
Return Of Ren

Lith deeply analysed Viona's interaction with Agalea.

He kept wondering why she would say things the way she had said it, but after much thinking, he came to a conclusion that she may be doing that because it probably was an irrelevant topic.

Irrelevant because only a few low level beings were involved in it. Viona may have thought that the Queen shouldn't bother herself with such little things.

Was she trying to butter up Agalea or was it her arrogance speaking was something Lith couldn't come to a conclusion.

In any case, Lith got to the conclusion that it was indeed an important matter and something he should look into.

People vanishing mysteriously, in a world where there was magic was something Lith felt wasn't possible, unless some authoritative figure took part in it.

Who were involved and who weren't, the answer to this mystery would be beneficial to solve the problem in the Elven Society.