
I Volunteer!

A week passed without a problem. There was no interdimensional invasion contrary to everyone's expectations, but that didn't mean they had the leeway to relax.

Once the new portal was done Sam gathered the Valkyries to announce his plans. A small team would be going to the Nephilim's world to investigate what happened there. The objective is to learn as much as possible about the new enemy and prepare for future encounters with them.

"Eh!?" Zero Three exclaimed. "You're going as well!?"

"Of course I am," Sam replied. "This isn't just another one of your patrols. And we still haven't figured out interdimensional communication."

The Bifrost works by punching a hole through the dimensional borders between worlds. Said border repairs itself almost immediately which means keeping the portal open requires a tremendous amount of energy, not to mention the possible effects of messing with the natural laws of the multiverse.