
Chapter 2 The rescue

On top of a building a lone figure can be seen standing as it stare down at a dead raider who's body was laid spread as a pancake after he was dropped down from a six story building.

Five had taken the man out while he was keeping watch as the raiders down there were doing their own thing.

"I'd say he's pretty fine," Said deha.

"He deserves it," Five said responding to her comicness knowing how she can be sometimes during their missions. "How many of them are there deha?"

"Hmmm, from where I'm looking at there's likely three hundred and fifty of them, though their numbers are dwindling down a little bit,"

Five stopped for the moment before he could move. "What do you mean by that?"

"Glad you asked," Deha said happily as she clapped her hands. "Apparently there's a group of people dealing with the raiders, and counting from their numbers they consist of seven people and are handling themselves pretty good,"


"I guess that makes things easier," Replied Five as he walked to the edge and spotted a couple of raiders heading over to another house.

"Don't you think this is a bit too harsh," Said deha knowing full well what five was going to do.

"Not like your opposed to it,"

"You are right, now get going before things get ugly," Deha told even though five was going to do the exact same thing.


Six raiders walked over to a house where a man was in a hurry to barricade the door. He looked outside in trepidation as two of the raiders with torches came close and were going to burn his house.

One of the raiders notices something was wrong and tilted his head up to see something coming down, his eyes widened and tried to move away but it was too late as the last thing he felt was a boot to the face.

The raiders around felt the ground shake for a second and turned to see a seven-foot nine-inch tall armored being standing on the remains of their comrade. Before they could even react it moved in at a fast pace and killed two raiders, one of them draw out his sword and strike but the spartan caught it in his hands, taking it from him with force five stabs it into his foot earning an earful cry, one raider went in for the blind spot only to get his right leg sliced off and pointing the sword back stabbing the other one in the stomach.

The raider with his leg missing tried crawling away as his leg was leaving a trail of blood, he looked up to the two of his colleagues running towards the attacker and saw them being killed of.

As he crawled the sound of heavy footsteps can be heard as it was getting closer and closer to him. Noticing a sword laying four feet from where he is the man crawled hastened in an attempt to grab it finally and turned around pointing it at the armored being trying to at least scare it or him.

"St-Stay back, you hear me do not get any further monster!" Yelled the raider.

"His got heart," Commented deha.

Five scoffed at that, he didn't have any sympathy for what he did to the other raiders the wrongdoers had killed innocents and pillaging villages and towns all for the fun of it as well as taking people as slaves to sold them off, so he had zero tolerance for what came to them.

"I beg to differ, they don't deserve to live,"

And with that five simply knocked the sword off of the man's hands and pointed the sharp edge of the sword he had at the chest.

"Tell me, where did you and your mans come from, where is your leader?" Inquired five as he began pushing the sword getting a shout from the raider.

"I can't say,"

"And how come you won't," Said five halting in his action.


"Because he'll kill me if I tell anyone of who he is, and he would absolutely have me hunted down if I expose our base... Please don't kill me," Begged the raider.

"Sorry but I must decline your plead,"

Before the raider could speak again the pain in his chest inflated as his heart was stabbed. Five trek back pulling the sword as well, he heard a slight gasps from one of the families inside the house and glanced their way and nodded to them.


As the night continues five had been moving around the town proceeding with the killing of the raiders, though there was a slight problem, while he was slaying the raiders someone had manage to catch sight of him, it wasn't the civilians for sure but someone very good at his or her job.

Evidently this person had been following after his tracks and five cursed at himself reconsidering that he would have to speed up with the massacre and get out.

"We need to be quick with this koa," Deha spoke. She only uses five's real name during a serious situations.

"I know, we've already cleared out almost every part of the town, and not one of those I've interrogated had said where their leader is at," Replied five.

"Well I'm glad you've brought that up because there's barely anyone of those raiders roaming the town thanks to you but one group," Deha said to him which earned her the attention of five.

"I'm assuming you already know location," Five said as seconds later he was showed an exact place of the last raiders in the town.

