
Beach side meetings Pt. 2

Blaine nodded to her as he looked at the pokemon training before him, "What are your plans for that Numel of yours? From what I've managed to figure out, you're more of a hit and run fighter. Numel and Camerupt aren't built for that."

"I'm trying to build up her speed for now," Vali explained as Vulpix began to stir, "I'm going to make her into a heavy hitter, but it won't be worth it if she can't move quickly," She smiled as Vulpix yawned and rubbed his muzzle before rolling onto his stomach, "Hey, Sleepyhead," Vulpix let out a happy yip as he got to his feet only to pause and turn towards Blaine, "Vulpix, this is Blaine. He's a Gym Leader. Ninetales is one of his pokemon,"

Vulpix ignored Blaine in favor of Ninetales having never seen another member of his species before. He slowly began padding towards Ninetales who eyed him with some amusement. Blaine and Vali stayed silent watching the interaction not knowing how it would go. Ninetales were loners that avoided most outside of those of their family groups and the chosen trainers that they decided to work with. This could go one of two ways, Ninetales could ignore Vulpix seeing him as little more than an intruder that didn't deserve her attention or she could pay attention to him and basically adopt the little kit as a family member. Seeing as Vulpix was under six-months old, it was more likely the second option would happen mostly because Ninetales was a trainers pokemon just like Vulpix.

Vulpix reached Ninetales and yipped softly wagging his tail giving the older kitsune a wide-eyed look. Ninetales eyed him for a few moments before lowering her head and sniffing him again. Vulpix began to scent the older kitsune as she did the same to him. When she was done, Ninetales manhandled Vulpix into sitting before her and began to groom the kit earning a laugh from the two trainers. Vali took a picture with her old camera that wasn't too hard to use with only one hand. Vulpix surprisingly stayed still and seemed to enjoy the attention Ninetales was giving him. Blaine reached into his pocket when it began to release a chiming sound and pulled out a pokegear before walking off a short distance.

Vali focused back on her pokemon in time to see Pippin trip over his own feet. He ended up knocking into Empress as Pele once again used Earth Power which sent the two fallen pokemon into Balto's running path. Balto managed to see them and jump in time to avoid a collusion only to end up losing his footing making him trip over a random tire. With an almighty splash, Balto landed in the ocean sending water flying. The water managed to land on her pokemon save for Vulpix and Smaug who were out of range. She took a picture of the scene and another when Balto pulled himself out of the water before giving into the need to laugh. If there was one thing she'd never seen before, it was a waterlogged Arcanine looking completely and utterly confused over what had just happened.

Vali heard a bark and saw Balto looking at her. She held up her hand to stall him knowing that the look in his eyes meant war. After stuffing the camera back into her pocket, she reminded him, "Balto, I need to stay dry and not do anything to make my arm take longer to heal."

Balto snorted as he jogged over and promptly shook off making Vali squeal as she backpedaled away from him. Vulpix and Ninetales let out sounds of annoyance with Ninetales sending a Flamethrower towards Balto in revenge for dousing her with water. Balto gave Ninetales a dirty look for all of five seconds before going dreamy eyed. Empress letting out a cry of anger followed by Pippin yowling in pain caused Balto and Vali to look at the rest of their team. Cursing softly when she saw Empress Bite Pippin, Vali shouted, "Elrond! Smaug! Separate them!"

Elrond grabbed Pippin with Psychic and pulled the bitten Luxio away from Empress the moment the Bagon let go. Smaug dove down and plucked Empress from the ground before flying up a few inches. Balto darted over and began barking at them all as Vali moved to check on Pippin who's right leg had been bitten. Empress had managed to bite through skin though thankfully the wound wasn't too deep though it still bled somewhat sluggishly. She returned him after promising to have Nurse Joy look at his injury. She let Smaug and Balto discipline the struggling Bagon her Charizard was carrying in favor of checking on her other pokemon. Everyone was fine save for Pele who's core temperature was lower than it should be. Vali called Balto over to her, "Balto, I want you to use Flamethrower on Pele. Not hot enough to do damage, I want it warm enough to help dry her off and heat her core temperature back up, Okay?" Balto nodded and did as she asked, "Elrond, Can you grab those towels I brought with us?"

Elrond brought them over and Vali began drying everyone off that needed it save for Empress. When everyone was dried off save for Empress, she had Smaug bring the Bagon down and began drying her off. She spoke as Empress grumbled softly, "Empress, you know that wasn't Pippin's fault anymore than it was Pele's," Empress growled at her, "I know him tripping over his own paws is annoying, but it isn't his fault, Empress. You remember what Surge told us, right? Pippin needs to learn how to get over his clumsiness and it won't be like this forever. He's doing his best to not be so clumsy and you attacking him isn't helping," Empress looked away from her, "No extra berries for you," Empress gave her a horrified look and she frowned at the dragon, "You caused an unnecessary injury, Empress. Had you two been practice battling, I wouldn't be angry, but you weren't. You attacked Pippin, a teammate and member of our family, which isn't allowed. Be glad you're not getting any extra berries this time."

Vali finished drying off Empress before returning her alongside everyone save for Elrond and Vulpix. Elrond helped pack everything up while she dried off Ninetales and Vulpix. She apologized to Ninetales, "Sorry about that, Balto probably didn't notice you."

Ninetales snorted as Vali finished drying her off. Blaine returned at that moment, "I suppose that finishes up your training for the day?"

"For now at least, I need to get Pippin to the Pokemon Center," Vali took her bag from Elrond thankful that Balto hadn't managed to get it wet.

"Here," Blaine held out a piece of paper and Vali took it from him, "This will help you find my gym,"

Vali looked at it and found a list of riddles, "Riddles? How will they help us find your gym?"

"They will," Blaine grinned at her, "Good luck, Valkyrie,"

"Vali, please," Vali requested earning a nod.