Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >
-Where am I? I, Dark Destiny am visiting my girlfriend's apartment in the center of the city, it won't be long before it gets dark, I came as a surprise, after all today is February 14th, Valentine's Day, we have been together for several years, and in this time I have realized that I really love her, it's funny coming from me, I have always been the kind of person who treasures the little I have, even though I was alone all my life, it's good to feel something like that.
While I was immersed in my thoughts, I slowly introduce the key to the apartment that my girlfriend gave me some time ago, I had never used it before, but... for everything there is a first time, right?
Slowly I open the door and enter, I peek my head out and check around me looking for signs that show if she is home or not.
-It looks like he's not, perfect.
I close the door behind me, lock it and start to head for my girlfriend's room.
-I'm going to hide in the closet....
I walk on tiptoe, to make as little noise as possible, although it doesn't make sense after all there's no one in there.
I enter my girlfriend's room, but... the room that was supposed to be empty, is not...
-Emma...- a small whisper comes out of Dark's lips.
Emma was sleeping naked with another man...condoms lying on the floor.
My mind stopped, I couldn't think of anything, this scene was the only thing I had in my mind, so many years with her, everything...for nothing, so much effort.....
I took several pictures with my cell phone and I left the room, I just wanted to disappear, I held my breath until I left the apartment, once I got out, I inhaled as much air as I could, but I couldn't breathe well, my breathing became erratic, I couldn't calm down, that image in my mind, it wouldn't go away.
-I have to get out of here.
I ran out of the building, the people in the street saw me running confused but, I didn't want to stop, I just wanted to get away from there, I ran with all my strength, my eyes full of tears, they wouldn't stop, they didn't want to stop, I kept running until I fell in the bank of a river, I couldn't run anymore...
-I... I... can't... run... anymore...
I was panting, my heart seemed like it was going to explode, a few minutes passed.
I closed my eyes, trying to calm down, little by little my breathing normalized, but the image of Emma in that bed came to my mind.
-What did I do wrong?
The only thing I did was to give her affection, to give her my love, I did everything for her, my money, my time, I gave it all to her, but in the end what was the use, it was useless, everything went to the trash as if it had never existed, was it my fault, since I left the orphanage, I dedicated everything to her.
I've been living in this city for her for 5 years....
I don't want to think about it...
Little by little my consciousness started to fade, until I finally fell asleep
I stood in an empty space as dark as night, a small orb of crimson light hovered in the sky.
-The moon?
-What is that?
[Finally time begins to move, maybe in a short time, I can see you again.]
A woman was standing in front of me, she has a black hair, red eyes and a spectacular curvy body.
-To see me again?
A small smile formed on her face
[It's time for you to wake up]
-Wait, who are you?
[I'll be whoever you want me to be, so make an effort.]
I started to fall, as if the abyss was trying to swallow me up.
I jumped up, looked forward, only to realize that...
-It was already dark-
[What a strange thing, I remember that dream very vividly.]
-Until you finally wake up.
I quickly turn to the source of that voice
-What is it?
-Who are you?
It's a blond woman with blue eyes, she is very beautiful, so beautiful....
The frown of this unknown woman frowns.
-After I stay here, to take care of you, you talk to me like that?
The woman folds her arms and puffs up her cheeks as if she were pouting, her eyes look at me reproachfully.
-Hum, I'm sorry.
I reflexively apologized, but the woman seemed satisfied with that.
-Well, I'm Stella.
She extends her right hand towards me
-Ah... yes, I'm Dark.
I extended my right hand to answer her greeting, when our hands met, Stella smiled in the most beautiful way I've ever seen in my life.
-Destiny?" Stella's eyes suddenly widened.
-Do you know me?
-You are...
[Huh? Do you know me? But this is the first time I've seen you...]
A great roar is heard and a voice begins to echo everywhere.
I look up at the sky
-A person flying?
There was a person floating in the sky, a middle-aged man, tall, with a muscular body, brown hair, has European features, he was staring at me.
-He handed over the girl.
I looked at Stella who was next to me, she had her eyes fixed on the individual in the sky, she seemed anxious, small beads of sweat began to form on her face.
The man spoke again
-Second and last warning, hand over the girl and get out- a dangerous gleam is removed in his eyes.
The man's gaze was getting sharper and sharper and that gaze was fixed on me.
I inhaled a large amount of air
-What if I refuse?
Suddenly I feel as if a blast of cold hit my spine.
The man extends one of his hands, a small orb of white light begins to form in the palm of his hand.
-You will die-
Dark knew it was wrong to face him, he was aware of that, but in spite of that he didn't want to give up Stella, a girl he just met, they have no relationship, but his pride wouldn't allow him to give in, even if it was just once, he wanted to feel proud of something.
-Let's go-
Stella, who had just come out of her stupor, took my hand and started to run.
-What's wrong with that guy?
Dark wanted to know why that man was acting like that, he wasn't calm enough to think that the whole situation was strange and unnatural, he just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
-I'm sorry for dragging you into this, but that guy, well....
-What's the matter?
-He wants to marry me.
[Marrying you, something so extreme just for that, what's wrong with that guy! He's a nutcase!]
I was starting to get tired from running, that man was following us, while he was still flying in the sky, he seemed to enjoy it, his face had a terrifying smile on it.
-Why don't you want to marry him?
Stella looks at me and frowns as she runs.
-It's obvious, that guy is twice my age and I don't want to be the wife of someone I'm not in love with".
[Well it's true that she looks young and he looks too old for her].
We were running along the river bank, until the man's voice echoed throughout the place.
-That's enough.
That man suddenly appeared in front of us, when we realized we stopped abruptly, I couldn't run anymore, I was choking for my own breath, Stella fixed her gaze on him
-I already rejected you, why are you so insistent and following me?
Stella began to talk to him, she seemed exasperated with the current situation.
-Miss Tepes, is this compromise necessary for our race?
-Even if it is necessary, I refuse, my father expressly said that he would respect my will and would not force me to do something I did not want, so Marcus stop insisting.
The man's brow furrows, he seemed annoyed at Stella's reluctance.
-Hum, what do I have to do here," I asked curiously,
[I got involved in this, without knowing why, I just fell asleep on the bank of the river, nothing more than that.]
Stella fixes her gaze on me
-Did you meet your parents?
[What does that have to do with the situation?]
Stella's eyes widen as if she has just understood something, a soft smile forms on her face.
-Your parents, they were part of us- -Your parents?
[What does she mean, part of them?]
Suddenly the man's voice is heard
-So that's what's going on... in that case...
A noise of penetrated flesh resounded, blood began to come out of my mouth, and a burning began to arise in my stomach, when I looked down, I had an arm across my stomach.
I couldn't speak, the blood began to gush out, my lungs had more and more blood in them.
The man began to slowly pull his arm out of me, the pain was intense as I had never felt before, but just before he pulled it out completely, he began to stir my insides, an intense pain ran through my whole body, the most pain I have ever felt in my life, I felt the heat escaping from my body, I felt less and less strength, my eyes felt heavier and heavier.
With the little consciousness I had left I heard a scream.
Stella, who had been next to me, reacted.
Stella tried to attack the man, but he pushed her away with his free hand sending her rolling on the floor.
-S...te...lla...lla...Hu...ye... -
-Marcus let him go!-
Marcus began to smile, as if he enjoyed seeing Stella in that state.
-So the great princess of an entire race asks me to free a mere human, how ironic, I know, let's do something funny, can a human live without his heart?
Marcus takes Dark's heart in his hands, it was beating with less and less strength, he enjoyed that feeling, when a life begins to come to an end.