Minutes later five came upon a building six feet away from the one building his main objective was hiding in. Preparing himself he took few steps back and began running forward and leaped at an incredible height, before his boot could touch the surface roof five used the jetpack as it immediately activated its thrusters slowing his landing. If he hadn't activated the thing he was certain things would end in different way and he would've created huge hole alarming the raiders on process.

Walking towards a two-window ceiling, five crouched down looking through the window spotting a couple of raiders, he counted around twenty of them who were latching people with ropes as to keep them still. The raiders were ordering a groups of civilians to shut up as they was forcing some of them onto their knees. A teenager by the looks of it with green eyes and sharp ears dressed in green and black attires had her hands bind as two men pushed her down, she struggled to fight back but got hit from the back of her knees and she finally submitted and did as instructed by her captures as they managed to keep her down.

Though it was obvious to the spartan of what she is, she and her kind were explained to him by deha calling themselves elves although both five and deha weren't sure what kind of elf she was. She wasn't the only one who wasn't the only oddity as others with different size and looks made five wondered what they were, one of them was a short and stocky man with a tremendously large white curly beard that matches the height of his hair that reaches almost to his waist, koa thought he was that of a normal human at first until deha had answered him saying he was dwarf a fantasy creature created by the people of his own peoples imagination.

The other person next to the short old man was an obscure being, she was of a difference to being something that made five and deha wondered who or what race she was though was another one like her kneeling down near the dwarf. The two of them had grey skin color though the male was a bit darker while the female was lightish grey, but one thing that they both have in common was their horns, it protruded from top of their heads extending backward at twelfth nine inches long while the males horn was slightly bigger with the width of five, meanwhile the last two people that both five and deha was aware of which were clearly humans in their eyes.

A man with standing around six foot five slightly taller than the rest of his men came forth to the kneeling people. Five could tell that this man must be the leader of this group due to the attire he wore and the radiance of inadequate bad vibes he gets from him, he had red marks of tattoo that goes around his eyes and ends to the back of his head. He also had a skull horn of a being strapped in front of his wait using it as a belt, he wore black leather pants with sulls of those he probably killed hanging on the right side of his waist, and the only weapon he carries is that of a chain hook while he held the circular metal as the handle.

The leader had a smirking look as he eyed his six prey in front of him.

Dropping the hook on the wooden floor then spoke. "Do you know why I'm here, do you know why I've taken you people as prisoners,"

"Ya bastard, you are lucky I didn't see yer man coming from behind and struck me, because if it wasn't for them you would've had the end of me hammer kissing the side of yer face," Replied an angry dwarf.

The large man came close to the dwarf looked down brought up his left hand and smacked him across the face. "How unfortunate that is for you dwarf, you would've still lost just like the rest of your pathetic people. But be glad I'm being generous enough to sell you out to the highest bitter,"

The dwarf reacted in a sore manner and spitted at the man's boots. "Screw you ya bastard,"

"Perhaps making the person holding a weapon isn't your best way of living dwarf," Spoke one of the humans,"

"Yea ya can keep shut pink skin, I whether die fighting then let some hairless ape talk me down," Replied the dwarf.

"I suggest that you follow the pink skin advise old man," Said the raider as his face came near inches to the dwarf face in a mocking manner.

The dwarf smiled evily brought his head back and before the large man could react he was bashes in his nose, blood dripped down from his now broken face.

"And i'll have you know bastard that us dwarf have very hard heads," Commented the smiling dwarf.

The man hands held onto his bloodied nose and then looked at it, infuriated he gripped onto his hook weapon and prepared to swing it on the small humanoid but was suddenly stopped by a door being slammed opened. In enters a frantically scared man who closed the door after himself locked it and ran towards the large and bloodied man.

"What is the meaning of this, explain yourself?"

The raider got down on one knee. "Boss I have urgent news that you must hear!"

"Well spill it! Don't just stand there," ordered the large man said straight.

"Rangers, they've had slayed mostly everyone of the raiders around the town, they are led by rohan and a couples of others like him," Answered the raider as he tensed when the large man in front of him who raved out in frustration manner.

