
Vampire and Slime Back in Time [Tensura: Rimuru x Luminous]

While fighting with Chronoa, Rimuru asks Luminous to hold her down as he has figured out how to stop her rampage. while Luminas held Chronoa down, Rimuru, or more accurately, Raphael, started to entire her consciousness. but a fatal error happens, which leads both Remuru and Luminous to go back in time and in a state weaker than they were. Note: This is my fanfic which is originally on Wattpad. It's still there, and it will be uploaded there before here (a few minutes difference at most). I would probably be more active there, but I will still be active as all heck! I do not own any of the characters (unless I make an OC) ok, so this's basically a Rimuru x Luminous story. with a lot of wholesomeness. I wanted one, but I couldn't find any good ones, so I chose to do it myself. unlike just about every other 'Rimuru goes back in time' fanfic (actually most tensura fanfics, even the nontime travel ones), where Rimuru is hella strong and is a god. or that he went to another world and is almost at top of the power chain (most other world ones are after the end or after he became demon lord) this one would have both Rimuru and Luminous very weak, like way weaker than in the original. aka they are hardcore. and despite me wanting wholesome, it will be hella dark, compared to most other ones at least. why? cuz my mind is too fucked to make a wholesome thing. there must be pain and suffering. so deal with it.

M_Swedgy · 漫画同人
20 Chs

Ch4 | Learning the obvious

A.N/... I think I wanted to say something? should I say something??? well... my exams are over and I have a 16 day vacation. but my mood is shit and I have practically, no, I have no motivation. I almost never did, so I can't be sure how long will this fanfic stay.

anyway. so here's the chapter.



"well... vampires need blood to survive correct? so it's not that bad" said Rimuru in disappointment. and then jumped back into the snake, cutting it with [Water Blade].

'No, I can't just do sit and do nothing!' despite having no clue how to make fire without magic, I decided to help anyway. while I don't have something that can easily cut the snake like Rimuru, I can make my hands similar to claws.

I tried to enhance my body and generate those claws, but only my nails got a bit longer and sharper. "*sight* I will have to make due with just this...." and I started to peel the skin of the meat slices.

after around half an hour, both me and Rimuru were done preparing the meat. I say prepare, but we only sliced it into squares and peel it's skin of. on the note of skin, I put the peeled skin on the side.

Rimuru gathered the slices and sorted them, then he came next to me.

"it's uncooked, but it's good enough. right Luminous?"

"I guess..." I already miss the time when I was able to eat Tempest food with Hinata.

I picked a slice of the snake, still moist, with blood dripping. even more so when I held it, as if it was a sponge. I expected the meat to be hard and chewy. but when I took a bit of it, it easily got ripped. it was a bit tender. and the blood that was in it came out and started flowing down inside and outside my mouth.

it wasn't good at all, but it was much better than my expectations. and while I was eating, Rimuru started absorbed some of the snake's meat and all of it's scales.

after a while he absorbed all of the scales, he stopped moving and looked to be in deep thoughts. I was cold all the time when Rimuru wasn't close to warm me up. at this point, I already ate all till I was full.

I got up and moved towards Rimuru then picked him up. the moment I picked him up I suddenly felt warmer, which made me feel better. then I hugged him closer to me. to feel warmer, of course.

unconsciously, the tips of my lips stretch backwards a bit, forming a small smile with an even smaller red on my cheeks. "what are you thinking so deeply about?"

he snapped back into reality when he heard my voice and looked(?) up to me "ah! am just talking with Great Sage about the skills I acquired."

"Great Sage? wasn't that the skill that you said saved us when we got back in time? and how can you talk to skill? let alone it saving us!" I bombarded him with questions. and to my great surprised, he answered all of them.

"Great Sage, despite being a skill, is sentient. and have incredible analytic capabilities. but it's very much weakened right much. and she saved us when she was an ultimate skill. and just so you know, I got [Vibration Sense] [Enhanced Hearing (maybe there is another more correct word)] and some magicules"

"What!! A sentient skill!?! and you get the power of what you absorb? no wonder you were so stupidly strong." I said as as I frowned and my brows contorted in both anger and surprise, as I moved my arms up and down expressing my feelings even more.

'What kind of bullshit powers he have? why is the world so fucking unfair??!!' (I'm going to assume you have never seen Iraq, Luminous)


"Auh... so.. why did you tell me about this? shouldn't you keep it secret as you did before?"

"ah! Simple. because we trust you"

he answered with a cheery voice and no hesitation. 'ahhh, I can never understand him or the way he acts. but am thankful that he- both of them trust me.'

I for reason I don't understand nor care about felt a bit warmer from before.

