
Valhalla in HOTD

a man from our earth gets a chance at three wishes after an entity picks his place of rebirth. read on as he tries to make the most of a really really bad time in one of the most fascinating worlds in fiction.

Brogdawg32 · 作品衍生
54 Chs

Cregan (6) Arthur (18) meeting of wolves, giants, and children

AN; second meeting between the wolves of westeros and Allie's. Also, Arthur brings Alyn under his wing. Speaks to him about being a Valyrian.

And offers him the chance to become More than the dragon seed Alyn of Hull.




Anchoring off the coast of Sparta, my excitement reaches a fever pitch. For while Arthur and I were amiable enough, the underlying threat he posed provided a wedge between us.

This time however I plan to amend that. As now I know the truth. Saw it all.

In truth. Im not sure how to address him. While Arthur around others will work, I don't know how to go about speaking to him about what I know.

It seems Walter didn't miss my internal monologue. He speaks up as we walk to the rowboat. One substantially less full than it could be, as dusk took up an entire seat to herself.

""What troubles the black wolf?""

I smile and pull the bearskin hood on before replying, ""the things we'll se here are beyond any you can comprehend Walter. As I said before, nothing of what's spoken about or seen on this island will be shared with others.""

The seriousness in my tone left no room for argument. As we neared the shore, 3 dragons flew overhead.

I had already seen Arthur's obsidian mount. But the other two were in name alone. From the beautiful pink scales. As well as the velaryon ships anchored not far from our own, I can concur that princess Rhaena is here. A rather interesting development. One I find has only one answer.

Pushing that aside for now o focus on the grey beast. Beautiful and swift it was. Moving through the foggy skies like a ghost. The fog seemed to condense around it as it flew.

Walters reaction is much different from mine own.

""Old gods give me strength. There's three of them. I thought you said he had a dragon. Meaning one my lord?"" He asks in what I can tell is fake bravery.

Smiling and shaking my head I answer his query, but my eyes are stuck on the little lord Denlen Reed. Dressed in his own version of Arthurs cloak. A green hood with black armour. A beautiful piece. Much more refined looking that the bear. But none can say it beat the quality.

(Image. Take out the blue and fill it with green)

Jumping onto the sand lord Reed greets both i and lord manderly.

""Greetings lord stark. Lord manderly. Be welcome to Sparta. I'm sure our dragon companions will join us soon.""

No more than a breath after lord Reed finished speaking did they land. Though a distance away as to keep non dragon blooded people safe.

Arthur Valhalla looked as mysterious and powerful as the last time I saw him. A cloak of grey hung over his head. With Snow White fur on the shoulders. Those odd gauntlets be always wears.

Unlike the other design I saw him using tho, this one seems to have armour woven into the fabric. I don't know how such a thing is done. But seeing it makes me want one of this design for my own.


Beside him was was who I assume to be princess Rhaena. But unlike the normal wear one wokld expect of a princess of house targaryen, she wore a garb very similar to arthurs.


Her color was different however. A blue matching that of house Velaryon. A true princess if I ever saw one. Although odd to see a female version of the garb. I can tell they certainly fit either men or women.

My gaze finally turns to the one I don't know. He has darker skin than Rhaena. 'Maybe another Velaryon? But I thought all of Corlys and Rhaenys children had died?'

My musings are broken by Arthur. The only thing visible are his eyes. I don't need to look at walters reaction. For I can hear his breath catch.

""Welcome to Sparta lord Cregan. May you and lord manderly enjoy all we have to offer.""

I speak back to my kinsman ""thank you Arthur. I know the need to fly south is strong. I assure you, I don't wish to take up a lot of your time. You seem very busy as of late.""

At my last comment I motion toward the princess by his side.

Were he not wearing the hood id wager that stark mask faltered just a bit.

He merely shakes his head in response to my jape before calling a women over for guest right.

After guest right was observed, Arthur introduced us to his companions.

""This is lord Alyn Seacarys"" the last name seemed to catch the lad off guard. But he didn't refute lord Arthur's words.

The look in his eye however told me they would speak after we reach the keep.

Next he introduced the princess. ""And here is the princess Rhaena Targaryen."" The tone in his voice shifts. Something all around us seem to notice but him. 'Ha! He doesn't even know how gone he is.' I shake my head.

After introductions were made I decided to get Arthur and Walter on common ground.

""Lord Arthur. Tell me, if there was one place you'd let lose morgoth without care, where would it be?"" The look he turns and gives me says he knows what I'm doing. But he decided to go along with it.