"If those damn rangers are here then that means we don't have much times, quick all of you grab the stash we have and take the prisoners with you, except him,"

Two of the other raiders grabbed onto the dwarf's shoulder tightly and brought him to their boss and forced him down once again.

"You won't be going anywhere imp, for you will be killed by me here and now,"

Hefting his hook up the air the man was about to end the dwarf when once again he was interrupted by the sound of a window being shattered as pieces of glass struck those who were close to it while in others quickly moved out of the way.

Everyone watched as the dust cleared out revealing a large being with it's helmet being the only thing hiding whoever it is inside the large green armor it wore.

Those around the spartan gasped in surprised at the sight of him as he gradually stood up to it's full height standing at seven-foot-nine exceeding past the large raider size. They watched for a moment of silence when eventually the raiders boss called out to attack him.

"What are you fools just standing there for attack him!"

Seven raiders surrounded the spartan as they pulled out their weapons at the ready, they looked at one another and run forth to strike at the large being. The spartan stayed still as he looked around the room, holding the sword he'd taken from one of the dead raiders he's slain and with anticipation the Spartan readied himself. Seven raiders rushed to attack him while some had moved the captures away from the fight that was about to transpire.

One raider came close and felt his throat being sliced by a sharp object, he didn't react too fast when the Spartan grabbed him by the head and threw him across the room. The raiders around him weren't so lucky when the he struck two of them from a quick swing of the sword in an instant he cutted both of them down, one to the heart and the second with a diagonal swipe.

Yelling out in a battle cry a raider nearly had five when he sidestepped avoiding the blade that was meant for his shoulder not like that it would've done anything, he was then shocked by this when the spartan in an abstinence speed struck him where the throat is and sliced off two more heads coming from behind him all the while he watched as the raider falls on his knees as his head slowly slid off from his body and rolls back to where the boss stood.

Clasping the handle of his weapon and pointing it at the spartan direction as he spoke with a loud tumultuous voice. "You giant, I demand to know who you are?... Very well if you won't answer then I'll have my men beat it out of you,"

Expecting the armored being to answer him the large boss gritted his teeth in anger taking the spartan silence as offensive, no one under his command had ignored him ever but this thing standing in the center of the living room had shunned him out without even a reply of words and just outright disregarded the sight of him as it turned its head left and right checking out those who were too reluctant from attacking after having witnessing five of their own getting slain within seconds.

The boss knew that this thing wasn't normal when he first laid eyes on it, at first like those that came upon the spartan thought he was a golem due to the strange armor it wore adding the fact that it chose to remain silent which made sense since golems can't speak as well, but this thing this abnormality of a being moved like that of a normal person.

The spartan heard the clang of chains being shifted off the ground as the large raider swings his hook at him, five saw it coming and knocked it to the side as he sliced off a raiders arm who made a fatuous attempt to strike from his right, foreseeing this the boss pulled inward swinging his hook again at the behemoth who then leap up high as the hook struck the raider who had his gut carved by his own boss, as he retracted his hook and takes off at the spartan.

As soon as five touched the ground he leaned back at a linear form dodging the hook as it went by him, within inches from his face as it passed by five right hand caught the hook, shock by this hence the boss tried pulling it back but strained when feeling his palm burnt from drastic heat when the spartan yanked it off from his hands and began spinning it rapidly in a circle as arrows fired at him and broke upon contact, the raiders who surged forth to attack altogether weren't so lucky of five who dashes forth and swings the hook so hard that it went through the linea alba of a raider and breaking his ribs on the process, he then switch the hook to the right and pulled it hard as it hits a raider on the head resulting in breaking three parts of his skull on right side in turns were his parietal bone, temporal bone and when he pulled the man by hooking the weapon through part of his sphenoid, by the time the screaming man came nine feet into the air five had slammed him onto a groups of three other raiders killing him on the spot.


Hearing a loud stentor sound of the large boss coming his way the spartan ran forth at him wrapping the chained hook around his fist and connected his hit with the man's punch. The boss hand broke on impact as he could hear his knuckles cracking, he reluctantly made a move for another attempt and tried to punch five which he blocked the hit and redirected his left punch to the side, the spartan saw that he tried to move back but he didn't let that happen as he moved forward and with a right under hook he punched the large raider in the gut resulting in him spilling out saliva as he stumbled back, moving to look at five he saw that the spartan came at him and thought of what's coming and prepared himself for the end.

