
Valhalla Kingdom

Follow the story of Abbadon Riddleblade as he enters Valhalla the school for wizards. Imagine growing up with magic as an integral part of your life. From your earliest memories, your parents' conversations have revolved around the mystical world of wizardry, enriched by their tales of adventures within the hallowed halls of the school. After Abbadon turns 11 years old he is invited to Vallhala the school for wizards. This school is not like any other school as it teaches you about magic and many magic-related things such as alchemy, spell casting, beast lore, and many more amusing subjects. (Currently will be posting 1 chapter per week till I get more support in the novel) ///// The cover is not mine if the owner wishes me to remove it please contact me.

Simpaii1x · 奇幻
8 Chs


A week went by like a flash. Abbadon had already learned most of the school rules as well as most of the classrooms that he needed to go in. There was a tiny little problem, the school was so big that Abbadon lost himself various times. As he ran through the corridors of the school looking for the classroom he stumbled upon Trevor the beast keeper.

"Abbadon? What are you doing here don't tell me youre skipping classes?"

Abbadon shook his head nervously. "N-No I just can't find the history classroom."

"Oh well, I can guide you there. Just follow me."

Abadon nodded and followed Trevor.

Abbadon and Trevor arrived at the classroom where many first-year students were seen. The professor was facing at her window when Abbadon and Trevor entered the room. She was dressed in green robes with golden engravings. Glancing to the entrance the professor saw Trevor and Abbadon.

"Mr Riddleblade how are you so late to my class?!" Professor Matilda said.

"Professor Matilda! I'm extremely sorry for my lateness but I couldn't find the class!" Abbadon said with a nervous tone.

"Well, what are you waiting for take a seat!" Professor Matilda said in a hushed tone yet it felt demanding.

Abbadon quickly found a place to sit and began taking notes of whatever was written on the chalkboard.

The chalkboard had written various things and the first thing that caught the attention of him was none other than. 'History of the four houses'.


Abbadon went for his third class of the day which was spell casting. As he followed some of his classmates to the classroom he was able to hear one of them whisper something strange.

"I heard that Abbadon isn't the son of Leonard but the son of Lucas! That's why most of us have started ignoring him."

"Why are they talking about my father?" Abbadon thought to himself.

Abbadon entered the classroom and felt many stares upon him. "ignore them ignore them!" Abbadon thought to himself.

As Abbadon sat on his seat a sudden burst of wind entered through the window.

Abbadon looked to see what was the sudden burst of wind and saw a tall and slender man dressed in a nicely done suit with a red tie. He had gray hair and a gray mustache giving him a mysterious aura. He was seen in front of his desk with his wand in his right hand.

"Welcome, students! Today we will continue on the last class lecture."

The Professor cleared his throat and began speaking. "So, has anyone been able to feel Mana?"

Everyone inside the classroom shook their head except a single student. A red-haired girl with crimson red eyes proudly nodded. 

The professor raised an eyebrow as he thought to himself. "She must be a genius!"

"Please go ahead, Miss Fieldesly, and explain how mana feels to you." The professor said.

"According to my experience, mana feels like a natural thing for me I feel as if I'm being embraced by a warm yet powerful energy that flows in the air. However, I haven't been able to do much after that," she said.

"That is okay after all we will be getting into that in this class!" 

"Today I shall be teaching you how to properly absorb mana, so please everyone open youre book on page 100!"

As Abbadon opened the page it said many things but what caught his attention was a picture of a human meditating absorbing something into his body. As he properly read he found out what the man was absorbing was mana.

Abbadon became very curious and ignored what was happening beside him. He began reading everything in this chapter and learned a few things, how to identify mana and how to properly absorb it.

The class had already ended, Abbadon got up from his seat and ran to the next class.


Night time had arrived already and when most were asleep Abbadon was awake dressed in a bland black shirt and green colored pajama trousers. He was currently with both of his legs crossed and meditating.

Abbadon began feeling a warm sensation near him he tried pulling it towards him but failed multiple times. As he remembered everything he read he began to slowly and carefully pull teh warm energy toward his body making sure that it moved clockwise and pulled it in near his chest.


The warm energy surrounding Abbadon got absorbed by him he felt excruciating pain and was about to scream but he managed to grit his teeth and continue as this was part of the procedure according to the book.

The pain only became much worse as all the warm energy he absorbed traveled through his whole body. 

After a few minutes of the constant pain it had finally stopped, Abbadon was able to find that he had made his first mana core.

"This feels strange, there is now barely any mana flowing inside the room," Abbadon murmured to himself.

He felt extremely tired so without wasting any time he comfortably entered the realm of dreams.

A day had passed already and Abbadon was comfortably walking to his next class following some of his classmates. This time the murmurs about him and his father only grew and he began to notice that most of the students gave him strange looks.

Ignoring this he entered the classroom, the classroom was full of bones of the different dead beasts and monsters as well as many dead animals kept in jars giving this class a sort of eerie aura. There he began to learn some things about beasts in the dark forest. This class was given by Professor Hilda but this day she invited Trevor to talk about some of the creatures that lived in the Dark Forest and how to kill them if they ever encountered them.

As Abbadon walked down the hallways towards the great hall many stared him down making him uncomfortable. "There are more and more people that look at me that way every day," Abbadon murmured to himself.

As Abbadon sat on the table of Volpestra he sat beside Wally who was minding his own business as he ate the food served in the hall.

Wally felt the glance of Abbadon and looked at him. "Abbadon? You seem down today. Is there a reason for it?"

Abbadon ignored Wally's comment and grabbed some food "He probably knows something about the rumors."

"Hey, Wally do you know why people are talking about my father?"

Wally raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Sorry Abbadon but I don't know much about youre father honestly, the only thing I know was that he had a brother, and he was extremely competitive with him back in his school days."

Abbadon raised his eyebrow in surprise. "I didn't know my father had a brother, he never talked about him."

Wally didn't look much surprised. "Well, that's because your father and his brother Leonard didn't have quite a great relationship some didn't even think that they were brothers."

Abbadon wondered why his father never talked about his brother as he continued to eat all of the food he had served himself.

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