""In truth Cregan, I'd turn the entire region of the reach into a country wide harrenhall. No. The reach is the very heart of andal culture. As winterfell for first men culture. The fact that they have so much power and are still alive tells you so. They have no army. No walls to protect them. They live in the oldest city in westeros. Built by men who swear an oath by their seven gods in the morning, then at night when his shift ends he goes to a brothel selling childrens innocence for coin. Coin those "honorable men" pay gladly.""

He all but spat the last few statements. Turning my side eye to lord manderly I can see his own eyes shine. Like he'd just found a kindred spirit.

For the first time since landing Ashore he spoke to lord Arthur. ""Lord Valhalla, tis true what you say about the reach. Mine own family was exiled from there many centuries ago.""

Lord arhtur nodded. ""I have indeed heard of that. Tell me lord manderly, while I know your trade routes aren't as expansive as lord Corlys', as no man should compare himself to the sea snake in terms of nautical achievements.

Anyway, who is your largest trade partner?""

This seemed to take lord manderly back. With a look to me I nod. Then he answers lord Valhallas query. ""Truth be told? Bravos is our largest partner. They buy up northern wood faster than we can cut and ship it most of the time. However, we have a few deals we keep to with pentos and ibben as well.""

Lord Valhalla nods before speaking, ""mayhap before I leave I can give you some ideas I have regarding trade. Should we find such things fruitful I will offer you something you will like. Although I'm not too sure what it is yet, I have a multitude of things to reward you with. (AN, give me ideas ab this)""

Lord manderly looks shocked. But all conversation stops when we feel a rumbling.

Turning to the right my eyes almost pop from their sockets. A giant. An honest to the old gods giant.

As we get closer to the giant, he looks like to take a knee. A knee!

But Arthur speaks to him and holds out his hand. ""Enough of that mag. While I appreciate the gesture, I will not be the reason you can't bend your knees to run and fight anymore in a few years just to satisfy my own ego.""

The giant looks hesitant. And although I'm behind Arthur I know he's giving him the same look I gave to Walter when explaining the importance of today.

Finally the big man lets out a sigh and speaks back to Arthur. Speaks back! Although I can barely understand him, I know for certain he speaks the old tongue, ""very well magnar."" He finished with an arm across his chest.

Arthur shook his head, patted the giant on the forearm, for that was all he could reach, and then carried on his way leading us through a hole in the mountain.

Looking back at Walter as we walk, I can see he's stark white with fear. Holding in my laugh Is far harder than I need it to be. For it's a losing battle.


Coming upon Windsor castle was an experience all it's own. Though lord Arthur kills my enthusiasm quickly.

Unfortunately I don't have a way for non dragon blooded members to get up there. But Houses have been provided. Please, rest. And tonight we will speak of things to come.



As soon as we get back into the keep I'm hounded by Alyn.

(What do you mean Seacarys?)

I shrug and then answer, (you'll need a name. Why not? Seafyre. It's perfect.)

He still doesn't seem to understand. (But why?)

I shake my head and respond to him by pointing at the second biggest island in Sparta. (Do you see this island?) at his nod I continue, (I wish to give that to you. To make your own. I'll even provide materials to help build the keep. )

His eyes are moon wide and before he can respond I speak again. (Converse with your father about this. I've already given the idea to him, but I feel it wrong to leave your fate in anyone else's hands but your own.)

I'm not expecting what happens next. The man hugs me. Goddamn it. I want a friend, not laenor 2.0. And he keeps saying (thank you)

I don't have an issue with such things. It just makes it so much harder to preserve the bloodline it that happens. Hell, the current civil war is all the proof someone needs to know this.

Prying the man off me I pat his shoulder and return his words. (No, while this is for you. It's also for me. The more dragon families I have around me the better. The more marriage options i and they have. Giving dragons blood to the wrong people can be disastrous. And make no mistake. Your children will ride dragons.)

With that I leave him to ponder my offer. I hope he takes it. Not only would it give me a dragon riding family, they also have Velaryon blood. That means at least one of them will have the sea fairing gene that I unlocked in Corlys.

This with the products I plan to sell will be crucial for the development of Sparta.

AN: a little short chapter. I'm going to bed. Just got off. Goodnight everyone. Do hope you have a wonderful day.

If I don't have the images up by the time you read, give me some time. They will be there i swear.

Love you all. Live long ❤️