Expecting five to finish him off the boss waited for a few moments only to find out that the blow never came and so he opened his eyes to see the spartan fighting off six of his henchman. Taking this moment as a chance for him to escape the boss stood only for him to growl In pain when he tried to use his broken hand as a leverage to stand up and he blundered down once again, he then made another attempt to stand and when he did he trek for the door going for the door knob, but just before he does he felt a blade struck his left hand making him cry out in pain as the weapon passed through his palm as it sticked tightly right onto the wooden wall.

"Ouch that's gotta hurt!" Commented Deha who squinted when five had threw the blade he had gotten from a dead raider.

"You've seen worst," Responded five as he swerved out of the way from a sword strike and punches a raider dislocating his jaw in return.

He brought up a choking raider and used him as a meat shield thwarting an axe throw, he then without enough effort tossed the now dead raider at the groups of raiders. The five man hadn't expected the giant to move that quick with great reflexes as he dodges the rain of arrows fired at him, as he came close to them five slammed down onto the ground sending them flying. After a few moments five slowly trek towards the downed raiders who were trying to pull themselves back together, one raider heard the sound of footsteps and turned to find a sword to head with blood splattered onto one other raider who after pulling herself out of the previous outcome was terrified of what she's saw. The woman crawled backward wishing to be as far away as she can from him.

"Wait please have mercy, I've never hurted any of the people in this town," The woman pleaded.

The spartan was going to speak when the other raider ran forward and found himself being impaled by a spear.

"Nice throw," Commented deha.

"Why should I spare you?" Inquire five with a stern voice.

"Jesus koa, let the woman speak, you've already done killed most of the raiders and ya scaring the lady half to death. So lower your sword and give her a chance to speak before finishing her off," Spoke deha who at least was fond of what the spartan had done but sometimes she would always apprise five of keeping himself calm at certain cases.

Five notices in the room that now there were less raiders, he had already taken down most of the scumbags and had zero pity for them, their action reminded him of the insurrectionist ways of work, though the covenant might've done worse on a larger scale at least they've didn't do the same thing as the human rebels which was why he didn't want to hold back when it came to the innies.

"Perhaps if you would have the ears to listen golem,"

Five turned to who had said that and found the grey skin being with the horns, apparently she had freed the other captures while he was occupied with the massacre of the raiders though he could see that they had dealt with the other raiders who seems to be laid dead on the floor.

"And why do you suppose I should let her live, if you hadn't seen it she was one of those who captured you and the others," Replied five pondering on why the xeno would want him to spare the woman.

"She's just a young gal," Spoke the horned woman as she got up. "And those raiders had pillage the latest village and burnt it down, one which was her home," she said stating what had happen to the downed woman village.

"Not anymore, I have nothing left, not after what these bastards done," The woman spoke in resentment of having to lay eyes on the raiders as she kicks one by the head. "The only reason why I joined was because I had nothing to go back to, and in return they provided food drinks something I had earned for doing their bitting,"

"See not everyone is bad after all, so please don't scare the lady any longer," Remark deha who's face appeared on inside of koa's helm without the outside knowing her speaking nor see her.

Five let out a breathe of enmity, he suppose that his longtime partner was right about that and heeded both her and the alien subject of the matter and lowered the sword away from the woman in front of him.

"Very well I'll let it pass, but you'll have to fend for yourself," Says five as he walked to where the struggling boss who was trying to free his injured hand.

"Do not worry stranger, I've done adequately better on my own," She said responding with defiance in her voice.

Koa stood in place for a moment when he caught a glimpse of a black tattoo in the woman's right forearm. "Good to hear," Five simply said and walked off.

Somehow koa felt what he said would come back to bite him when he noticed from the corner of his visor that the woman facial features changed due to what he told her, but soon he got rid of it from his mind not wanting to wonder too much of something that insignificant.

