

-Recap summary-

Kallen got a system and she got to know Noire's sufferings all of this past years but how could she help her?


Kallen: (what should I do Allana?)

{That's a simple host, we should know her past}

Kallen: (how?)

{By traveling back using the Quantum sea as a terminal}

Kallen: (Noire said it's very dangerous to travel to quantum sea without proper preparation...)

{Don't worry because of me we can use it safely}

Kallen seemed to mull about the consequences of doing that

{Time will freeze so you don't need to worry about Noire finding you}

Kallen: (why would time freeze? are you a god?)

{i could answer that question Later on}

Kallen: (fine... do I have to do something?)

{Nothing at all so please close your eyes}

Kallen obediently closes her eyes and she felt like falling


On a clear night a full moon that is colored in crimson

Kallen: AHHHH!!!

A person has suddenly appeared and screaming

Kallen: I shouldn't trust a random creature!!

{Don't worry about it host you aren't going to take any damage}

Kallen: don't believe-!

she hit the ground strangely enough she seemed fine

Kallen: I don't feel anything??

{You should trust me because I am right}

Kallen: trusting you is too early and I think you aren't trustworthy enough!

Kallen: I don't know what is your motives on helping me!

{You could say a god decided to help you}

Kallen: I'm not sure that I can attract God because I'm not doing anything special to receive it

Kallen: that means it's Noire because she said she hunts god and the only person she is on good terms with is the weeb god

Kallen: that means you-

{What with this!!! I thought I'm smart to think of this solution yet here you are destroying the big reveal!!}

Kallen: sorry...

{You should be!!!}

{seriously... you adapt her way of thinking that you already connected the dots...}

Kallen: then why is the weeb goddess like yourself decided to help me?

{*sigh* since you already knew then I will tell you...}

{You see Noire hunts the gods that bully me... but to think in her head it becomes she hunts gods for fun}

{I want to help her but I don't know how, since if I descend into the world the greater evil will wake up so I decided to think of a way to help her}

{you are the pillar of the world so I guess I should use the most common technique to connect someone without being detected...}

{By being a system}

Kallen: I guess you see her as a friend...

{Yeah! that's why as her friend let's help her!}


Kallen: Allana I'm probably circling for quite a while now and I'm pretty sure I've seen this tree for the umpteenth time now

{it's because we didn't see any important thing to move on to the next scenario}

Kallen: Huh?

{do you play any games?}

Kallen: no

{*sigh* I will summarise this, basically we need to see an important even to move on to this place}

Kallen: so I just have to keep wandering?

{yes! though aren't you taking this too easy?}

Kallen: about what?

{having a god in your head}

Kallen: since Noire trust you, I could at least trust you to some extent

{how lax~}


Kallen: this forest is dark and creepy and full of the color red and the moon doesn't help either for being red

{Hmm interesting}

*distant muffled noise*

Kallen: I heard something

{it seemed in distress}

Kallen decided to run towards where the noise can be heard

she arrived in a clear courtyard that has a nice structure on it with unknown plants instead of flowers

there's a little girl that has silver hair that clutches her hand that is bleeding and a sharp knife on the ground

Kallen: what are you doing!!

{It's hopeless Kallen}

Kallen: what do you mean?!

Kallen grabs the girl but her hand passed like she isn't contacting with a solid object

{We are only visiting the past and we can't change anything}

Kallen: then what you mean is...

{yes... that's Noire}

the silver-haired little girl seemed trying hard to not cry and she aimed her hand toward the water

the blood on her hand seemed to stop bleeding for a moment and the blood is starting to move towards her fingertips but it suddenly continued to fall towards the bloodied tiles

she looks at the wound in her hand disappears and grabs the knife once again

she slashed her hands once again

Anne: argh...

Kallen: this... why?

Kallen's eyes are full of tears and want to stop Noire but she can't do anything

Anne: I can't... am I that talentless? am I adopted?

Anne: no! I'm a Kathinya that's why I will prove it to them and I will get my parent's approval!!

the child keep doing it until she is very pale and it seemed shaken that anytime soon she will fall down

Kallen tried to make her stable but the girl falls passing her

Kallen: please... tell me... that this is the only suffering that she will experience...

{I don't know}

the silver-haired girl seemed finished and does her best to move towards the big Manor so Kallen decided to follow the girl

Anne: mom dad I'm back...

inside the Manor is a very handsome man and a very beautiful lady that has white hair

but they didn't pay heed to Anne's greetings

Anne decided to continue since her parents always like this

Kallen: why do they not care about Noire?!

{Vampires are a race that prefers strength and bloodline as a basis and it seemed Noire didn't possess those two despite being a full vampire}

Kallen follows Noire's slow and unsteady footsteps into her room

inside of the room is full of books and a bed there's no toys or something that can entertain a child

Noire reads it to the book and takes notes Kallen comes closer to her and she saw despite being a kid Noire has a neat handwriting

Anne: there are two years more before the tournament... I need to win it...

Anne: But how...?

she grabs a book that has a monster drawings on it

Anne: what is the weakest beast in the forest... I need to encounter it

Kallen: don't tell me she is going to do what I think?

{hey I think we shouldn't peek into the past...}

Kallen: no...


Kallen: I will understand her and I will share her pain that's why I shouldn't skip anything...

{I guess you are right}


▪︎will you Change the past?▪︎