Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >
Dark has just entered the mansion with Irina in his arms.
[Where will Stella be?] Sensing Stella through his connection, Dark feels coldness emanating from her.
-Yes, she's angry." Resigning himself to being beaten, Dark walks up to the room with Irina.
In front of the door Dark is about to open it, when it suddenly opens and Stella's figure appears in front of him.
-Hello..." Smiling nervously at Stella's cold gaze.
Stella sees the woman in Dark's arms -Leave her on the furniture- she says pointing to a nearby piece of furniture.
-Yes, ma'am," she quickly enters and leaves Irina lying on a piece of furniture.
Dark turns to Stella who was still standing by the door.
-Let's go downstairs," Stella walks through the door and down the stairs without looking at Dark once.
-It's okay.
Following Stella, Dark closes the door to the room.
Entering the basement Stella turns around and speaks to Dark.
-What happened?
-Well... Today at the university they didn't inform us that we are going to have to do a presentation and my partner to do it is Irina.
-But after class I went to look for her to talk about it, but I found her in our tutor's office, bloody and writhing on the floor" says Dark.
Stella frowns and asks Dark
-Why did you go to the office?
-Because at the beginning of classes, the tutor made a pass at Irina, so I thought maybe she's there and I went to look for her.
-So?" Feeling that Stella was hiding something from him, Stella urged him to continue.
-When I got to the office, I knocked on the door but nobody answered, the second time I knocked I heard Irina's voice saying "AYU" in a very weak voice, so I entered the office.
-Did you come in?" said Stella squinting her eyes at Dark.
-Well, I ripped the door off the wall..." says Dark scratching his cheek with one of his fingers.
Stella sighs as she listens to Dark's words -So you found Irina on the floor and with blood- says Irina waiting for Dark's confirmation.
-Yes, when I saw that the guy had blood coming out of his mouth and Irina was shaking with pain, so I hit something and left him incapacitated... then I tried to find a solution but..." says Dark looking to the side.
-But?" says Stella, staring at Dark.
-I thought maybe... she was bitten to turn her... when I saw her arm she had two holes with blood coming out of them, first I thought about drinking her blood and extracting the poison but... she had already lost a lot of blood and I thought that if she continued, she would die...- Dark was playing with his hands, he felt nervous about telling Stella what had happened...
-So what did you do? Did you drink his blood? asked Stella.
-Yes... as drinking her blood to extract the poison was going to kill her, I thought that if I injected her with my poison it would overwrite the previous one and that guy wouldn't have to have any relation with her... as she would be converted by her poison... maybe there was a possibility that she was forced to something... that's why I injected her with mine- a drop of sweat falls from Dark's forehead.
-That was it?" Stella asks, still feeling annoyed.
-Well, he accidentally blew up the building the office was in," Dark laughs nervously.
Exasperated Stella touches her forehead with one of her hands -Well, what's done is done, there's no point in beating around the bush, but...
Stella didn't know what to say, she considered that Irina would be a good choice at some point for Dark to turn her but, she didn't think that her husband would turn her into a Vampire just a few days after he became a Vampire, Stella is sure that Irina will turn because of Dark's venom, since his venom is not ordinary.
-With what intention did you turn her? - Stella asks, crossing her arms
-He didn't want Irina to die because he holds her in high esteem.
-We'll make her drink your blood when she wakes up." He's still conflicted about Irina but since she turned because of Dark, they have to take responsibility for that.
-Is that like the ritual the other day?" asks Dark, confused by Stella's words.
-Yes, I wanted to be your only wife for a while but since it came to this, there's no other option- sighing heavily he looks at Dark with serious eyes and adds
-You're going to go upstairs, go into that room and wait for him to wake up, make him drink your blood and..." It's not pleasant for Stella to say those words, but she forces herself to do it.
-You will complete the ritual and you will make her your wife, it is decided, meanwhile I will go to the palace, when you finish.... Come with her... and don't forget your training- biting her lower lip and small tears coming out of her eyes.
Dark notices and feels what happens to Stella.
-I'd rather not- Dark wanted to save Irina, but if saving her was going to make Stella feel that way, he'd rather let go of it
-No - Taking a deep breath and looking Dark straight in the eyes -You will do it, I let you do it, it was going to happen anyway, I had already thought about that fact -Slowly approaching Dark Stella continues
-But you'll do it with me here and now, I'll always be your first and most important wife" Kissing Dark slowly wanting to leave her mark on him.
-All right-
Dark accepts and seats before Stella
Two hours later, Stella had just left and Dark is walking up to the room.
[Mentalize yourself]
Slowly opening the door to the room, Dark enters and sees Irina sitting on the furniture, staring out of the window.
