
New Era. Part 03.

Anyone who saw the video felt the chills at that point. All of it started cheerful and mellow but then it became dark really quick.

The idea of gaining the same abilities as Valkyries would be a dream come true. Flight, teleportation, super strength, and with the concept being described as close to magic the possibilities were endless. Anyone would jump at the chance to get such extraordinary abilities.

The whole thing sounded too good to be true, and as it turned out, that was indeed the case.

"As you might've already guessed, Odin does not meet the criteria to awaken." After a short pause, Eleven continued the explanation. "If he were to attempt it, he would've been infected by Madness and turned into a Fallen."

"Um... Elly, you're making it sound like a disease..." T-Two asked, nervousness taking over her face.