Rimuru Spat out something that vaguely resembled clothes, it was made out of scales with the inside padded with grass, but unlike before, this grass looks more.... refined? and was better woven than before. (I wonder when can I buy some of that refined grass lol)

it still looked crap and uncomfortable, but it was better than before, at from the looks of it. I was a bit sad because it was just a shirt pretending to be a dress and pants.

"why does it looks different?" I didn't expect an answer to my mumblings. "ah, that because when I got more powerful after eating that snake, Great Sage got some of her power as well. which made her better at making things.

which include refining materials, which is why the grass started to look more like fabric."

"then why didn't she make anything better? like the scales look very un uneven and poorly made, and why is it not a full coat? it very cold here you know?" I may have sounded like a child complaining. but the sudden switch from having almost everything at the tips of my fingers, into wearing rages made from grass, is a big switch. so I was understandably very grumpy.

A.N/ and that's how you justify characters not like themselves, kids. 'it's not because am bad at writing, it's because of this reason that makes total sense.' Writing tips to excuse your skill issues 101.

<<Answer: it's because despite me getting a bit of my capabilities back, am still a hundred times weaker than before. so I couldn't make anything better than this with the time I had. especially because the scales are more complicated and harder to deal with than some grass"

That voice answered in my brain. I looked at Rimuru in confusion. "when did you get telepathy? and why was your voice more feminine?"

"No, I don't have telepathy, nor was that me. it was Great sage. btw, how did you do that Great sage?"

<<fufu~ I'm not going to tell you~ Figure that on your own~>> she answered both of us at once. 'I can't see nor Imagen her, but I can feel her smug, cheeky smile.'

"Is she always this sassy?"

"no... she almost always do what I say. but I guess she acts different right now since she got emotions."

"that's aside.. what should we do right now?...." I asked Rimuru and Great sage, but I noticed something at that moment. 'Rimuru is doing everything and I always rely on him on what to do.... am I a dead weight? No! I must be more useful than that and not leave everything to Rimuru!'

Rimuru wanted to answer me, but I interrupted him "I know what we should do!" With a bright smile full of determination and a pose that reeked confidence "as we almost died from that week snake from before, we must now try to get stronger before we move on!" I said with will as strong as steel on doing that.

"and how are you planning on doing that?" when he said that, a revelation came to me/

'so steel is weaker than paper...' (God I hope at least one person get that joke) then my body stiffed and my moved my face to the side.

"*long sigh*... so you have no plane... then lets start with getting skills like [Water Mastery] that I have."

"well... you see... I don't know to control magicules..."



I can not only feel their deadpan faces, but touch that feeling. it felt like I got a zero on an exam and I don't even have a clue what exam is!

"you see, I was born with the ability to instinctively do magic and control magicules. and because of that I don't know how to start or do it at all since I was controlling magicules without even thinking. so I never truly understood how they work...." I tried my best to excuse my self and not look like complete fool.

<<I will help you learn... try to feel magiculse around you. it will be easer since you have [Magic Sense]. all you need to do is imagen what you want the to turn into, and with a will strong enough, the magicules will do what you want them to.>>

A.N/ not sure if that's true in cannon, but I don't care. if you know how it is in cannon, correct me.

I did as Great Sage said, and the Magicules started to move around. I tried to reccreate Rimuru's [Water Blade] but all that happened was that the Magicules collected in a shape vaguely similar to a [Water Blade]

"how can you do it so easily?"

<<it's Because Master has my help and he already knew how to do it since he has done it before. I suggest you throw water and try to control it in someway, being the way you throw it or with magicules, to make it into a [Water Blade]>>

Amazed once again at how over powered Rimuru is, I did what she said. I went to the pond and tried to recreate [Water Blade] with my hands.

at first, it looked like I was just playing with water, but each time I fling the water with my hand, it takes shape more and more, and my understanding of how to control water and magic in general increased. but I was unable to fully understand it.

"Luminous. try to imagen something that might help with your control over it's aspects. like it's speed, size, shape, the amount of magicules in it and whatnot"

I tried Rimuru's advice. I closed my eyes and tried to imagen something that might help. since it's a water type ability, I imagined the beach of a continent, it was enormous with calm tides. as I collected a huge amount of water in my hand.

then I imagined the sea tides going down, preparing for a big wave. as I lifted my hand from under the water, the water I collected was condensing and being filled with magicules.

afterwards, I imagined the water rising up, forming an enormous wave.

my hand left the pond and threw the water away.

what came out was a splash of water bigger than any that I made before over a very wide area. it was sloppy, slow and was barely, vaguely in the shape of a blade. but I learned something.

