no doubt they would do whatever they can to find who "kidnapped" their child and hunt them down.

So I secretly contacted them beforehand and planned this whole date. Of course, Momo doesn't know. Tee hee pero~.

Both of them smile and wave at me and I nod back in their direction. Momo doesn't notice because she's still looking around as everything flashes past her because of the speed we're going. Again, I made sure the wind doesn't affect us too much.

After getting out of the estate, I start flying really high. Eventually, we reach above the clouds to see a sea of white as the sun shines down on us. Momo is completely stunned at this sight.

Once her brain comes back online, she tears up a bit, cupping her mouth in her hands, before hugging my neck and kissing me on the check.

Arata- "You like what you see?"

Momo- "Mmm… Very."

She's still calming down while looking fondly at the surroundings. For sure, this would be a sight she would forever remember.

Before you ask, I made sure to keep the atmosphere around us the same as if we were on the ground. It would be disastrous otherwise.

After we had enough, I turn us invisible and fly us back down as we land in the city centre. People are bustling all around us and there are shops everywhere. Momo is looking around with shining eyes. Despite her rich upbringing, whenever she needed anything, she mostly had her servants buy it, or if she was desperate, she would make it herself with her quirk. She rarely ever went shopping.

So, I decided to let her experience something new.

First off, she isn't dressed for today, so we walked into a clothing store I chose beforehand. A while later (like, a couple of hours later) we finally walk back out. I'm still wearing my normal clothes, a white t-shirt, long black pants and my Accelerator jacket.

But Momo… Momo has changed completely. And I don't mean it in a bad way.

She's wearing a pure white buttoned shirt with translucent sleeves. She's also wearing a pink-red skirt and black stockings and a small black handbag is strapped over her shoulder.

The women inside also did us a favour and applied a light layer of makeup on her. Honestly… I'm quite ashamed to stand next to her.

But I have to! I'm her man after all. I turn to her while slightly bowing my body to her as I hold out my hand.

Arata- "Shall we continue, my lady?"

Momo smiles brightly as she skips over to me and takes my hand. All the males who saw this felt their heart skip a beat along with her steps and simultaneously cursed my existence.

[You have an ominous feeling]


And just like that, we went to many places. Fast food restaurants, parks, different kinds of places to sightsee. I took her to many different establishments.

Finally, as the sun was going down, I take her hand once more like I did many times during the day, and walk in a certain direction.

Arata- "One more place, ok?"

I kindly look at her with a bit of concern in my eyes. We've been walking a lot today, after all. I'm a bit worried.

But it seems her training wasn't for nothing, she easily accepts and follows me. Thank goodness she wasn't wearing high heels today.

After walking around for a bit more, we arrive at our destination.

Arata- "If I remember correctly, it should be… ah, here!"

I smile as I read the sign that hasn't changed since I first saw it.


The cheap dollar store that Izuku and his group got their disguises from just before Katsuki's rescue. Well, this only happened in canon. It didn't happen in this timeline.

I remember promising myself to take Momo here last time I saw this on my way to the hidden nomu lab. She never experienced buying stuff from a "cheap store" like this one and she was pretty stoked in the series.

I feel her hand squeezing mine as her breath quickens slightly. She does that happy girl scream before running into the building.

I had to persuade her to not buy everything in the store and cleaning the place out.

Finally, we went back to her house/mansion and I drop her off at the front door.

Her parents were the ones to greet us at the door and "got mad" at us for running away (we're pretending for Momo's sake, remember?) before allowing me to sleep over in Momo's room.

Of course, we didn't sleep for the majority of the night as the room was filled with screams of pleasure and moaning.


A/N: I forgot to add this in, but MC also got a message appointing him as the hero course teacher during the day.

MC: Yeah, damn message ruined the atmosphere we had at the time. I was this close to kissing her.

AN: But don't you always kiss her anyway?

MC: That doesn't make those kisses any less meaningful.