
Urban Seduction: Housewives Club

(Warning: Harem, if you don't like it, please refrain! Boldly breaking taboo ethical norms, not letting go of any beautiful women encountered!) A young nobleman with a delicate constitution, pure and kind, has always been protected by everyone. However, after two months of military camp life, he began to change for the worse. With unbeatable power in his hands, he became lawless, targeting countless beautiful women in the city. In his eyes, every beautiful woman is like a delicate flower. He wants to gather these tender flowers around him, then extend his strong wings to shield them from any harm...

ShawnBee · 都市
339 Chs

Chapter 320: Catholicism and Protestantism

Ophelia smiled playfully at Meyer, whose pretty face showed a hint of pleading.

"Alright, I won't push you!" Ophelia finally relented out of sisterly affection, casting a sideways glance at Eric, who seemed oblivious, before changing the subject, "What is it that you need?"

Grateful for Ophelia's leniency, Meyer smiled but didn't dwell on it, getting straight to the point, "We need a new place to stay where we won't be disturbed. As a local, I'm sure you can help with that."

"No problem!" Ophelia replied without hesitation, "There are guest rooms at the church in Jelin's city center. You can stay there, and we can be together more easily. That's where I'm staying during my visit to Jelin..."

"Church?" Eric's brows furrowed slightly.

"What's wrong?" Perhaps due to Meyer's earlier jabs, Ophelia didn't use formal speech with Eric. She tilted her head slightly and asked in a friendly but not frivolous tone, "Is there a problem, Eric?"