
Rhaena (1) Those godsdamned eyes

AN: here we get our first look at Rhaena and dragon stone during the time Arthur was first awakening and heading towards westeros.

Dragonstone, 129 AC

All my life I've had the same dream. Myself atop Morning, looking over at a man with hair as white as snow. Skin that looks like it's made of moonlight, and eyes that look like the steel from my ancestors homeland, valriya.

This man is not lucerys. I've always known I wasn't meant to marry him. He was sweet, kind, and honorable but I never felt the way beala says she does when she kisses jace. Even if I was wracked with anger at the one eyed bastard who killed him. Baela always said shivers went through her body but I never felt that way when Luke and I kissed.

However the man I was seeing in my dreams every night and the shivers I felt when he looked at me atop his black dragon were more like what beala described. A warmth that should be impossible for someone of my blood. Yet it was there all the same. With those eyes. By the gods those eyes. If I could only see them for true…..

My grandmother was the only one she'd ever spoken of these dreams to. As the future lady of driftmark her and I spent an inumberable amount of hours together. Speaking of old Valyria and the legends surrounding it.

Such as the very first dragonlords, the Valhalla. Who Valyria and it's people were named after. It was said the Valhalla have red eyes. The same color in the eyes of the man in my dream. My grandmother always said dreams were fickle things. Subject to change. But this has always been a constant.

I knew I couldn't let it go this time. It felt too real.

Grabbing a piece of parchment and ink, I began scribbling the eyes of the man I saw. Desperate for any kind of clue as to who this was and why he was invading my dreams.

After almost the entire morning I had a picture I could be happy with.

I was startled out of my revelry and sketching of the eyes of the man when I heard the unmistakable screech of mealeys. I made my way down toward the beach where jace met me.

"How are you sweet cousin," jace greated and offered his arm while ser cargyill followed behind him.

Taking said offer I responded, "quite well. I am grateful for their return. I haven't slept well since they left in truth." Remembering receiving news about Luke.

Jace seemed to read my mind because he gave a smile that was even sadder than mine own. How could he not be? They were brothers. And she was his cousin whom she had been forced to marry, to rule driftmark with. And although i wanted to see the man with the beautiful eyes I also knew my duty, but then luke was murdered. And ever since then I've been stuck on those eyes. 'Those godsdammed eyes...'

A quick squeeze on my arm brought me back to the present. It seemed id been out of it longer than I realized. For the entire court was before the landing red queen and moon dancer.

Upon landing I noticed several things. One was the smirk my sister wore hinting at the fact that she and dancer took off without morning and I. Fighting the building annoyance at her face I turn from her to my grandmother, the queen who never was. The queen who should have been in my humble opinion. If rhaenys were the queen none of this would've happened. The hightowers would've been burned to cinders the first time they showed their treacherous hand. And unlike the old king viserys, who was too kind to be an effective ruler, my grandmother wouldn't have taken any slight from any man.

Alas, such a thing was not to be. The 'oh ever wise' Jaehaerys decided to let the lords decide instead of being a king and choosing his heir.

And any man with a little pride would never willingly give into a women. Not even a dragon rider. That's just how the world worked unfortunately.

Baela jumped off dancer and moved with quickness towards jace whod just arrived back from the north. While rhaenys strode down the offered wing of the red queen towards the rest of the court.

Lords sunglass and Celtigar had been trying to catch my since lukes death. Thank the gods old and new for morning or I fear I would already be bethroed again. The looks the give me set my teeth on edge. Honestly they're lucky father isn't here. He'd already have their corpses for caraxes lunch.

"My queen," both Baela and my grandmother greet my stepmother before moving to speak to jace and I.

(Grandmother!) we greeted her at the same time.

(Hello my sweets. Come. I wish to eat luncheon with the three of you)

And with that we made our way through the keep, the silent guard of Ser Cargyl with a hand on his sword at all times.

As we sat down my grandmother was the first to speak. (Tell me loves. What have you been up to since I was in driftmark?)

Thus began our little reunion.


After lunch was finished it was just grandmother and myself in the gardens. She turns to face me and gives me the look that says she's seen right though my mask.

(Speak about what has you so lost my dear)

(Sorry grandmother. I've just been having those dreams again.) I respond with a sigh.

She merely chuckles before replying, (ahh yes, your mysterious Valhalla?)

My cheeks turn red and I don't respond, apparently giving her all the answer she needs as this time she lets out a full laugh.

(Tell me what happened Rhaena.)

And with that I began recounting every dream I'd ever had of this man and his dragon. The strange clothes he wore that seemed to hide his face. The black dragon symbol of the Valhalla family in the middle of an strange arrowhead. And his eyes.

'Those godsdamned eyes' I lose myself again like I always seem to do when I think of those pools of Valyrian steel and dragon fire.

My grandmother seems to notice my state and chuckles again before becoming silent.

We spent the rest of the day until dinner In silence. Listening to the peaceful sounds of waves hitting the rocks and dragons wings beating against the wind.

AN: that's the chapter. Will be using "" for old tongue and () for Valyrian. I know I'll have to do alot of editing about it. But right now I'm more focused on putting out the chapters that I already have in my possession.

Hope you enjoy. Throw some comments down there. Also check out the picture page for any new characters that I introduce and feel deserve a spot up there. ❤️💪🏼