
Against the giant Ants. Part 03.

With their queen attacked the army of giant black ants switched their objective from devouring the human prey in front of them to eliminating the threat.

Nino found herself at the center of a sea of murderous intent, her ears about to explode from the maddening screeching of the giant insects. Fighting the urge to cover her then, she gripped her spear and prepared for the onslaught. Not a second later one of the ants launched itself at her and she severed it in half with a single swing, causing it to be torn into a cloud of smoke the next moment.

Another ant came at her from the right and another from the front. It was doubtful whether they were capable of harming a Valkyrie, however their white claws and mandibles were able to break through Venti's barrier. Because of that the girls had to fight while evading the monster's attacks, a task that became much more difficult when every ant in the swarm was desperately trying to land a bit on the Japanese doll.