Five picked up on the subtle sound of someone moving, turning to who it is he saw that it was a raider rushing at him, so without scrutinizing too much the spartan waited for the man and watched eyes latched onto him as he leap towards him, and without any problem five grabbed the raider by his kneck midair. Just as he was about to do it five took notice of the disgruntled sound of somebody fighting and veered around seeing the bearded short old man tussling with a raider, so without thinking twice five snaps the raiders kneck and hurled him at the targeting raider who sought to strike down the dwarf.

The short dwarf widen in surprising shock at what had just came to pass, he thought it was going to end bad for him when the raider was going to end him after he had ridden himself from the adhesives numbers of ropes that had bonded him with great annoyance. Turning to where the spartan is at the dwarf sees that it to was glancing his way, for what felt like a long time of starting contest to the dwarf he nodded in thanks to the golem like being in which it too responded with it's own nod and returned to the matter at hand.

"Five, hate to bother you but I'm afraid that we gotta shorten our session here, we have three unidentified bogey's heading our way," Alerted deha as seen in the minimap three red dots were blinking everytime as it moves.

"How long till they get here?" Responded five.

"Around six minutes and thirty three seconds," The A.I. said answering him.

"Ok, thanks deha,"

That gave five enough time to probe the raider boss for some questions as he trek towards him with not so good discretions, closer and closer five eyes the raider as he errs to make his way forward, even with his broken and messed up hand he didn't slow himself down and continued to crawl without trying.

"Huh!" Stuttered the large raider who saw a shadow coming from behind him. "Please don't hurt me!" He said while clutching onto his bleeding hand.

Five without uttering a word struck the sword into the top right of the raider's shoulder. "You will tell me what I want to know, if I detect a lie, heh, then you'll know what happens,"

The man rashly hoping that a miracle would happens instead he had a 7ft9 being standing in front of him as he endeavored to make it away from where he is currently in now.

"Wh-what do you want to know?"

Moving the sharp edge of the sword inches above his shoulder as the fabric of his shirt began ripping. "Who has sent you?"

"I won't tell you a damn th-!"


The raider could feel the surface of his skin beginning to rip and let out a yell of misery till the spartan stopped and got down on one knee.

"Who has sent you to attack this town, do not lie, I know you aren't the real leader of this rebel groups!" Five said with a firm yet severe sound of his voice that made the man shovel a bit.

"I can't tell nor will I have to, even in death I won't let you end me monster!"

Before koa could utter another question the man opened his mouth and pulled something out of his pocket and threw it in as he then chew it. After a few seconds his body began shaking rapidly afterwards, as seconds goes green froth began foaming out of his mouth as his eyes starts emitting the same color and as the sudden upshot continues for a while till it came to a stopping cessation as it finally stopped with the man as the last thing he did was a wide grinned plastered on his messed up face.

"Well that was certainly one of the best way to kill himself, too bad you won't be able to end him yourself," Commented deha.

The sound of the sword hit the ground as five tossed it away. "Makes it easier for me,"

While the Spartan made his way towards the door a hand stopped him on his track as it touches held on his right forearm. Five turned around facing a smiling dwarf who stepped back as the other captives watches though some of them were sauntering forth hesitantly.

"Tell me golem, who are ya?" Spoke the dwarf with inquiry whether the spartan could even understand what he's said or not.

"No one important,"

Five turned to walk away but then again a little person who's one of the captives a human little girl stepped in front of him.

"Please take me and my brother with you,"

The little girls sibling came and stood next to his sister as he hid behind her. The young lass was practically beseeching five's path from the door, she sort of gave koa the puppy eyes but the spartan simply pushed the thought away.


"Koa, ma-"

"Don't even think about it deha, you've already done enough from stopping me too many times, this little girl and her brother can go back to their parents,"

"What please take us with you, I beg of you! Me and my brother have no way of going back home," begged the kid as she was highly hoping that the spartan would reconsider his decisions.

"Why, where are your mother and father, you two should go back to them. They're probably looking for you two," Questioned five.

The young girl hadn't cried even after what the spartan told her but five could clearly see her holding back her tears as her brother came and hugged her. consoling his sibling the boy glanced up at him as he wiped a tear from his battered face.