"so I made it too big and wide" then I tried again. but this time, instead of the beach of a whole continent, I imagined the beach of a city. and made the water tides not go as deep as before.

when I shot it of, it spread off. it lacked momentum and it easily broke of in the air. "so I need to make it even smaller? maybe I should try making it a bit faster as well..."

so, I tried again. 'third time is the charm' I made the beach way smaller, around 10 kilometers in length, then I imagined the tides going down a bit deeper than before. but the most important part was that it went down and rose up much faster than before. the wave risen with great speed then crashed on the beach.

the water that I shot off was too small, and the amount of water that it had was too low to handle the speed, despite it not being fast, and it's shape was uneven and it crumpled and broke up mid air.

"maybe you should try to control magicules a bit more and not focus only on the way you throw it? oh and maybe directing it at something would be better"

"it looks like it will need a lot more tires than I thought.." I said disappointed in my self.

this time, the beach was around 50Km in length. I imagined the magiculse controlling and adding to the water as a rainstorm. the tides went into great deepth at in amusing speed. the water sprang up as a wave. that wave was focused on a single target.

"what would that target be? it should be something that I really want to hit..!" at that moment, I imagined fucking lizard tard that looked soo ugly that it must have been swimming in it's own puke and shit for eons. I imagined Veldora.

unconsciously, I imagined the wave of water as a blade. that wave concentrated into blade went into veldora's Neck, cleanly slicing it.

[Acquired Skill: Water Blade] *crash*

I snapped out of my rage when I heard Voice of the World announcing me acquiring [Water Blade] and the sound of a stalactite that I cut crashing into the ground.

"You did it Luminous! I didn't think you would do it this fast! now that you have acquired one, the others will be easy!"

"Of course it wouldn't take me much. despite not knowing how it works, I can easily learn and master such simple things. am not a complete fool after all" I looked down at him, with a smug smile all over my face saying 'am way superior than such simple stuff'

'to tell the truth.. it happened by accident, as I too expected it to take a while. but he doesn't need to know that. I like it more when he sees me as some one grate and when he praises me'

after that I went to the cloth Rimuru made to wear them. why aren't I already wearing them? because I shily tried to learn [Water Blade] and how to control magicules when Great Sage said she will help me.

while I was removing my 'cloths' a genius idea came to me. 'why don't I teas Rimuru right now? after all, he always stared at me back then... so I can have some fun teasing him about having a crush on me...' my cheeks were red, and the redness reached my eyes. and I had a mischievous smile complementing that blush.

"I hope you aren't watching me. I still remember how much you wanted to see me naked in the hot springs before..." I heard him fumble a bit. 'I bet his blushing right n-'

"Wh-What c-can I do? you look s-s-so cute! I co-couldn't resist!" I got counter attacked!

I blushed so hard that even my neck turned red! 'no, I can't just let him win! I must retaliate!'

"W-well. Y-You lo-look a-a-adorable as well, s-so I wo-won't mind it m-much... a-as l-l-long as you let m-me hold you!"

'ah, I fucked up.... or did I?'


A.N/2200 something words. I wanted to make more, but as am very unmotivated and tired, I think around 2000 words will be the standards. and sorry for being late on the update. school exams and [Procrastination Lord: M] was working in full force. that's why I started at around 2 am. I was playing witcher 3! so of course am going to procrastinate!

I get more motivated when I see a high amount of views and comments, especially when people say they liked the shit show I make

btw, was the 'romance' too forced? like are the signs am putting that Luminous likes Rimuru too forced, obvious, and out of place? and am not talking about that last bit, but like when she basically said she likes his attention (when she said she liked it more when he praised her) or should I change it?.

that's aside. do you pronounce Ciel as 'Cil' like it sounds almost exactly like 'seal' or do you pronounce it like me, 'Ci-el' if you ask me, pronouncing it like 'seal' is dumb and lame and 'Ci-el' is a hundred times better.

another question: do you want me to work on another fanfic as will as this? because to be honest, my brain is kind of clogged with ideas for it. and I think I would start switching between this and that, since my brain would be emptied of one of them, only for the other to fill that space.

what would that be about? nothing new. just me, yes me the author, reincarnating with Rimuru. it will be more layed back, and faster based than this one. and I will be somewhat op.

but don't you dare it's going to be just some lame indulgent fanfic. there will be a new plot. plus, it's me who's reincarnating not some normi.

why would be different if it was me who reincarnates? simple. I am a fucking weirdo. and I will unleash my self and become the ball of insanity and chaos that I dream to be. and it will be more of a comidy. plus, I would finally be able to free my brain and maybe have some more ideas for this one. tho I really need a name for it.

next chapter will be from Rimuru's POV.

Now don't forget to Vote, Comment, add to your reading list, and most importantly to follow me, so that Demoknit would see my posts and give me their damn opinions about the changes that I will make. (don't ask why I turned into a youtube boy)

also thanks for 1k views.

anyway, my time here has ended. Good bye~