
Desperate for the truth



Something strange…

Something strange about Price, it's weird. He seems scared or terrified or confused? I don't know…

He's out of focus and I find it really strange. Seems like he was not the Price Williams I know.

My phone suddenly rang and buzzing went off like an annoyed rattlesnake.

"Excuse me for I have to take this call" I stated before answering the phone call.

"Hey! What's up?" I ask him

"Uhm! Boss a girl named Alice Richardson breaks in your shop and putting some liquid sort of boost in our coffee and her bag contains dosage of potassium chemicals. Did you know this girl?" He exclaimed as I hear an inaudible sound coming from the woman.

"Alice Richardson huh? Okay… make sure you hold her long. I'll try to come quick! Thank you" I stated and listen to the gossips of the boys behind me.

"Hmm unusual phone calls" Gray murmurs as he continues to gather information.

"Do Knight-Lock have a girlfriend?" Pendelton asked Gray

"Impossible! He's too obsess with his coffee!" Gray teasingly said

A girlfriend your ass!

"Idiots! Sorry to disappoint you guys but we have to move! My boy Peterson called, someone named Alice Richardson breaks in my shop having potassium in her pocket" I said after I pretend to end the call.

"Then let's go then? Maybe she can answer our questions?" Drain said while removing all the laboratory equipment that he's been wearing.

"Yep! Let's go and ask that bitch!" Gray hissed

"You coming mate?" I asked Price which seems to be odd.

"No. I will just stay here and take some rest." He stated as he seems serious thinking about something.

"Well then, can you continue gathering result from that fingerprints?" Drain asks

"Really Pendelton? Price is unwell, he needs to rest jack ass!" Gray utters angrily

"Yeah! It's fine. I can handle this" Price said

We immediately go straight to the building's parking lot and go straightly on our cars and manage to pulled it on the road.

I can't stop thinking about Price, he seems so unsure since he arrived on the laboratory earlier. Price is a very accurate and precise man, he's actions are always sure towards everything he was doing and he has plans on everything, and having back up plans incase his first line of defense loose a bit. Yet, that Price we left seems having a difficulty defending his insanity.

What happened Price?

"Argh! Lock! Focus don't overthink things!" I cussed as I manage to reach the coffee shop.

"Why took you so long?" Gray teasingly ask

"Nothing" I answered him coldly. I can't manage to tease him back because of the overflowing ideas that are kept on occupying my head.

"Boss!" Peterson approaches

"Where's the girl?" I ask him and he walks leading us where the woman is located.

"Playing gangster games Peterson? You're too good to have this idea." Knight Drain teases him as we saw the woman tied up having duct tape on her mouth.

Knight drain remove the duct tape to let the girl speak, she's anxious and furious wanting to be freed.

"Are you the one who poisoned Mr. Andrew?" Drain ask her but we didn't get any answer, she just smirk and teasingly look from each one of us.

"Your too hostile, don't make me do something I'll regret. Be cooperative can you?" Drain utters but we just received an unexpected laugh from her.

"aren't you not listening bitch? Are you deaf?" Pendelton angrily hissed as he knocks down the chair with just one kick.

"Maybe, that bitch was pretending to be stupidly deaf" Gray coldly add

"Yes, I can hear you," she said, as if she were some wily sheep dog and we are her quarry. Clearly she expected us not to stand as we were, and intended to set her free because she annoys us.

"Then answer us" Gray simply utters and grab the chair and seated in front of the woman.

"What are you doing here?" Gray ask but instead of receiving an answer he just receive an spit of saliva from her.

All of us shock as Gray slaps the woman. Sure the slap stings, but knowing he aren't in control of himself. Gray is mad I can guarantee.

Gray gives her a burning pain as her face started to turn red. Her eyes became teary and her lips have blood.

"You little bitch, after betraying me. Now you're here because of what? Putting poisonous chemical on the coffee to kill? Ow? And now you're crying? Is it hurt? Betrayal is a burning pain isn't it?" Gray continuously mocked in front of the woman

"Wait! You two are friends?" I asked him. He automatically flashes a teasing smirk on his face.

"Y-Yes" The girl answered

"That woman right there play towards my feelings! She's my fucking ex-girlfriend unfortunately" Gray utters as he focusses on the girl's face.

"Y-Yes!? A friend? Really! Well then, being your fucking friend I will ask you one more time! Are you the one who poisoned Mr. Andrew?" Gray spoke as the tension was rising all throughout the room.

"I gave that bastard the taste of his own medicine" the woman simply utters as she directly looked in Gray's eyes.

"Really? Own medicine? Why? Andrew is in quarantine for so long! He can't even visit your house to fool you!" Gray ask her with an insulting voice.

"Yes he doesn't! but Andrew kills my brother!" She spoke as she pertains to Copper Richardson.

"Really? How am I supposed to believe my psychopath ex-Girlfriend?" Gray continues to insult her.