-Irina?" Dark calls out to Irina.
-Dark? What am I doing here? She seemed to be fine, that's what Dark thought, but her paler complexion confirmed the fact that she was a Vampire.
-This is my house," Dark answered her, closing the door and approaching Stella.
-I... I was in the tutor's office... after that, did he bite me? Irina is confused, her memory is not clear.
Dark felt guilty when he saw Irina's state.
-I'm thirsty, I want water..." Irina brings one of her hands to his neck.
Dark was staring at Irina
-Dark, what happened to me?" Irina's voice trembled.
Dark sighs and says -The tutor attacked you and bit you on the arm, he was a vampire.... -
-Vampires? Hahaha What are you saying?" Irina laughed at Dark's absurd words.
-Yes, I am one myself... - Growing fangs in her mouth and changing the color of her eyes to a Blood red color.
-Eh?" Irina is surprised by Dark's actions.
-And you .... are a Vampire right now," says Dark pointing at Irina with the tip of the index finger of his left hand and continues.
-You may not notice it, but your eyes are red, you can see yourself in that mirror if you want to," pointing to a mirror on the wall.
Irina stands up quickly to see herself in the mirror.
-It's true... I'm paler too...]] touching her reflection in the mirror, Irina begins to cry.
While Irina was sobbing sitting on the floor, Dark gets up and stands behind her and hugs her
-Irina, do you want to be with me for the rest of your life," Dark whispers in Irina's ear as he hugs her.
Irina is surprised by Dark's words
-But you have a wife," Irina is happy for the proposal, one of her dreams, to be with someone she loves, but there is also the fact that Dark has a wife.
-She... agreed to let you join us.
Dark feels weird saying those words, he never had a similar situation in his life, he had a girlfriend, but he never had someone else besides her, but now it's different, Stella is Dark's wife and that same wife accepted Irina.
Irina turns her gaze to Dark
-Is that true?" Irina seemed shy to ask that question.
-Yes- Dark nods and puts his lips together with Irina's lips.
Irina is surprised by Dark's sudden kiss a few seconds later they separate.
-I want to be with you..." Irina answers Dark's question.
-If you want to be with me for the rest of your life, you have to accept what you are now..." Still feeling guilty for having turned her into a vampire, Dark speaks with sincerity.
-A vampire? If that means having an eternity with you then that's fine," Irina says smiling, if it's to be with the love of her life, then she'll accept it.
-If so... do as I say- Taking Irina in his arms Dark leads her towards the bed, Irina who had her arms around his neck lets go and falls on the bed.
-Do what I'm going to do, you should do it by instinct- Dark tells Irina what she should do- Excuse me- Dark takes out all the clothes that Irina is wearing.
[A dress and underwear]
Dark makes her clothes disappear and leaving them both naked on the bed.
Irina seeing Dark's body without clothes opens her eyes and is surprised when she lowers her head, her gaze is fixed on Dark's member.
-Ah? yes..." turning her gaze towards Dark's face, Irina blushes.
-You will do the same as me, you will drink my blood and inject your venom after I do it, we will make a ritual of commitment, after this you will be my second wife", bringing his face closer to Irina's neck, giving a soft kiss, making his fangs sprout and slowly digging them into it drinking her blood and injecting his venom, Irina's body fills with pleasure and shudders at the tentative sensation.
Dark stops biting her, noticing her face full of pleasure, Dark presents his neck for her to bite, Irina instinctively bites it and injects his venom, a connection is formed between them, a few minutes later Irina releases Dark's neck.
-To complete the ritual we must be one," Dark says staring at Irina.
Irina who just woke up from her stupor reacts to Dark's words.
-One?" asked Irina a little confused with blood coming out of her mouth.
-In a few words we will make love," lying down on the bed, taking Irina in his arms and placing her on top of him as if she were a cowgirl.
Irina's eyes widen, as she feels Dark's large wingspan groping her entrance.
Dark stares at the woman in front of him, blue eyes, hair as black as night, a beautiful face along with a spectacular body almost on par with Stella's.
[She's a beautiful woman.]
-Whenever you're ready- Dark speaks to calm the agitated Irina.
Irina nods at Dark's words
Irina thinks that once she does this, there is no turning back, it will be a life tied to the man in front of her, a life that she is willing to accept
Slowly Irina lowers her body, pulling him closer towards Dark, slowly devouring the member inside her.
As she has him completely inside her, tears well up in her eyes, finally, something in her life that she can consider hers, for this moment Dark is only hers, feeling Dark's member writhing inside her, a big smile forms on her face.
Bringing her face closer to Dark's, kissing him softly, Irina slowly starts to move her hips, feeling him filling her inside, Irina felt very happy.