Feeling some kind of sympathy five unclenched his fist and got down on one knee after he had ripped a piece of an overlapping curtain. "Here take this and wipe your tears,"

The boy gave a wry smile and accepted the bid as he took the ripped curtain and helped by wiping a small blood stain from his sister forearm first before him.

Five glanced at the other captives. "I'm guessing you are all missing a home as well?" He said asking.

"Some of us," Answered the elf women.

The alien woman with the horn stepped forth. "Mostly the people this scums takes are from villages and small towns unless they have an army. Those two kids were one of the few that were left to live as slaves,"

Five knew from the advent view of the two children that this was true, the damn raiders had showed no mercy to the villages and towns they've pillaged and would choose to let some live particularly kids and women especially.

So it was clear to him that the kids parents nor relatives were either part of the village that gotten massacred nor do they know who they are due to them being too young to even know if they have an aunt and uncle.

"Can't any of you take them in?" Five said as he skimmed through each of the people in the room.

From the looks of it five can tell that they weren't keen on taking the kids under them, he couldn't blame them since they too were taken by the raiders whether by force or not.

He then looks down at the two kids who shutters in slight fear of him, it wasn't that he doesn't want to take them with him it's just that he had no idea on how to deal with something like this, I'm mean he too was a kid that had been taken from his home alongside with the others but he knew that the others like kurt wouldn't want to abonden a child and let them fend for themselves, and so five chose to concede in acceptance and spoke.

"You two may come with me,"

The two kids happily utter a few words of thanks to the spartan and gotten him to jolt in surprise when they immediately hugged him by his leg. It was understandable since five was seven-foot-nine and the two younglings could barely reach his knee cap due to how short they are with their stature.

but one thing for sure is you two will listen to what I say, alright?" Five said trying to sound as serene as possible with his last sentences.

With a smile on her face the little girl nodded in confirmation along with her brother who stood there as he sigh heavily as he too was happy to hear koa say that.

"We need go now, come on,"

"Wait what are ya doing," The other captives spoke when the spartan grabbed the kids and lifted them up in a cradle position like that of a mother carrying her newborn and left for the door.


"Wait Mr. Why are you in such a hurry, why can't we just walk?" Questioned the little girl.

"Let's just say kid that I'm not willing to get caught by someone," Answered five.

"May I ask why?" The brother said as he gagged a little bit when a piece of his sister's hair flew in his mouth.

Instead of answering him the spartan ran forth at a sharp edge of a building and jumped up at a high altitude as he then planted his boot on the ground creating a small crater when he landed. He then took a left and went straight to where the gate is at.

The gate wasn't closed so the spartan didn't need jump over or break it down, it was already unsteady enough where parts of it had been destroyed by the raiders. He simply walked through it as he made his way toward the forest.

About half a mile from the town the trio went on walking till koa came to a stop and set the two kids down. Taking off his cloak the spartan put it around the kids so as to keep them warm for the night. He didn't need the cloak to keep him warm his generation three Mjolnir armor was enough as it kept him protected from intense weather situation whether they are hot or cold, though the reasons why he had a cloak was to conceal his appearance from the outside world.

"You kids must be cold, here put this around you two,"

The two children gladly took the cloak and had it around them. Inside five smiled slightly at the two of them, he didn't know why it made him do that but he guessed that after what he and the others went through on not having a moment like this with their biological sibling but that doesn't mean that they didn't try to get along with one another as in their childhood were to be trained in every difficult trainings in an arduous physical and mental way.

"Ready you two?" Five spoke getting the two kids out of their blissful warmth of the cloak.

The little girl responded fast. "Ye-yes, we are ready," She said.

"Ok then lets go, do you want to walk or be carried?"

The two glanced at each other and then back to the Spartan who was awaiting their answers with a crossed arm.

"Yes please!" Answered the little girl.


And there it is readers, I hope y'all enjoyed the story. I'm sorry if I posted too late, the reason why I didn't post early is caused I was terrible at writing and that I decided rewrite all of my chapter so as to make the story more interesting.

Take care

Author Out.