"You see! Copper died because of potassium! And I want to do it unto him! He is a madman who knows nothing but to revenge!" Alice exclaimed

"Revenge from what?" Pendelton asks

"Revenge from our parents!" She shouted

"Andrew was the brother of our father, but even though the fact that he was the brother. Mom and Andrew has an affair, for a long time. My brother Copper discovered about it, Copper ran on me and tell the truth. Yes, I'm Gray's ex-girlfriend. We dated for a very long time but I'm not satisfied with his sweetness and cares! I find what I want and comfort with Copper. I cheat, I admit it. But I manage to broke up with Gray and continue to date Copper secretly. We kept those secrets; one about our relationship and the one we know about our mother and uncle for so long. But the night Copper discovered that our mom is being tortured in bed by that madman, we decided to reveal the truth to our father, yet it's too late, he was the one who killed Copper and pretend to be psychotic who ran from mental hospital just to free himself and avoid jail." She said as she cries out the pain.

"How can we be so sure? Richardsons blame Knight Drain! How come Copper become Knight Blade? How come your mother pretend not knowing who the killer was!" Gray mocked and continues to interrogating Alice.

"I'm telling the fucking truth Gray! My life is too fucked up to lie! Copper is not Blade! It was a set up! Andrew set everything up so that Pendelton was the one who blame! My mother doesn't know that Andrew was the culprit, she believed that Pendelton was the one who is mad towards Copper and potentially killed him!" She cried after saying those words.

I can feel that she's in pain.

The pain seems to takes over a portion of her brain, as if dealing with it is energy expenditure enough, without the effort of new thoughts. It steals the part of her. Her insanity seems ruined, her posture becomes different.

"Why did you broke in?" I ask her

"because I want revenge! I want to kill you to hurt Pendelton! Because I know you're the only one left who's in his side now! I'm the one who shoot Lycko! and now your next but I messed the fuck up because of your lapdog!" she spokes and smirk towards Pendelton.

A strong sound coming from Gray, he punches the wall.

"You kill my sister?" He angrily hissed as he punches her face. Hearing the moan and cry of the woman makes everyone anxious. Peterson manage to hold Gray and stop him from punching the girl's face.

"You shit! Get off! I'll kill that bitch!" Gray is out of control, he was blinded by his anger.

"W-Why did you do that?" Pendelton manage to talk formally.

"Because your family was the only reason why our family is destroyed! Our family loss everything! Money, resources and even the love! Yes! We just fucked each other!" She cried out her pain physically and emotionally.

"You're wrong Ms. Alice, Drain will not be in vein when I die or when you kill me. I'm not his brother Ms. Alice. I'm just his friend" I calmly stated, stepping aside all emotions that can make things worse.

"Why are you saying this?" She asks me

"I am saying this to you because even though you're in jail or something after this interrogation, I know that someone might help you to continue your purpose, to kill me. You're a murderer, believe it or not you'll suffer in jail not only because of your actions but also because of the case of your ancestors you choose to continue. Your one of them. Bloodlust on your bloodline. Those dates, 1720? 1820? 1920? 1948? I may not guarantee that you will talk about them but let me say this, 1948 is the year where your bloodline died. Everyone lives peacefully without thinking about the murders about anything. No worries, no pain and no suffering. 1901 is the year where your bloodline resurrects by you. Copper is the key to trigger your lust. Don't blame anyone for your family's misfortune. It is your bloodline who desires to kill for revenge. If you want to kill me then kill me but I can assure you that it is not a revenge for that Chase" I slowly said those details while pointing out to Knight Drain. They seem shock after hearing everything from me.

"Fuck you! You're a Chase! Stop manipulating me you, jackass!" she shouts out of disbelief

"Yes, I am Knight Lock Chase. I am a Chase yet I'm not. I'm just adopted, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't have Chase's bloodline." I simply stated and walks towards on the chesterfield.

Silence arouse occupying each one of us. Pendelton seems thinking about everything I said while Gray's anger seems to dissolve. Am I left them in shock? Not really.

"1720, 1820, 1920, 1948, 1901 how did you know about those dates?" She asks me one more time.

Seems she is interested on my knowledge now.

"I know it with the help of my Friend, Pendelton. He was too obsessed on cracking the case. Your parents give it to him. Or it was I who thinks that it is also part of a plan? The box should contains other stuff but suddenly someone mismatched everything and then boom! Giving us the hint about who you are?" I playfully said making everyone glance unto me.


"Really you doesn't know? It's nonsense playing dumb Ms. Alice?" I teasingly stated and playfully looked straightly in her eyes.

There is a silence to my soul; it was like I am fall leaves under frost. I feel the chill in my blood, coldness bringing the synapses of my brain to a standstill. Part of it is pain, yet one I can endure, one I can sleep through night after night without the anesthesia of false hope. I feel like a ghost in a world of paper dolls. I am the ghost in my own machine. I am a ghost running through time and space, looking, always looking in the blackness for a sacred spark.

And all this world becomes noise,

What I need will never come and no matter how much I seek I won't find it. I wasn't born for great things, nor to find my place in the sun. I could try every day, work for what I want and need, but there are no paths to success, not from here. People talk as if I dream my way out, simply discover a version of me that only sees the opportunities and ignores the noise, the distractions and the people who only say "no" because they don't believe in themselves, so how can they believe in me? So take away the well-meant words, the songs that don't help and the smiles that aren't real let's just call it despair, but something fake hurts more than anything.

I fake my feeling

I fake my emotions

And it hurts like hell.

"Alright the cops are here! Time for you to go in behind bars Alice Richardson" Drain said casually.

"Since when you know the truth?" Alice ask me one more time

"You'll die if I tell you, Alice"